Its a peculiar type of skewered perverse arrogance which on the one hand will not accept the minuscule Indian aid offered for the recent flood victims, but does officially desire dialogue with India on all matters of regional bilateral coexistence. But surely this little gesture of hostility towards an act of generosity by India tells us enough....enough to state to us that there is little point in engaging with such a state.
Finally the Firingi Kafir master run by Jews orders Pakistan to accept the Indian aid, and Pakistan immediately complies......the indignity and stupidity of these Punjabi Harijans who run Pakistan.
The "Strategic depth" Harijan Punjab military is the main fault for all this mess. The mess of the economy. The mess of Zardari in power. The mess of terrorism which creates instability and a poor perception of the state. The mess of endless wars against its own people by the Pakistani military, and a by an alien power from the other side of the world.
In his dream for "Strategic Depth" The stupid Harijan military have forgotten all the other essentials of the state, and thus Pakistan in all matters is both a failed State and wholly neglected. The Harijan Punjab military failed to notice where the dream of "strategic Depth" originally came from.......Firingi Kafir USA. They never gave it a second thought why the USA would suggest such a fine idea to Pakistan. Just as India never wonders why the USA would wish to make India into the next "Superpower".
HOW CAN BOTH BE COMPATIBLE, IN INDIA AND PAKISTAN, BACKED BY THE USA? Harijans chasing after elusive unattainable dreams.
No Harijan led power has dominated Afghanistan. It was part of Ashoks empire, and the Mughals, but never dominated by Harijans from the Punjab. This historical fact will not change. Iran, Russia along with India will not allow the Taliban to gain ascendancy in Afghanistan, and they have far greater resources than Pakistan ever will. The Americans after 10 years of fighting are not interested in seeing the Taliban back into power in Afghanistan.......for them it would rightly be seen as a defeat. Morally and rationally the medieval Taliban should not be allowed back into power in Afghanistan, pulling the country bizarrely backwards.
The only country Pakistan can rely on supporting its "strategic depth" policy through the Taliban is the UK. But the UK is a country with limitations, who thus single handedly can't deliver a Taliban Afghanistan for Harijan Punjabis to Lord over.
And so the Harijan Punjabi military must force himself to be more realistic, after playing the imperial game for 2 decades, wasting billions of $. In the pursuit of elusive dreams the Harijan Punjabi military must not destroy Pakistan in the process.
The alliance with the USA is hurting Pakistan at many levels.
Abdul Qadir the barber in Sargodha, with no "Strategic Depth" knowledge can grasp this simple fact by applying simple village common sense, and by looking around him as a common everyday Pakistani.
Jewish America throws $10-15 billion at Pakistan, but the real cost to the country of participating in America's wars could be between $50--70 billion since 2001. This alliance with the USA is illogical. Pakistan has alternative options with China, and even India. Does not make sense for more and more military bases in Baluchistan and Sindh being handed over to the Americans....what for?
The Harijans in the Punjab military must find courage to stand up for their country and ultimately their military.
The old Iraqi military from 1921, and the old Afghan military from the Durranis of Ahmed Shah Abdali from 1750 do not exist anymore.......they are disintegrated. The Afghan military is a Tajik military now, and in Iraq it is a Shia military with very little effective power UNDER AMERICAN OCCUPATION.
In Pakistan, under American occupation there will be a Pashtun military linked to Afghanistan, a Baluch military, a Sindhi military and a rumb Punjabi military excluded from the other provinces........this is what the crystal ball says...the eventuality under the guidance of the Kafir, Jewish dominated USA.
The USA is in many respects a revolutionary power with no deference to history or TRADITION. It moulds the world according to its wishes and perception, as the sole hyper power....be it through a Jewish lens or otherwise. This is interesting and can be beneficial depending on your point of view. Cultivating Nasser and Saddam Hussein in the late 1940's and 1950's....and the mullahs of Iran in the 1950's.....Ho Chi Min in Vietnam from the 1940's......and Fidel Castro from the 1950's.......the Jewish Soviet Bolsheviks from 1917 in the former Imperial Russia.
I look at the Raj Punjab Police force (Pakistan military) with its British colonial heritage, and am certain it too will be "remoulded" by the Americans, but in the process they may well destroy the state of Pakistan created by the departing British Raj. The USA is not beholden to British Raj policy, it has its own perceptions. But the irony lies in the fact that it is the Pakistan military which is assisting in the destruction of their own country, pure and simple.

