This indeed is good news if the USA which bankrolls the ISI, and works very closely with it has finally managed to persuade the most important policy making establishment within the Pakistan military that domestic Sunni Islamic fundies pose the greatest threat to the viability of the country and not India.
This is logical, self evident and what I have been arguing in a away. The 4000---10,000 Pakistanis that have died since 2001 through domestic terror ops were nothing to do with India, but the result of blow back when Pakistan from the 1970's started training upwards of 500,000 Pakistanis and Afghans for holy war in the neighborhood. It must have sounded clever then for a nation in the habit of using proxy armies in Kashmir from 1948, to 1965 and in East Pakistan in 1971, but now the chickens have come home to roost as the cliche goes, and the Pakistani military have finally come to terms with this reality, or have been made to comes to terms with the reality through America.
Most Third World nations which fancy themselves as powers have proxy forces. India also runs some small proxy armies, but the thing with such entities is that they should always be small and manageable. Brought out of the pocket when needed, and put back in when not. Training by Pakistani state entities upwards of 500,000 Sunni Islamic fundies for over 30 years who in turn pass on their skills to many others (1,500,000-2,000,000) are by no stretch of the imagination manageable forces. These people ranked mostly by illiterate desperado zealots...often guided by retired generals with an agenda must inevitably clash with state interests and or with themselves given their myraid policy positions.
There is absolutely no question that the 300 odd terrorists incidents in Pakistan since 2001 were ALL carried out by Pakistan state entities using proxy armies, but the issue is to what extent the Washington trained Kiyani and Suja Pasha guided and were involved with such incidents....AND to what extent the USA is also responsible in its quest to weaken Pakistan for Israel, in order to secure its nukes for Israel.
We know for a fact that the Pakistan military set up the Swat Taliban, which they then were subsequently forced to confront and remove in 2009 by Washington. It is a known fact that Pakistan runs the Afghan Taliban, LeT, and HuJi.
It would be a wonderful brief thought if one was to believe that Pakistani "Intelligence" had finally made the strategic leap in accepting that mad Sunni Islamic fundies are a risky tool to use/rely on when implementing delicate state strategic policies which are further funded to the tune of billions of $ by the state and its allies, only to come up short because of the obvious short comings of the mad Sunni Islamic allies make such strategic state policies unworkable.

Would it have been the end of the world if Abdul Haq led Pakistani interests in Afghanistan; in many respects a balanced rational man, whose family may have been killed by the ISI, and who was probably eventually betrayed by the same ISI when he tried to fight the Pakistan backed Taliban just after the American invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.
Instead they went for the one-eyed religious teacher, Mulla Omer who would bring infamy and shame to Afghanistan and Pakistan, and failure. Perhaps one should not be to harsh on the ISI, which after all is a slave entity funded by the USA. That would explain why such faggotty adolescent games were played in relying on such an unique individual with such unique traits.
And we wonder why Pakistan is failed state number das
Perhaps Kuda has expressed his displeasure during Ramadan against this failed state. May Kuda fail it even more, until the vile slaves within the country are run out, just like many of its former leaders to the West.
This latest ISI intelligence assessment is mere pronouncement written by GOD knows who. In order for it to be credible....Pakistan there after needs to take clear steps, led by the all powerful military in showing that it is sincere in reigning in its Sunni Islamic terror outfits, and making a clear concerted effort, approved by the Pakistani military, in building more positive relations with India.
Otherwise its mere words.
This is logical, self evident and what I have been arguing in a away. The 4000---10,000 Pakistanis that have died since 2001 through domestic terror ops were nothing to do with India, but the result of blow back when Pakistan from the 1970's started training upwards of 500,000 Pakistanis and Afghans for holy war in the neighborhood. It must have sounded clever then for a nation in the habit of using proxy armies in Kashmir from 1948, to 1965 and in East Pakistan in 1971, but now the chickens have come home to roost as the cliche goes, and the Pakistani military have finally come to terms with this reality, or have been made to comes to terms with the reality through America.
Most Third World nations which fancy themselves as powers have proxy forces. India also runs some small proxy armies, but the thing with such entities is that they should always be small and manageable. Brought out of the pocket when needed, and put back in when not. Training by Pakistani state entities upwards of 500,000 Sunni Islamic fundies for over 30 years who in turn pass on their skills to many others (1,500,000-2,000,000) are by no stretch of the imagination manageable forces. These people ranked mostly by illiterate desperado zealots...often guided by retired generals with an agenda must inevitably clash with state interests and or with themselves given their myraid policy positions.
