Apr 14, 2022






THE rumour is that the USA EMPIRE controls the UKRAINE ARMED FORCES.

THE USA MILITARY using satellite imagery, HUMMIT and 20,000 NATO VOLUNTEERS controls and directs the UKRAINE MILITARY.

This propaganda video, tells us what the USA MILITARY command fear could happen in Russia as it fights the war.

'Russian human rights activists say that Russian servicemen and national guardsmen refused to go to the war. After a series of military defeats, the Russian army is demoralized. According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Russian Federation had started a new wave of mobilization to recruit about 150,000 more people to fight in Ukraine' (Ukraine news). (THIS NOT ENOUGH. IT NEEDS TO BE 10 TIMES MORE)

In all events 180,000 Russian soldiers CAN NOT DEFEAT an AMERICAN run Ukraine military of 500,000-1,000,000     ' peoples' army'     WITH ADDITIONAL NATO personnel, which is constantly being supplied from the Western Ukie border.

Not even with my Harry Potter magic, and best wushes.

Russia has secured 20% of UKRAINE, and maybe it can secure 30% of the country, but the story of the struggle with NATO/American empire won't stop there......and where and when the Kremlin states it has reached its objectives.

The Ukraine controlled by the American military is not fighting Russia's war.