It is common for the accuser to turn their REAL crime and throw it back against an innocent accused, the REAL victim.
This is the tactic of the criminal mafia and the pathological criminal.
In 1994, an Asian student was beaten up in a toilet by a gang of far right students in Birmingham. The Asian student was in the wrong place at the wrong time perhaps, with the wrong ethnic background, trying to make his way in the world. The University security then turned the incident around, and spread a vicious rumor that a certain Asian student was seen hovering near female toilets at the university, thus putting many Asian students under suspicion, and deflecting the REAL crime and its investigation (the presence of extremist far right groups at university/their misdeeds against innocent ethnic people/their links to MI-5). The local thoroughly discredited and criminalized police in Perry Barr then staged a bizarre stunt to reinforce this false flag rumor at the university.
Terrorism around the world is largely the work of Israel working with the Intelligence agencies of Western countries, and their Third World crony proxy's (Punjab Pakistan military/Indonesian military/RAW/Saudi Intelligence)...........the REAL victims in the millions, are then innocent everyday Third World people.
This is how it works with Hilary's bizarre nonsensical accusation against puppet mullah Iran and its relationship with Syria, the Tehran regime itself was after all brought into power by the good grace of Western Intelligence in 1979, and which has been in power unmolested for 33 good years.
In fact the so called 'crony proxy' regime in Damascus was in power 10 years earlier than the puppet mullahs. In the language of crony proxy definition, the crony proxy cannot be in power any time longer than its master of whom they are allegedly crony proxies.
But in the lazy hazy days of American hubris and slow decline, fact checking and talking diplomatically is no longer necessary. Force, militarism, war, war crimes, genocide, terrorism, rendition, gulag-ism, aggression and double speak plays a more important role than simple persuasion based on actual facts.
Who are the Alawites in Syria?
They constitute about 13% of the population. It is a branch of Shia Islam. Thus they have strong linkage with the Shia's of Iran, Lebanon and the 20 million Alevis of Turkey. They are the dominating group in Syria.
It is alleged that the Alawites were promoted by the colonial French into a dominating position, just after WWI, when France controlled Syria 1919--1943:
"The colonial rulers instrumentalized existing tribal-ethnic and religious division in society through a policy of divide et impera. French colonists played the minorities---........the Alawites.......against the majority (Sunni) to help establish their rule." Tribes and State Formation in the Middle East
edited by Philip S. Khoury, Joseph Kostiner University of California Press.
They constitute about 13% of the population. It is a branch of Shia Islam. Thus they have strong linkage with the Shia's of Iran, Lebanon and the 20 million Alevis of Turkey. They are the dominating group in Syria.
It is alleged that the Alawites were promoted by the colonial French into a dominating position, just after WWI, when France controlled Syria 1919--1943:
"The colonial rulers instrumentalized existing tribal-ethnic and religious division in society through a policy of divide et impera. French colonists played the minorities---........the Alawites.......against the majority (Sunni) to help establish their rule." Tribes and State Formation in the Middle East
edited by Philip S. Khoury, Joseph Kostiner University of California Press.
This is the same as the British colonials who promoted the Sikhs in India, or Hindu Zamindars in East Bengal. But what we also find is that such colonial powers, could also ditch their former protege, just as quickly...as with the Sikhs in the Punjab who lost the best agricultural land to the newly created Pakistan, or the Hindu Zamindars in East Bengal, many of whom were reduced to destitution in the streets of Calcutta after Partition.
What is Obama if not a minority representative, against the majority WASP population who have traditionally run the USA? Capable WASP candidates for the presidency run in the millions, but the Zionist power configuration chooses an obscure individual with a very colorful past...and whose mother worked for the CIA.
The above information tells us why the Alawites are in power, as a minority, and why they should be friendly with Persian Iran, as an Arab state.
Indeed, despite the deep objections of their Soviet overlords 1979--1991 (who supported and armed CIA Saddam Iraq....up to 80% of his weapons inventory), Syria is one of the most durable friends of mullah Iran.
Syria is neither a crony power or a proxy power brought and managed henceforth by mullah Iran......but have chosen to be an ally of mullah Iran, despite being officially a Secular Socialist one party state. This friendship is paradoxical, but based on religion rather than ethnic ties......which is how sometimes the politics of the Middle East works.
The real crony proxy powers are Deonme Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Qatar....and so forth. These states do things for the USA throughout the Middle East which ARE CLEARLY illegal, criminal and against the fundamental interests of their own countries. Modern Turkey will lose if "al-CIA-duh" ascends the throne in Damascus, as will Saudi Arabia.........something about opening a Pandora's box.....of young foolish extremist armed men largely run by faggotty Western Intelligence.....who have designs and ideas for mysterious very old reclusive Jewish globalist financiers, detached in their own world, surrounded by their sycophants who please and Quija Boards.
Clinton Slams Iran For Aiding ‘Its Proxy and Crony in Damascus’
Clinton criticized Iran, despite the fact that the US is supporting criminal rebels in Syria and propping up dictatorships elsewhere
by John Glaserat antiwar.com
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton criticized
Iran for supporting the Syrian regime, even as she announced $45
million more in aid for the rebel militias, many of whom have links to
Clinton made the comment, as usual, without any embarrassment that
Iran’s support of Syria mirrors US support of its
own “crony” dictatorships holding violently onto power throughout
the Middle East.
Clinton, at the same meeting and without any irony, announced $45
million in additional “non-lethal” aid like intelligence, training, and
communications support. This, despite
the fact that the United Nations has repeatedly called out the
Syrian rebels for having committed war crimes and that Washington’s own
intelligence has concluded that much of the rebel militias are foreign
fighters battling under the banner of al-Qaeda.
“Let’s be very frank here – the regime’s most important lifeline is
Iran,” Clinton then claimed. But that is far from clear. Syria’s more
important allies appear to be Russia, and perhaps China. The former
continues to support Damascus and both countries have vowed to veto any
UN Security Council resolution that may invite US or NATO military
intervention, a fact that has been crucial to the Assad regime’s
survival given the Obama administration’s reluctance to intervene absent
such a resolution.
Instead, Washington seems to be hyping Iran’s alleged support for
Syria in an attempt to single out and demonize the Islamic Republic, at a
time when concerns
of a preventive Israeli strike are high.