Sep 11, 2022

Inferiority Complex and GOP light (Mini me)





What is preventing the DNC from being a great national party, by the people for the people is its weakness to succumb to right-wing fascist politics, albeit couched in civilised plummy New England language.

Its not American it is GLOBALIST.

The DNC is a great Party with great traditions, deeply rooted in the South producing great leaders with significant policies in the past.

FDR 1933-1945  New Deal, rejuvenate the economy towards full employment; Defeat Banker Nazi Germany, Italy and Japan. By 1945 the USA is the master of the universe, representing 50% of Global GDP. The UN is created, and Churchill is forced to relinquish India during WW2.

Truman 1945-1953

JFK 1960-1963  cut short by the Deep State, for preventing Nuclear Armageddon and criticising not supporting follow-on actions in the Bay of Pigs.

LBJ 1963-1968  The Great Society and social welfare expanded the middle class, uplifting Americans from poverty. It is in the 1960's that America sees a massive increase in the Middle Class. from 20% to almost 60%.

Great WASP MEN! 

The downhill began with Saint Jimmy Carter, the Peanut farmer ex-Naval Intelligence Christian evangelical.

Appointed by the Rothschilds of London to propagate 'The Arc of Crisis' and CIA ISLAM. 

In the greater Middle East, and Iran and Afghanistan in particular. In many cases getting rid of loyal American CIA-run puppet states.

With conflict, loss and humiliation for the USA.

and deviant CELTISM of Jacob Rothschilds. The noble Celt proves his manhood through spunky badass illegality/criminality. Whilst Celts may have been important during the American Revolution, they now only represent about 10-15% of America's population, but why conflate this race with GLOBALIST crimes?

How dumb and trans-Atlantic can you get?

Good movie from the Farrelly brothers. A metaphor of America in the 1990s, and we are now in 2022.

From this Jungian inferiority complex, the New Democrats were born in the 1990s under the Clintons. The need to shift the party to the right, and make it sound as GOP as possible.

The New Democrats would outdo the fascists in moving America to the right.

The COLD WAR against Communism and the Soviet Union is a victory of the GOP Reagan/Bush 3-term Presidency. The assumption of the DNC, with Neo-liberal economics.

Traditional DNC values have no place at the end of the 20th century.

The assumed cause of America's 'decline' were the ethnic people, so they had to be punished for the NEW 'crime waves'. A replay of Nixon's 1960's Silent majority reeling from Inner City crime, reinforced by the TV programs of the 1970's and 1980's.....and the Jewish MSM. No such phenomenon existed, save for normal crime cycles that all societies face over many decades (High and low--no logical explanation sociologically).

The Democrats under Biden introduce a crime Bill in 1994, which is very harsh against working class crime. Focused on the working class.

The prison population massively expands from 600,000 to 2,300,000. The American Gulag, where working-class Americans work for nothing in prison sweatshops. 'EthNics' are disproportionately represented. In the DNC there is no reflection or contrition from this War Crime against ordinary Americans, after almost 30 years of the Fascist experiment.

Pull up the ladder JOSEPH, I'm doin fine.

This DNC craving to please the elite, the 1%.

Then take the IRAN Nuclear deal. JCPOA.

It is rigorously negotiated by a team of GLOBALIST JEWS, squeezing everything out of the CIA donkey puppet mullahs. It is also agreed by 5 other significant world powers. A safe way to control and monitor the CIA mullah civilian nuclear program (initiated by the late Shah at the behest of Henry Kissinger in 1974), without keeping them on the Edge indefinitely........WHICH can invite suspicion, UNFOUNDED SPECULATION and miscalculation and conflict. 

Better to agree on such things through normal negotiation and diplomacy, rather than Ouija board Crisis Management.

Soros puppet Trump comes to power, and without consulting allies cancels it for LIKUD ISRAEL. Netanyahu is Kushners GODFATHER, and Trump for Israel does a family favour.

As if this is not enough Trump initiates false flags in the Persian Gulf using Drones to entice the mullahs to war. Then false flag tanker stunts. Mullahs still don't take the bait. Then finally, the USA for LIKUD Israel murdered an Iranian general on a routine, 1000 times (since 2003) before visit to Iraq. 

The mullahs don't take the bait but inform the Americans where and when retaliation will take place.

Trump is a fruit cake and a SOROS puppet. Kushner is the gofer bagman between the two. The stable genius doesn't bat for America and is dangerously impulsive and narcissistic. He attacks secret service men, shouts at generals, beats and rapes his women (Ivana--I guess we will never know) and has shouting tantrums by throwing food at the wall, and binging on fast food and diet cola.

The presently elected DNC appears to be taking TRUMP's IRAN POLICY guidance, minus the False flags and assassinations. It is far more polite but no less dangerous.

The USA has given Israel F-35 which Israel boasts has entered CIA mullah airspace.

The USA has given Israel tankers to refuel jets entering and returning from IRAN.

The USA has given air defence capabilities to make Israel safe from Iranian SCUDS.

The CIA mullahs have also done a parallel COMPLIMENTARY mission of neutering Iran's jet planes worth flying from the 1970s. The CIA donkey says underground drones will do the job for Iran against cruise missiles and F-35 jets!!!!!!!!!!

To fight effectively F-35 stealth you need equivalent jets SU-35, about 300 of them or SU-57, 200 of them.

To fight cruise missiles you need effective air defence.......a handful of S-300 from the 1970's Soviet technology ISN'T GOING TO DO ANYTHING. 


The DNC is a Great party with historically great policies that worked for America, as stated above.

DNC values are not the problem.

The problem is WEAK LEADERSHIP FROM THE DNC, suffering inferiority complexes, attempting in vain to COPY THE GOP........lacking courage and imagination to follow their own path.....tried and test over many decades.