There is absolutely no question that the 300 odd terrorists incidents in Pakistan since 2001 were ALL carried out by Pakistan state entities using proxy armies, but the issue is to what extent the Washington trained Kiyani and Suja Pasha guided and were involved with such incidents....AND to what extent the USA is also responsible in its quest to weaken Pakistan for Israel, in order to secure its nukes for Israel.
We know for a fact that the Pakistan military set up the Swat Taliban, which they then were subsequently forced to confront and remove in 2009 by Washington. It is a known fact that Pakistan runs the Afghan Taliban, LeT, and HuJi.
It would be a wonderful brief thought if one was to believe that Pakistani "Intelligence" had finally made the strategic leap in accepting that mad Sunni Islamic fundies are a risky tool to use/rely on when implementing delicate state strategic policies which are further funded to the tune of billions of $ by the state and its allies, only to come up short because of the obvious short comings of the mad Sunni Islamic allies make such strategic state policies unworkable.

Would it have been the end of the world if Abdul Haq led Pakistani interests in Afghanistan; in many respects a balanced rational man, whose family may have been killed by the ISI, and who was probably eventually betrayed by the same ISI when he tried to fight the Pakistan backed Taliban just after the American invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.
Instead they went for the one-eyed religious teacher, Mulla Omer who would bring infamy and shame to Afghanistan and Pakistan, and failure. Perhaps one should not be to harsh on the ISI, which after all is a slave entity funded by the USA. That would explain why such faggotty adolescent games were played in relying on such an unique individual with such unique traits.
And we wonder why Pakistan is failed state number das
Perhaps Kuda has expressed his displeasure during Ramadan against this failed state. May Kuda fail it even more, until the vile slaves within the country are run out, just like many of its former leaders to the West.
This latest ISI intelligence assessment is mere pronouncement written by GOD knows who. In order for it to be credible....Pakistan there after needs to take clear steps, led by the all powerful military in showing that it is sincere in reigning in its Sunni Islamic terror outfits, and making a clear concerted effort, approved by the Pakistani military, in building more positive relations with India.
Otherwise its mere words.
ISI sees Islamist militants, not India, as main threat to Pak
Press Trust of India via TOI.
Shedding its India-centric phobia, Pakistan's main spy agency ISI has in its new threat assessment determined that Islamist militants, and not India pose the main threat to Pakistan.
In a recent internal assessment of security, the Inter-Services Intelligence, Pakistan's most powerful military spy service has determined for the first time in 63 years that it expects a majority of threats to come from Islamist militants, Wall Street Journal reported quoting a senior ISI officer.
The assessment, WSJ said, a regular review of national security allocated a two-thirds likelihood of a major threat to Pakistan coming from militants rather from India or elsewhere.
"It's earth shattering. That's a remarkable change," Bruce Hoffman, a counter terrorism specialist and professor at Georgetown University was quoted as saying.
"It's yet another ratcheting up of the Pakistanis' recognition of not only their own internal problems but cooperation in the war on terrorism," he said.
The paper said it was unclear whether the assessment of the ISI, largely staffed by active military officers, was fully endorsed by Pakistan's military and civilian government.
"The report's impact on troop positioning and Pakistan's war against militants remains to be seen," the daily said.
The assessment reflects the thinking in the mainstream of the ISI, The Wall Street Journal said.
"But US officials worry that elements of Pakistan's military establishment, which they say includes retired ISI officers, continue to lend support to militants that shelter in Pakistan's tribal regions, an effort these people say is aimed at building influence in Afghanistan once the US pulls out," it said.
The paper quoted Major Gen Athar Abbas, the chief Pakistan military spokesman, as saying he hadn't seen the ISI report.
He said India remained a threat but confirmed that it is the ISI's role to draw up security assessments, the daily said.
While the jostling for influence in Afghanistan between India and Pakistan isn't likely to diminish, WSJ said, the ISI assessment could push Islamabad into taking stronger action against Pakistani and Afghani militants operating from its porous mountainous travel region. The paper claimed that US has been playing behind-the- scene role to dial down tensions between the two nations as Washington wants Pakistan to redeploy more troops from its eastern frontier with India and send them to Pakistan's western border region.
The paper said India believes that ISI retains its ties with the Lashkar-e-Taiba, which New Delhi blames for carrying out the Mumbai attacks.
But the paper quoted Gen Athar Abbas as saying that Pakistan plans to mount a campaign against the Haqqani network in North Waziristan.
But the operation has been delayed as the Pakistan's Taliban have recently staged a comeback in other tribal areas that the military had earlier secured.