Mysterious Mossad
It’s a little known fact that the British Establishment is controlled by Israel via sly intel agency, Mossad.
They’ve been behind many ‘terrorist’ events and other false-flag incidents which have taken place in the UK.
They also control the murderous VIP paedophile-ring linked to government and royalty.
Many high-profile names are secretly working for Mossad and have been placed in key positions throughout the country, in the fields of media, law, politics and showbiz.
Without a shadow of a doubt Mossad were involved in the July 7 bombings in London.
An article in Global Research made the following claims:
” According to a report of the Associated Press correspondent in Jerusalem, the Israeli embassy in London had been advised in advance by Scotland Yard of an impending bomb attack:
Just before the blasts, Scotland Yard called the security officer at the Israeli Embassy to say they had received warnings of possible attacks, the official said. He did not say whether British police made any link to the economic conference.(AP, 7 July 2005)
Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was warned by his embassy not to attend an attend an economic conference organized by the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) in collaboration with the Israeli embassy and Deutsche Bank.
Netanyahu was staying at the Aldridge Hotel in Mayfair. The conference venue was a few miles away at the Great Eastern Hotel close to the Liverpool subway station, where one of the bomb blasts occurred.”
In an article by investigative journalist Christopher Bollyn, the following claims were made:
” At the time of the London bombings, Peter Power was Managing Director of Visor Consultants Ltd., a London-based “crisis management” firm. Power is the former police chief from West Dorset (Southern England). Power was suspended from the force in April 1993 and forced to retire in September 1993 after an investigation which remains confidential.
As the British press reported in 1993:
” The Crown Prosecution Service has been sent details of an investigation into a senior police officer with the Dorset force. Dorset police confirmed yesterday that Superintendent Peter Power, the officer in charge of the west of the county, has been suspended on full pay since April but refused to outline the allegations against him. Power, who was involved in the Iranian embassy siege and King’s Cross fire, transferred to Dorset in 1990 after serving 19 years in the Metropolitan police.”
Who is Peter Power?
People who rely on the mainstream media will have no idea who Peter Power is. He has only been mentioned in the press 4 times since the London bombings of 2005, a terrorist attack that he evidently played a role in. It should be noted that Peter Power and the London bombing drill have never been mentioned in the U.S. print media.
On the day of the bombings of the London Underground and a bus at Tavistock, Power and his company, Visor Consultants Ltd., were conducting a drill for a mysteriously un-named client. The Visor exercise was precisely identical to the bombings that occurred. Ask yourself, just how likely is such a coincidence?
Shortly after the London bombings, in an interview with Peter Allen on BBC Radio 5 Live’s “Drivetime”, Power explained the incredible coincidence of the terror attacks with his company’s drill:
Power: At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now.
Peter Allen: To get this quite straight, you were running an exercise to see how you would cope with this and it happened while you were running the exercise?
Power: Precisely, and it was about half past nine this morning, we planned this for a company and for obvious reasons I don’t want to reveal their name but they’re listening and they’ll know it. And we had a room full of crisis managers for the first time they’d met and so within five minutes we made a pretty rapid decision, “this is the real one” and so we went through the correct drills of activating crisis management procedures to jump from slow time to quick time thinking and so on.
One would think that Power’s incredible revelations about the bombing and the uncanny coincidence with the Visor drill would be a subject of great interest to the media and the investigative agencies of Britain and the United States. Unfortunately, that has not been the case.”
According to Aangirfan:
” In 1987 a fire hit King’s Cross underground station in London.”
“Inspector Peter Power was sent to the scene of the King’s Cross fire to co-ordinate the efforts of the emergency services.
“He ran the Metropolitan Police’s forward command post for much of the evening and most of the night on 18 November 1987.”
“Just two months before the King’s Cross Fire, pop duo, The Pet Shop
“The final track on the album is a melancholy song entitled, King’s Cross which, in a rather bizarre coincidence, appears to foresee a disaster at the station with the lyric:
“‘Only last night I found myself lost, by the station called King’s Cross… dead and wounded on either side, you know it’s only a matter of time…'”
Tales From the Terminals: King’s Cross (Part 1, History & Film)
Allegedly, certain juvenile members of a pedophile ring were in a cafe, underground, when the fire broke out.
Allegedly, the fire was started deliberately.”
Some voices are concerned that the Met Police are not arresting VIP paedophiles quickly enough.
Yet others claim they are being leant on by Mi5 to prevent the release of important political names.
It’s a little known fact that British Intelligence Services are petrified of Mossad and are willing to do their bidding at any cost.