Who Really Controls Shahbaz Air Base?(Question: who controls Pakistan?....the Pakistan military)
From therearenosunglasses.com
- Both US And PAF Are Responsible For Flood Relief Hurdles
- Aid workers confirm they can’t reach half a million victims due to a US-related security cordon
- Jacobabad cut off from the rest of the country
Pakistan Air Force arranged a hurriedly organized media tour yesterday to prove that the base is not under US control. But this does not appear to be the whole truth. Over the past eight years, PAF offered and withdrew different types of facilities to US military at the base. The Americans used the base mostly for logistical purposes and not to stage direct attacks against targets in Afghanistan or inside Pakistan’s northwestern region. But there were times when the number of US personnel at the base crossed 200, including special-forces operatives. According GlobalSecurity.org, Pakistani newspaper Daily Times claimed on 10 March 2004 that the airbase was under US control, “with an inner ring of facilities off-limits to Pakistan’s military,” according to the paper. But in August 2010, there is credible information that new special residential barracks for US personnel have been constructed. Unfortunately, Pakistan has accepted to house US personnel who will ensure the country’s doesn’t ‘misuse’ the new F-16s. So despite PAF’s – and US Embassy’s – sharp reaction, it is clear there is some merit to the statement of Federal Health Secretary Kamran Lashari that US presence at the base is preventing using the base for flood relief operations. Another related issue is the level of Pakistani involvement in CIA drone attacks inside Pakistan that have killed a huge number of innocent Pakistanis and turned Pakistani citizens against their country. [PakNationalists.com]
By: Kaswar Klasra | Published: August 20, 2010
The Nation.
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan–The floods have not only shown the ineptitude of the Pakistan government but also the confusion that prevails within government institutions.
(No it is not civilian ineptitude. The Pakistan military is the ultimate controller of this situation. The civilians don't have the power or the authority to challenge this, so the federal minister resorted to the only avenue he could think of to expose this.......he revealed the truth to the public)
On Wednesday the Federal Health Secretary informed a Senate Panel that Jacobabad air base was under the US control so health relief operations could not be provided.
On Thursday, the PAF through APP issued a strange press release stating that “certain sections of the print and electronic media have wrongly reported that the PAF Base Shahbaz (Jacobabad) is under the control of the US. This has been spread by uninformed people”. So was the PAF referring to Federal Health Secretary Khushnood Lashari as “uninformed? After all, it was he who gave out the information about the Base being under the US control and to a Senate Panel.
(Exactly.....clear case in point )
While the PAF stated that Shahbaz Base was under complete command and control of the PAF and was being used extensively for providing relief and medical care to the affected people of the area, the US embassy had already issued another interesting response to the Khshnood Lashari’s claim. On Thursday, the US press note issued from Embassy of US in Islamabad stated that Shahbaz Air Base in Jacobabad is a Pakistan Air Force Base and is commanded and operated by PAF forces. The base is home to Pakistan’s newest F-16 Block 52s, which arrived this summer. PAF personnel maintain high security standards there to ensure that the technologically advanced aircraft can be securely maintained and operated from the base. On August 18, at the request of the Pakistan government, US Air Force C-130 aircraft flew to Shahbaz Air Base from the Pakistan Air Force Base in Rawalpindi bringing urgently needed relief supplies for Jacobabad.
What was left unsaid was that it was the PAF that was denying all manner of access to the airbase because of the presence of US personnel who had come along with the Block 52 F-16s, which were delivered at this base and had US conditions attached to the delivery of the planes, including the presence of US personnel to “keep an eye” on how the planes were used by the PAF. While the PAF was responsible for the security of the base, it was the pressure from the US on security grounds that was preventing access to the base-even for Pakistanis who had been involved in carrying out building work at Shahbaz.
So, it appears that both the US military and the PAF together are responsible for the relief work hurdles as news from the ground shows that the hurdles are very much there. Hopes are fading away to provide food and clean drinking water to 500,000 to 700,000 people who have been displaced from Jacobabad, Thul, Kandhkot, Kashmore Ghouspur and Karumpur (currently camping in Dera Allah Yar) as Jacobabad was still no-go area for choppers or C-130 due to security concerns to the American personnel deployed at the Jacobabad air base, well-informed sources told TheNation on Thursday. Organisers of national and international NGOs told TheNation on condition of anonymity, when contacted on telephone, that they could not reach Jacobabad to provide food and drinking water to as many as 500,000 to 700,000 flood victims due to strict security conditions adopted for Shahbaz Air Base. Although Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman has ordered PAF to form an air bridge of relief supply for Jacobabad which has been cut off from the rest of the country and make operational an airfield near Sibi for immediate supply of relief goods to flood-hit areas in the vicinity, however, Jacobabad is still the only location in Pakistan where rescue choppers of PAF have no access to carry out relief operations.
The sources told this scribe that foreign health teams could not start their relief operations in remote areas because there are not airstrips close to several areas, including Jacobabad.
The town has been evacuated and 500,000 to 700,000 people have been affected. The people displaced from Jacobabad, Thul, Kandhkot, Kashmore, Ghouspur and Karumpur are camping in Dera Allah Yar.
Earlier, it was reported that Shahbaz Air Base was under control of American personnel who were guarding the air base while monitoring the operations of F-16s against militants and extremists in FATA and Waziristan. As one seeks to discover the reality on the ground, the flood-stricken people of this devastated area of Sindh continue to suffer.