Feb 22, 2022

Ukraine attacks Russia on 4 fronts





Shelling and attacking the Russian enclaves in Eastern Ukraine. 

Massing 20,000 NATO volunteers, presumably for 'tourism' with the Azov Brigade, and possibly 100,000 Ukie troops.

Through speeches and government policy papers express a clear desire to reconquer Crimea.

Sending saboteur groups inside Russian sovereign territory.

Reconstitute a nuclear weapons capability, presumably with NATO sponsorship. This is a very alarming dangerous development that requires the Russian invasion of Ukraine immediately before the Ukie's get the 'surge capability. Imagine FAILED STATE UKRAINE getting nuke weapons.

Imagine the fun and games, with blackmail, if the Jew Ukies were to get nuke weapons. NATO would NOT have to station such weapons on Ukrainian soil, because UKRAINE WOULD HAVE THEM.

Iran Press
Ukraine may acquire nuclear weapons facing conflict with Russia

In coordination with NATO launched a propaganda WAR, which states that butter would not melt in their mouth, and the Ukrainian government are the most peaceful people on earth, more than Mother Teresa. But, Putin and his government are in fact the aggressors.

The JEWISH Ukrainian leadership and their Neo-Nazi SS stormtroopers FUNDAMENTALLY are impervious to the humanitarian MOTTO of 'Live and let live' and the Western values of REASON and RATIONAL behaviour. 

The Ukrainian political leadership is a NATO lightning rod on a holy crusade that will lead to the gates of MOSCOW. It is detached from the reality of most ordinary decent Ukrainians, where the population is rapidly shrinking from 45 million towards 40 million (genocide levels--the reality of Ukraine under the Jews), and Zerenskys popularity is tanking rapidly. Zerensky 'the comedian' came to power on a platform of bread, butter and fighting corruption but instead has focused laser-like in bear-baiting at every opportunity on behalf of his NATO paymasters, and the American empire.

The anecdote to all this is the Russian occupation of Ukraine, sooner the better.

Putin should not wait for a letter from Jacob giving him permission to invade via Macron.

Globalist Jacob has already spoken in the bells and whistles world and smoke and mirrors via his cabbage patch doll---INVADE!