The Plastic bags game originate from MULLAH Iran, via Doenme Turkey (2006)........and many idiots have been playing it since (3):

The mullah puppet bastards and dogs of Iran installed by the USA/UK/France/Israel do not like me, and have joined in the antics.
Puppet dogs who spend only 3% on defense whilst being threatened daily for at least 5 years ever since the Iraqi invasion with attacks by the USA/Israel.
Whilst in Turkey I advised them via IRNA to:
1. Not mobilize 20 million men and children in the event of WAR initiated by Israel/USA but concentrate on 1 million professionals. 700,000 army; 300,000 Revolutionary Guard; 50,000 airforce and 20,000 navy......fighting a highly decentralized, small unit based defensive war, whilst simultaneously using assets in Iraq and Afghanistan. That they should get away from the fixation with spectacular weapons systems like North Korean missiles, but instead invest in bread and butter weapons systems used by infantry, such as night vision equipment, Lt. SAMs, ATGWs, ......basic commando weapons for long term guerrilla warfare which is self sustaining for 10-20 years. 4 S--300 Batteries will have no impact on the war. That they should increase the defense budget from 3% of GDP to 10% at least.....North Korea's defense budget is 26% of GDP. Japans defense budget was 80% of GDP?? by 1945, but that significant percentage was reached gradually starting from 1931. In a time of war it is extremely difficult for a Third World nation to mobilize for war suddenly, as the essential industrial capital is destroyed by the enemy airforce. Finally Iran should not block the Straights of Hormuz which would invite the navies of the world to unblock it, under American leadership of course. The navies of India and China included. It is International waters.
2. To compromise on the Uranium enrichment issue. De-escalate the issue.
3. For the immediate unconditional release of 15 British servicemen captured in the Shat al Arab, near the Iranian border.
Such advice was unwelcome by many in Mullah Iran, and they retaliated with the "He's running off into the horizon with the bags" story. Just amazing how others accepted such a silly story, and ran with it.
Ahmedinejad is a covert Jew who thinks there may be wars in the Middle East soon. He with his mad rhetoric helps along this "great" process as a Jew baiting agent. There are Jews in Turkey especially within security, and there are Jews in Iran especially in security.....the Jew has existed in this part of the world for 2,500 years as Jews or as covert Jews. Ahmedinejad the Jew makes common cause with Chavez, which provokes the hapless USA giant even more. Holds Holocaust seminars which does NOT help the REAL NEEDS of Iran. And so on....and so on.
The mullahs duty to their foreign masters is to hinder and weaken Iran's true national defense.
As Humans we must uphold our dignity, and respect for ourselves. We must not play others peoples foolish games. The laptop game originates from Birmingham (1998) then onto Munich (2004/5) from where it went into two different directions(1) Laptop kid whose going to solve the problems of the world (only in my dreams, and dangerous if you are being set up as a savior of all global woes) (2) laptop thief as per Birmingham.....I had borrowed one from a friend as neither the family or me owned a computer at that time, and was using it to make a complicated application to train as a Barrister ORIGINALLY (BVC application, took several days to finish the application). The thought of me becoming an UK Barrister was unacceptable to some in Birmingham, and someone in Birmingham's security decided to invert/twist that honest endeavor. There on in a variety of tactics were used to hinder my studies in the field.
In such a "situation" originally set in Rothschild UK, such silly disconnected with reality games can occur.
Any Tom Dick and Ton Ton Makoot outfit can decide to play them, regardless of the reality.
The telephone game.......UK (1996)
The new King Cyrus has arrived.......UK (2003) designed to alarm and niggle the Islamic mullahs of Iran........but lets apply logic to this game/gossip designed to alarm. I was born in Bangladesh, and I am not Iranian; I don't speak the Iranian language...not a word; I am not Shia the national religion of Iran; I have no Iranian friends or acquaintances, NOT ONE; I don't have an organizational backing waiting in Iran so that if I enter the country I can ride on a chariot and declare myself as the new Shahenshah of Persia......and Finally and most fundamentally I am not doing anything which realistically will make me a major political player in Iran, OR ELSE WHERE. Despite these FACTS, we have these lies from the UK being peddled.
Ordinarily my opinions would have been ignored because lets face it, in this world any asshole can hold an opinion on any given subject. But because the UK State took the trouble of gossiping about me in a channeled manner, it obviously pricked the ears of the highly sensitive and illegitimate mullahs.......brought into power originally by the UK/USA/France/Israel.
Never let FACTS get in the way of a good story.
The internet game.......UK.(2005)