Mar 21, 2022

Desperation on the cusp of OUT RIGHT DEFEAT.





You will note that in Russia there is relatively free media.

As a Russian, living in Russia you can't say that the Russian security forces are mass murderers, and killers of old women. You need to show proof, and not rely on hyperbole and opinion.

A few days ago a CIA woman in state TV protested and said no to war (Feminism is the go-to thing for GLOBALISTS). She wasn't fired from the state TV but has since resigned.

The CIA/STATE DEPARTMENT are deeply embedded in Russian society ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, and the USA Empire became the shining beacon of hope and light for the post-Communist generation, and the USA the favourite foreign destination for RUSSIANS.

Russia's economic model is from the USA, handcrafted by the CIA/STATE DEPARTMENT and Larry Summers.

Russia's CONSTITUTION is from the USA,  handcrafted by the CIA/STATE DEPARTMENT and Larry Summers.

These will have to change.

Some anti-war protestors have been arrested, but they will be released soon, without charge, without ANY harm and very soon. Stalin is long gone.

HOWEVER, in Ukraine, we seem to be having a BJP INDIA style fascist state in the making, sponsored by Israel, CIA and Jacob. The BJP fired a missile into Pakistan ILLEGALLY with no apology, presumably to celebrate the fireworks of recent election gains (I see BJP... AND the destabilisation of the Insaaf Party.  The BJP promised to take back POK Pakistan administered Kashmir by 2024, in time for the next round of 'elections'. If that is not Pak baiting I don't know what is.

ISRAEL to BJP--you is on the right track for running India as a one-party dictatorship.

Jolly Jolly guuuud. Goodness gracious me!


Zelensky Bans Political Opposition, Nationalizes Media to Create ‘Unified’ Information

by Kyle Anzalone Posted onat

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky banned 11 opposition political parties and nationalized media. Any activities supporting the parties labeled "pro-Russian" are now illegal.

Axios reports the list of parties now banned include: Platform For Life, Shariy Party, Nashi, Opposition Bloc, Left Opposition, Union of Left Forces, State, Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, Socialist Party of Ukraine, Socialists Party, and Volodymyr Saldo Bloc.

Platform for Life is Ukraine’s largest opposition party and currently holds 44 seats in parliament. Last year, The party’s leader, Viktor Medvedchuk, was accused of treason and placed under house arrest.

Another targeted party, Nashi, is led by Yevhen Murayev. The UK previously accused Murayev of working with Moscow to overthrow the Ukrainian government. However, Murayev was sanctioned by Russia in 2018.

Ukraine’s Russian minority has faced increased discrimination since the 2014 coup. The opposition parties largely represent the 17% of the Ukrainian people who are ethnic Russians. Language and cultural laws have targeted Russian movies, including one starring Zelensky.

The new presidential order is a part of Zelensky’s effort to create a unified political narrative in Ukraine. He has announced an information policy that combines "all national TV channels…[into] a single information platform of strategic communication.”


Kyle Anzalone is the opinion editor of, news editor of the Libertarian Institute, and co-host of Conflicts of Interest.