Gareth Williams may have been murdered because he had knowledge of Mossad’s links to child-abuse rings and the 7/7 bombings.
A mysterious ‘Mediterranean’ couple were linked to his brutal murder but were never traced.
There’s a strong possibility they were Mossad agents.
By a strange coincidence, child-raping filth, Jimmy Savile, had links to Israel and high-ranking members of the Israeli Government and military.
According to Brian Palmer:
” The police took away masses of paperwork after the death of Jimmy Savile, which was said to have been immediately incinerated, it has been said that a lot of correspondence was in the pile from the ex Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin whom rumour has it was Savile’s main protector“
Jill Dando knew all about Savile and the BBC paedophile-ring and was shot in the head to silence her and serve as a warning to others to keep their mouths shut.
Barry George was innocent of her murder but was jailed for 8 years and denied compensation in a sickening travesty of justice.
The real suspect was actually ‘Mediterranean’ looking and may well have been a Mossad agent.
Savile often boasted that he could call on powerful paramilitary friends if he was threatened with exposure.
Cliff Richard was interviewed several times about the murder.
By a strange coincidence, Cliff was named as a visitor to sordid child-brothel, the Elm Guest House.
He also owned a company, Blacknight Ltd, which was registered at Tavistock Square, where the 7/7 bombings took place.
Has Cliff Richard been using the cover of ‘Christian singer’ to hoodwink us?
Cliff once went on a fact-finding mission with Jimmy Savile and Lord Longford:
” One of Myra Hindley’s most famous supporters was Lord Longford, who spent years lobbying for her release. Lord Longford went on a fact-finding mission in the ’70′s to investigate pornography. He took along Jimmy Savile and Cliff Richard.”
Longford was the uncle of Harriet Harman MP, who has recently been embroiled in the recent PIE paedophile scandal.
Harman is in turn a cousin of Prime Minister David Cameron, who is in turn a cousin of the Queen.”
The Met police are also linked to Mossad:
” Who are the mysterious armed Met police unit, SCO19?
According to wikipedia:
” Specialist Crime and Operations Specialist Firearms Command (SCO19) (previously known as SO19 and then CO19) is a Central Operations branch within Greater London‘s Metropolitan Police Service.The Command is responsible for providing a firearms-response capability, assisting the rest of the service, which is normally unarmed”
The SCO19 were the unit responsible for the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes at Stockwell tube station.
The SC019 were allegedly trained by the Israeli police force :
” The cold-blooded murder of Jean Charles de Menezes, in the Stockwell underground was no accident. London Metropolitan Police had approved a policy of “shoot to kill”:
”a controversial tactic deployed only in the most extreme circumstances but one police have been preparing to use for the last two weeks.”.
The shoot to kill policy was undertaken under the auspices of “Operation Kratos”, named after the mythical Spartan hero. It was carried out by the London Metropolitan’s elite SO19 firearms unit often referred to as the Blue Berets. The latter are described as the equivalent to the US SWAT teams, yet in this particular case, they were not wearing uniforms.
The training of the S019 marksmen was patterned on that of Israel. They had been briefed “by officers who had been to Israel to meet their counterparts there and pick up tips gleaned from the experience of dealing with Hamas bombers”.
“During the Kratos briefings, the Met team were told that, contrary to their normal arms training, they should fire at the head rather than the chest. Although the chest is easier to hit, it is not as reliable in causing instant death, giving a bomber a chance to detonate his device…. “(The Scottish Daily Record, 23 July, 2005).
The “Israeli counterparts” refers to Israel’s National Police (INP), Shin Bet (the Israel Security Agency) and Israel’s Ministry of Internal Security. But the police antiterrorist operations conducted by the INP against Hamas and Islamic Jihad are carried out in close coordination with the Military (Israeli Defense Force) and Mossad. Israel has also collaborated in the training of members of the FBI and the LAPD. Top law enforcement officers of the FBI were trained in Israel under a program sponsored by the The Jewish Institute for National Security.”
In the comments section of a website discussing a high-level paedophile ring the following statement was made:
” Members of SO19 know about the kids home behind Waterloo Station where they used to drop of and collect a senior royal. Good few years ago though!”
In an article in the Mirror, the following claims were made:
An undercover cop probing VIP child abuse allegations at a gay sex parlour ended up raping a teenage boy, according to sensational new claims.
The victim, who was 16 at the time, has told how he was forced into sex work as a masseur at the Elm Guest House near Barnes in South West London in 1982.
