May 7, 2020

Jewish Globalists--OBEY the lockdown in America, even if you die

Though used as an example of Kalkqaesq political hypocrisy by Carlson....highlighting the plight of innocent women who wants to work, earn money honestly and feed her children ....she MUST GO TO JAIL according to GULAG AMERICA ....whilst convicted criminals in prison are freed for fear of COVID-19.

I personally see the wisdom of releasing prisoners for non-serious crimes during the current crisis. Many nations around the world have done so. I would like to see 1.5 million prisoners of the 2.3 million released.

AND YES, 30 million unemployed is unacceptable. This will cascade into further better bigger disasters.

Government jobs programs need to be initiated.

More Fed money needs to be printed and given to the unemployed to keep the cauldron of mass unemployment from boiling over pronto.