Jul 14, 2014

Bilderberg Top Secret meeting agenda's



Here at the Marriott Hotel in Copenhagen the members of Bilderberg are deciding who is to be the next president of the USA.

There is a lot of support for Hillary Clinton, especially from Roger C Altman.

The Copenhagen Marriott is noted for its mediocre food and service, reportedly.

Meanwhile there is a hope that in the UK, the next government will be a coalition of the pro-Israel UKIP and the Conservatives. 

But, if Labour get elected in the UK, Labour's Ed Balls and the Polish-Jewish Ed Miliband will ensure that the UK follows the Bilderberg line.

Famous Dane Anders Fogh Rasmussen, former Secretary-General of NATO.

Apparently the right-wing Bilderberg group, which has Nazi origins, is very happy with the move to the 'right' in Europe.

They all love Farage.

The Danish prime minister attending a memorial service.

Bilderberg is worried about a China-Russia alliance.

There is talk of cunning plans, involving the use of the CIA's Muslim militias, to disrupt this alliance.

There is talk of using a Prabowo Subianto Indonesia and a Narendra Modi India to thwart Russia.

'The CIA's David Headley' who went to Denmark 'to scout the building of the Jyllands-Posten newspaper', the newspaper which printed cartoons showing Muhammad as a terrorist."

Henry Kissinger loves the Danish pastries but is not so keen on the Danish bacon.