Among the rich and powerful who he says abused him was disgraced former Liberal MP Cyril Smith.
Others said to frequent the guest house included a government minister, a high-ranking policeman, a member of the royal household, an MI5 officer and traitor spy Anthony Blunt.
Authorities were so concerned at rumours of a VIP paedophile ring that Met officers were sent in, undercover, to gather intelligence in 1982.
After a surveillance operation, police raided the property.
The couple who ran the Elm, Carole and Harry Kashir, were arrested along with the teenage masseur and charged with keeping a disorderly house.
But the charges against the boy, who was under the age of consent for homosexuals at the time, were later mysteriously dropped.”
The TruthNews website reported:
” Sir Malcolm Rifkind known as “Malcolm the poof” is chairman of the British parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC), which oversees MI5, MI6 and GCHQ – the most important position in the UK intelligence community. The ISC reports first to the prime minister, who retains – and uses – the right to censor material in ISC reports before parliament views them”.
In a macabre twist, Rifkind is the cousin of Leon Brittan, who has himself been linked to shady goings-on of the highest order.
They also link to Labour peer, Greville Janner, who was investigated for buggering a care-home boy.
These three unsavoury characters all have links to Israel and it’s Intelligence Services.
They also have links to Margaret Oppenheimer Hodge, MP, who covered up the horrific Islington abuse ring, yet was made Children’s Minister by Israeli-loving Tony Blair.
Hodge’s nephew, Phillip, was with the McCann’s in Praia de Luz when Madeleine disappeared.
It’s a little known fact that many British Establishment figures hold dual UK/Israeli citizenship.
One such figure is Shirley Porter who knows all about Westminster Council’s links to the Dolphin Square boy-brothel scandal and ran away to Tel Aviv when the heat was on.
Shirley Porter has extremely close ties to Israel and it’s Intelligence Services.
Are the Royals also linked to Mossad?
According to the Mail, a bombshell court document proves that Prince Andrew knew about the paedophile activities of his close pal, Jeffrey Epstein, despite previously denying any knowledge of his crimes:
” Three months ago, a solicitor called Jack Scarola walked into the vast art-deco county courthouse in West Palm Beach, Florida, and handed a 23-page legal document to its clerk.
Rubber-stamped Exhibit D, and intended to be used as evidence in a forthcoming trial, the neatly typed bundle of papers — which the Daily Mail obtained a copy of this week — offers an extraordinary insight into the life, and crimes, of one of America’s most notorious sex offenders.”
In the past, whenever the Epstein case has been reported, it has been claimed there is no suggestion that Andrew was ever aware that the tycoon paid under-age girls for sex.
But in Exhibit D, Roberts alleges otherwise.
Asked whether the Prince would have ‘relevant information’ about ‘Jeffrey’s taking advantage of under-age girls’, she replies:
‘Yes, he would know a lot of the truth.’
Exhibit D will also raise questions about the alleged role in Epstein’s sordid crimes of Ghislaine Maxwell, socialite daughter of the late disgraced media mogul Robert Maxwell.”
According to Icenirising:
” On 13th March 2011, the Mail on Sunday reports on Jeffrey Epstein’s private Caribbean island, Little St James, and on his ‘little black book’ listing phone contacts.
Among those whose names have been linked to Epstein are:
Ehud Barak
Bill Clinton
Sir Evilyn de Rothschild and his daughter Hannah
Lord Mandelson and boyfriend Reinaldo.
Ghislaine Maxwell
We now know that Ghislaine, the daughter of media-mogul Robert Maxwell, has been procuring children for decades, to be abused by VIP filth.
Some voices allege that both she and her father were employed by Israeli spy agency, Mossad.
Did they supply children for Britain’s filthy Establishment?”
Aangirfan has reported on their links:
“Jeffrey Epstein was once presented with three 12-year-olds from France as a birthday gift”
” Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of Robert Maxwell, is a close friend of Jeffrey Epstein who was jailed for involvement with ‘child prostitutes’”
” Former Mossad officer Ari Ben-Menashe reported that in 1986 Robert Maxwell tipped off the Israeli Embassy in London that Mordechai Vanunu had given information about Israel’s nuclear capability to the Sunday Times.”
” Does Mossad run pedophile rings?”
” Virginia Roberts worked for Jeffrey Epstein.
She has stated that when she was aged 15 “She was ‘given’ to men ranging in age from their 40s to their 60s.
“They included a well-known businessman, a world-renowned scientist, a respected liberal politician and foreign head of state.”
Isn’t it time we looked again at Mossad’s links to filthy Britain?