Apr 2, 2022

Comedian actor Zelensky brought into power by the Israeli MAFIA does not control the NAZIS in Ukraine.





Zelensky can promise to meet President Putin for PEACE agreements in Donmei Turkey.

Zelensky can promise to meet President Putin for PEACE agreements in ISRAEL.

It might not be safe, and it would be a betrayal for those of us who have sacrificed already for RUSSIA.


But still, let us continue with this HOPE.

Zelensky can promise that UKRAINE will never join NATO.

Zelensky can promise that UKRAINE will never acquire NUKE WEAPONS (That which triggered the 'Special security operation')

Zelensky can promise that Ukraine will not produce biological/chemical weapons aimed at Russia, with 750,000 COVID-19 deaths in 2 years and counting, at the behest of the USA/PENTAGON/DARPA Deep state of the USA Empire.

Zelensky can promise that Eastern Ukraine and Crimea can be part of historic 1,000-year-old Russia, pre-1922 and Comrade Lenin's folly.

Zelensky can promise that there will not be any further genocide of RUSSIANS IN UKRAINE.

No further Nazi language of extermination and genocide of Russians in Ukraine, and Russia.

AND SERGEI LAVROV a humane kind soul may wish to believe Zelensky and his promises and may wish to negotiate with Zelensky and his Israeli Kleptocracy for PR purposes.

The peace agreements signed on paper may seem reassuring for those of us including me who seek peace so that we ALL can live normal productive lives enjoying our DACHA and Yachts.

Trophy girlfriends, the best most expensive delicious French cuisine and the finest German cars.

But alas goodwill, kindness, concessions and gestures of peace are not always reciprocated because the other side exists in a parallel universe with its own set of values, LOGIC, objectives and agenda's that can NEVER meaningfully connect with and COMPROMISE with your set of needs and requirements (even basic requirements). No empathy, and no real understanding beyond fake superficial platitudes.

Dr. Anthony 'dwarf-Jew face-Wap' Fauci with HIS $431,000 government salary, and $billions from the government and Globalists, will continue appearing on the screen every second and minute with his glib face and UTTER FAILURE.....40 years career for the Pentagon/DARPA.  958,000 Americans dead, and 750,000 Russians dead in 2 years.


A forefinger to America GLOBALIST front actor paid the highest salary in American government for 40 years, with no review. HIGHER than the President, and all senators. Deep State clown Globalist Fauci....smirking and winking his way into genocide.......and like a psychopath relishing every minute of his pedestal.

This is what a real head of US research should LOOK like, BEHAVE LIKE, talk like. 

and so in a gesture of goodwill Russia withdraws some troops around Kyiv (for whatever reason) but it's a real gesture of goodwill.

For the NAZIS on their messianic mission, this is unacceptable.

There is nothing further to talk about. Face up to the reality. So, we prepare for the long hard struggle ahead of us against that which was planned by them for years.

12,000,000 men and women mobilised
12,000 tanks
15,000 fighter planes

Rothschild Churchill wanted to attack Russia with American nukes, but Roosevelt said no.

26,000,000 men and women mobilisable
65,000 tanks
70,000 armoured vehicles
9,000 jet fighter planes

The SOVIET UNION Collapsed artificially through hasty 'REFORMS' BY 'PIZZA' GORBACHOV WORKING WITH THE all-powerful KGB and the inner circle of the KGB which was ZIONIST/JEW. the Soviet UNION was no longer needed, after the creation of ISRAEL. If anything the Soviet UNION WAS SEEN AS A hindrance challenge to Israel for its weapons support to Arab states.

What is the SYMBOLIC meaning of Pizza? Pizza is Italy, and Rome, CATHOLIC ROME has been in an 1100 year struggle with Orthodox RUSSIA, via Poland and Germany. AND now the American Empire. 

Globalists use symbolism in everything they do.

symbolism of colour
symbolism in numbers
symbolism in clothes
the symbolism of handshakes

it is their way of showing their total obedience to their real hidden masters.

We see that Great North Korea under Comrade Kim Jong Un is a great military power that is a threat to the USA.

Its PPP GDP is 1% of that of Russia.
Its PPP GDP is 1% of that of Russia.
Its PPP GDP is 1% of that of Russia.
Its PPP GDP is 1% of that of Russia.

But for 72 years this little state of 22 million has survived standing tall
1,200,000 men and women in the people's army.

26% of GDP on defence.

The Korean People's Army operates a very large amount of equipment, including 4,100 tanks, 2,100 APCs, 8,500 field artillery pieces, 5,100 multiple rocket launchers,[49] 11,000 air defence guns and some 10,000 MANPADS and anti-tank guided missiles[62] in the Ground force; about 500 vessels in the Navy[49] and 730 combat aircraft in the Air Force,[49] of which 478 are fighters and 180 are bombers.[63] North Korea also has the largest special forces in the world, as well as the largest submarine fleet.[64] The equipment is a mixture of World War II vintage vehicles and small arms, widely proliferated Cold War technology, and more modern Soviet or locally produced weapons.

It is all about the intentions of the leadership.

RUSSIA spends 3.6% of GDP on defense 2021-2022.

RUSSIA spends a lot of money on private luxury yachts, luxury foreign cars, luxury dacha, luxury watches, luxury clothes, luxury private holidays, luxury foreign schools, luxury shoes....

This is what Russia should be working up to in the post Ukraine scenario:

10-11% expenditure on defense (war economy if you will)

2,050,000 standing military
1,400,000 army
   500,000 airforce
   150,000 navy

4,000,000 active reserve


2,000,000 Russian Ukrainian militia (The most motivated fighting unit) men and women 15-65.

300,000    Chechens and Caucasus militia

300,000    Cossacks

200,000   Private contractors from Africa, Arab and Russian (FSB)

100,000  Spetznaz

144,000 VDV paratroopers.