I have gradually come to the conclusion that the Mosque at ground zero should not be built.
Had it been a modest building, as many mosques are in Western countries, often looking like the buildings surrounding them.......and it had been accepted quietly, graciously and humbly by most cosmopolitan New Yorkers...........of whom 65--75% are non-white with many religions, or no religion, without raising an eyebrow with antics. Then I would have felt that time and emotions had moved on since 9/11, and the little innocuous mosque near ground zero was a healing symbol of that passage of time. Great, wonderful and isn't it cool and sophisticated.
But then one hears on the real alternative news network that the mosque will be an expensive expansive structure, with full Middle Eastern decor and symbolism smack bang in the Middle of Joo York, NEAR GROUND ZERO, where 19 Ay-rabs did the dirtiest deed on American soiled, allegedly according to the Jews.
Then in that case the Mosque patently becomes a dangerous symbolic provocation.
Now I know a thing or two about provocation since I have been at the receiving end of it since 1986 from the UK, and the various dogs whom they have indoctrinated into playing such games in various countries. Provocation is psychological warfare, and dangerous.......it has implications, and for most mere mortals it can push perfectly ordinary people over the edge into irrationality. We have seen this in the USA over the Mosque issue, which of course was what was expected and dare I say calculated.

"How can Arabs build a Mosque in a place where their people just killed 3000 Americans?" .
Ordinary Americans may well ask.
Simple reasonable statement.
This will increase anti-Muslim sentiments, of course and crypto-Jews like Keith Obermann and his Jewish liberal ilk will cheer on the building of the Mosque.
Jews, and the Jewish Mafia ultimately decide what can be built in Joo York or not, especially in a prime site as Ground Zero. Abdul Hajji with a bag full of petro-Dollars doesn't simply come into New York, and buy prime real estate. Jews dominate the NY real estate business.
So why does the peace loving, shy, GOD fearing, humble, poor Jew seek yet more provocation? Your guess is good as mine:
1) Israel's been getting a lot of bad press recently. For good reasons.
2) Jews the world over have been getting a lot of bad press.
3) Ordinary Americans are tired of endless wars for Israel.
4) Many Jews in American are building $30--100 million dollar mansions with their Afghan heroin money.......some God fearing honest Americans are asking questions about this open Jew criminality.
5) Many God fearing Americans don't like their country being associated with mass murder, torture, rape and all else.......and therefore are tentatively raising objections in a variety of very human ways. The ultra---paranoid schizoid sensitive Jew is very aware of this, and thus the Ground Zero Mosque is his particular offering of why the non-Jew in America must continue to fight the good noble fight......."The Muslim Hoards are at our very gates".
6) Many Americans are seriously questioning who exactly carried out 9/11.
7) Many Americans are questioning who exactly is responsible for America's economic mess.
8) Many Americans are questioning why the country is being flooded by illiterate, unskilled Third World labor, who undercut the comfortable lifestyle of most Americans.
These are deep, serious legitimate questions, because they have deep serious implications in the short, medium and long term for the average non-Jewish American. Thus to these serious issues the Jew offers the circus of the "Mosque in Ground Zero"....it is a pure Jewish vaudeville.
Purportedly the Imam of the Mosque who will lead the prayers in full Islamic regalia is a member of the CFR Zionist Globalist organization. I do not know how truthful this is. What is next? Will we find that the funding for the Ground Zero Mosque came from the vast Bin Ladin Family who have made huge profits from the construction business, and have multiple linkages with Americans of prominence?

Ground Zero Mosque Imam Is Globalist Stooge
CFR member receives financial backing from who’s who of global corporate elite
Steve Watson of Infowars via poorrichards blog.
The Imam of the now infamous “ground zero mosque” is a member of the ultra elitist Council On Foreign Relations and receives financial backing from powerful globalist sources including the Rockefellers, the Carnegie Corporation and the Ford Foundation.
This information provides a compelling backdrop to the theory that the move to establish the mosque is a deliberate attempt to further stoke religious tensions and divert attention away from the real enemy of free humanity, the corporate globalist elite who continue to profit from global war and division. (International Jews)
The proposed mosque, to be known as Cordoba House is the project of the Cordoba Initiative, an organisation founded by ‘Imam’ Feisal Abdul Rauf, who, in addition to being a member of the World Economic Forum’s Council of 100, is an active member of the Council on Foreign Relations’ Religious Advisory Committee. The Cordoba Initiative’s website cites “Christian support for the Cordoba House” in the form of Christian publication, “Sojourners”, which is owned by evangelical Christian writer and political activist Jim Wallis, also coincidentally a sitting member of the CFR’s Religious Advisory Committee.
The CFR, as regular readers know, is populated exclusively by major players with the biggest corporations, banks and defence contractors in the world – all of whom are making vast profits and securing more power from continued global conflict.
The CFR also exerts far reaching influence over the U.S. government.
Tony Cartalucci at landdestroyer blog breaks down the fact that every single leading player in both the neocon infested Bush administration and the “change” gang under Barrack Obama is a CFR luminary.
Cartalucci also provides further stunning research relating to Cordoba House and its CFR Imam, which breaks down as follows. Feisal Abdul Rauf also heads up the American Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA) which enjoys a partnership with the Cordoba Initiative and provided $100 million to secure the site close to ground zero for the mosque to be built.
That $100 million came directly from the back pockets of ASMA’s financial backers. According to ASMA’s website they include the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers, Rockefeller Philanthropy, and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund – essentially the tip of the pyramid of the international globalist elite.

This of course is not an Islamic symbol by any means that Ahmedinejad with Bush is sharing, but a sign of Jewish global power, and a sign of the devil.