Germany Demands U.S. explain arrested 'double agent' case
The German government wants a quick and clear explanation from Washington for U.S. intelligence's apparent contact with a German man arrested last week on suspicion of being a double agent, the Interior Minister said in a newspaper interview..
"I expect everyone to cooperate promptly to clear up these allegations - with quick and clear comments from the United States as well," Thomas de Maiziere told Bild newspaper, according to excerpts of its Monday edition.
The White House and State Department have so far declined to comment on the arrest of a 31-year-old employee of Germany's BND foreign intelligence agency, who admits passing documents to a U.S. contact, according to intelligence and political sources.
That includes information about a parliamentary committee looking into allegations by former U.S. intelligence contractor Edward Snowden that Washington carried out major surveillance in Germany, including monitoring Chancellor Angela Merkel's phone.
The case risks further straining ties with Washington, which have been sorely tested by revelations last year of large-scale snooping on Germany by the U.S. National Security Agency.
Surveillance is a sensitive issue in a country where the memory of the Nazi's Gestapo secret police and communist East Germany's Stasi means the right to privacy is treasured.
Head of state Joachim Gauck, a former Protestant pastor and rights campaigner in the old German Democratic Republic, told German TV the NSA affair was "a vexing episode".
De Maiziere, one of the cabinet ministers closest to Merkel, called it a "very serious case" which must be investigated fully to "gauge the scale of the alleged spying and especially answer the question of who was involved".
.(82.5 million Germans...71.25 million ethnic Germans....The German state security structure generally attracts right-wing, not too bright individuals, some of whom have been shown to have connections to Neo-Nazi groups in Germany, and not just for the sake of professional on the job infiltration, but out of ideological sympathy. Many are amoral, extremist creatures who admire the USA, and its perpetual wars of aggression, with its foreign policy emphasis on war and empire and bases. Therefore I surmise there are 100's....and 1000's of German citizens working for American Intelligence. Some for money, and others out of ideological sympathy of the USA and what it stands for, presently.
The origins of this betrayal of Germany by ethnic Germans comes from several complex factors:
1. Large numbers of Gestapo/SS personnel (Sicherheitsdienst) were employed in the new German intelligence post 1945. Their loathing for Communism was counter balanced by their admiration for the USA, especially after WWII. Many of their senior officers migrated to the USA, and South America with the assistance of the OSS, just after the war and were in some cases employed by the CIA, and FBI directly until their retirement.
The predecessor of the BND was the German eastern military intelligence agency during World War II, the Abteilung Fremde Heere Ost or FHO Section in the General Staff, led by Wehrmacht Major General Reinhard Gehlen. Its main purpose was to collect information on the Red Army. After the war Gehlen worked with the U.S. occupation forces in West Germany. In 1946 he set up an intelligence agency informally known as the Gehlen Organization or simply "The Org" and recruited some of his former co-workers. Many had been operatives of Admiral Wilhelm Canaris' wartime Abwehr (counter-intelligence) organization, but Gehlen also recruited people from the former Sicherheitsdienst, SS and Gestapo, after their release by the Allies. The latter recruits were later controversial because the SS and its associated groups were notoriously linked to many Nazi atrocities during the war.[3] The organization worked at first almost exclusively for the CIA, which contributed funding, equipment, cars, gasoline and other materials. On 1 April 1956 the Bundesnachrichtendienst was created from the Gehlen Organization, and transferred to the West German government, with the recruits of the former Sicherheitsdienst, SS and Gestapo. Reinhard Gehlen became President of the BND and remained its head until 1968.
2. The German community in the USA is very large, and many aspects of American culture mirror those of Germany.....this makes betrayal of Germany in Europe easier from a psychological perspective for some Germans.
3. Germany has been an occupied country under American control since 1945. Extensive, systematic brain washing of Germans by the USA makes it easier for the USA to recruit Germans to spy on their own country. The undefeated independent German spirit has been replaced by a lethargic myopic SERVILE obsession with cars, beer, soccer and German exports...and not much else. Esoteric issues of nationalism, and pure independence has been weeded out, due to the factor of WWII and genocide...which itself was funded by the Federal Reserve and American industry.
In some extremist cults and secret institutions they destroy and debase the original self in order to remould the captured prisoner towards the desired end. Germans live in a rich country, and yet many are not happy.....and this has nothing to do with over bureaucratization of the efficient incorruptible state, or 18% immigration.
4. German security works very closely with American intelligence, as has been the case since 1945. The BND, and the German Foreign Ministry are the axillary of the New Roman Empire in some cases. A former German government minister Andreas von Bülow aptly and very accurately stated (after retirement)....that...German intelligence operates on the orders of American intelligence.....it is not written down in law, but is a practice and an understanding since 1945. In such a scenario it is not difficult to see why many...many...many..(3) German security personnel may be willing to work for the USA, whilst their salary is paid by the good German taxpayer.
Andreas von Bülow (born 17 July 1937 in Dresden) is a German SPD politician and writer. A former government minister, he has authored books about intelligence agencies, including In the Name of the State: CIA, BND and the criminal machinations of secret services. (German: Im Namen des Staates. CIA, BND und die kriminellen Machenschaften der Geheimdienste.) and The CIA and September 11 (Die CIA und der 11. September). He holds a doctorate degree in Jurisprudence.[1]
5. Finally many of the elite Jews at the top of their societies came from Germany, but now settled in the UK and USA and other Western countries. They assiduously effect German manners and traits, along with German culture having lived at one time for so long there. Some elite Jews LOVE Germany whilst many more hate the country. Some elite Jews even go to the length of mating with specific gentile partners to produce 'Aryan' Teutonic children.......and this can be observed amongst many elite Jews in the West, with its extremist Nazi like racism (Zionism by another name).....given this elite Jew 'affection' (I wouldn't call the death of 10 million Germans in WWII, funded and directed by the elite Jews as affection...but still there are feelings for Germany.) Part of that feeling includes that Germany plays along with their global schemes in the Greater Middle East and Eurasia now....that is why it was so important for them to get the Bundeswehr to participate in Bosnia/Serbia/Kosovo war....and the Afghan Opium Plantation occupation....and so on.
That is why pathologically and schizophrenically the USA watches and spy's on one of their so called most reliable ally, and recruits so many German spy's to do their work around the world.)
The U.S. ambassador was called in on Friday to hear Berlin's request for an explanation and Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said on Sunday it was in Washington's own interests to help with the "quickest possible clarification of the facts".
It is not clear whether Merkel discussed it with President Barack Obama in their phone call on Thursday but her spokesman Steffen Seibert said: "We don't take the matter of spying for foreign intelligence agencies lightly."
One lawmaker on the committee investigating the NSA affair said the man arrested had no direct contact with the committee, whose meetings are confidential, and was "not a top agent".
The suspect had offered his services to the United States voluntarily, intelligence and political sources said, and had been paid about 25,000 euros ($34,100) for passing on 218 BND documents to his unidentified American contact.
After the Snowden revelations, Berlin demanded Washington agree to a "no-spy agreement" but the United States has been unwilling to make such a commitment.
(Additional reporting by Sabine Siebold; Editing by Janet Lawrence)