Sep 3, 2022

Rzeczpospolita Polska wants $1.3 TRILLION from Germany as war reparations.





The Jews correctly have been given reparations, and even into 2022 and forever by the GLOBALIST OCCUPIED German state. 

This has included non-reparation material to victims, such as WAR-making capabilities to the state of Israel, so that they can kill lots of poor brown people in the MIDDLE East.

Nuke-capable Dolphin-class submarines, the new meaning in forever reparations from Germany, including use against Aryan Iran

but nothing for Poland. The Globalist bankers don't care about Poland. The German-occupied state says they already paid Poland some compensation already....and the Globalist Bolshevik government in power in Poland at the time accepted it.

Poland is a great nation that spiritually celebrated its SARMATIAN IRANIC PAST. of the Noth West Iranic tribes, 

Ancient Ukraine 2,000 years ago before the 'First Great migration'. Mainly Iranian tribes, and some Germans to the North West. A Microcosm of what Russia looked like at the same time.

Alans    Roxolani
Iazyges    Ossetians
Jasz people
Hamaxobii (possibly)
Taifals (possibly)

The Iranian tribes meshed and mingled with the Germanic tribes up to 400 AD, and the first great migration out of the steppe (stampede) was caused by the Altaic Huns, who in turn were pushed out by the Chinese Empire.

Ethnically, and genetically Poles are close to the Germans even if their language is Slavic.

However, the banker experiment of Nazi Germany (1933-1945) created a strange peculiar extremist racist regime in Berlin, run by some very inadequate men of LOW QUALITY and stature, barely literate but well organised and funded by the bankers. 

Normal Germans (99%) would not accept Globalist Banker Nazism, and the death directly and indirectly of 80 million people in a forever war to conquer the world.. 'SATANIC BLOOD SCARIFICE' the dregs of society, social outcasts crypto-Jews were chosen mostly. Maybe not Goering. Self-hating Jews who loved Germany in a special way.

This BANKER  THEORY stated that Poles and SLAVS, in general, were sub-human, and were either going to be used as slaves or genocided. (Some Poles have Iranian lineage  IRANIAN = ARYAN)

Under Nazi occupation 1939-45 the country was destroyed.

Under Nazi occupation 1939-45 the country lost 20% of its population, akin to the losses of the Soviet Union.

Under Nazi occupation, most of the worst concentration labour camps were built in occupied Poland.

So yes, Germany should pay Poland reparations, even as it prepares to build the biggest military machine in Europe at $110 BILLION, additional spending (German WWII neighbours take note).

Of course, we can disagree with Polish government policy in other areas.

Poland's support of Ukraine has historical roots that date back 500 years and more.

Something about the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

However, in Ukraine CURRENTLY, the only party allowed to operate is the Nazi Party, as all other parties have been banned in the 'Ukrainian Democracy.'

Stephan Bandera and fascist Ukrainian nationalists under the aegis of the occupying Germans ethnically cleansed Polish speakers, in some terrible massacres of 50,000-100,000. The same supporters of Bandera are in power in Kyiv, as the Polish intelligence will confirm.

In light of Poland's experience during WWII, and the request for reparations from Germany should it not pause and think about its unqualified support for Zelensky's Ukraine?

Bobby(Anglicised 1st name) Sokolowski is my school acquaintance/friend from Poland.