In American culture winning games are more important sometimes, than how the games are played, or how the games are won.......drugs/steroids/corporate finance/stardom iconic celebrity by American athletes.
The concept of empire blinds and perverts/subverts ALL societies.
If the quest for empire is couched in terms of the requirement of Israel, then the significant proactive left dominated by vociferous Jews will to an extent become silent, and "fall into line" for Israel's greater good......though excepted that a greater percentage of the younger generation of American Jews are NOW willing to be more critical of Israel, these days.
It never ceases to amuse me though how I rarely come across such liberal Jews, but that in most cases my experience of the community is a contrived staged parody character projected from a lower order....feigning tough, macho working class gangsta culture, with deviant concepts. Seriously, one Jew I came across in 2010 looked literally like a neanderthal....with monosyllable lines.
In the United States of Idiocracy.......being dumb and stupid, and obedient is actually celebrated, promoted and parodied by the Jewish banker elite. This condition is helpful to their agenda.
It never ceases to amuse me though how I rarely come across such liberal Jews, but that in most cases my experience of the community is a contrived staged parody character projected from a lower order....feigning tough, macho working class gangsta culture, with deviant concepts. Seriously, one Jew I came across in 2010 looked literally like a neanderthal....with monosyllable lines.
In the United States of Idiocracy.......being dumb and stupid, and obedient is actually celebrated, promoted and parodied by the Jewish banker elite. This condition is helpful to their agenda.
All states, and all empires go through a phase of downward corruption in morals and civilization and law.
Humans are capable of double standards, when it suits them. States are capable of double standards. What is the USA if its not a state established on genocide and ethnic cleansing, whilst waxing lyrical about being a beacon of hope, and freedom? The British empire killed millions in WWII, whilst purportedly fighting for global freedom. Then it had the gall to facilitate the Nuremberg trials and the trials against the Japanese war leaders.
If Jewish bankers are the main centers of power/politics then the society MUST be necessarily subverted to fit their game plan and world view.
If Jewish groups control ALL the main media outlets, then the society must be conditioned and subverted to fit their world view.
It is possible to be "left-wing" in the USA, and "right-wing" when perceiving the rest of the world as an American, or when a so called American liberal steps out of the country. Then sometimes, or often the group mentality, or my country right or wrong kicks in.
A society so narcissistic and self absorbed with its navel and fingernails, may not give a hoot about the rest of the world...."whatever" attitude. big multi-trillion $ games American spooks play is centered around how beautiful Americans are, and how tall they are.......AND its played pretty seriously....."Our Iranians are bigger and better then yours....nanananaaaaa!....tongue out..fingers on the ears"....we are talking about State funded Ivy League educated spooks at the center of power. In the sum total of things, given the multiple challenges the USA faces one would have thought that they would be pre-occupied with better things.
Clowns......morons .....humans.
It is possible to be "left-wing" in the USA, and "right-wing" when perceiving the rest of the world as an American, or when a so called American liberal steps out of the country. Then sometimes, or often the group mentality, or my country right or wrong kicks in.
A society so narcissistic and self absorbed with its navel and fingernails, may not give a hoot about the rest of the world...."whatever" attitude. big multi-trillion $ games American spooks play is centered around how beautiful Americans are, and how tall they are.......AND its played pretty seriously....."Our Iranians are bigger and better then yours....nanananaaaaa!....tongue out..fingers on the ears"....we are talking about State funded Ivy League educated spooks at the center of power. In the sum total of things, given the multiple challenges the USA faces one would have thought that they would be pre-occupied with better things.
Clowns......morons .....humans.
Farah’s Barbaric Demise: How Pathetic the Left has Become in the Age of Obama
by Scott Creighton at American Everyman
Reading the various few
Western media reports on Tuesday’s cowardly terrorist attack on a
funeral procession in the Jaramana suburb of Damascus, I am struck by
two things: (1) how widespread and universally accepted the lies about
Bashir Assad have become in spite of countless reports and proof to the
contrary from a variety of sources including the MSM… and (2) how
completely devoid the American people are of even the slightest remnants
of instinctual human empathy.
I credit the second observation with the fact that the so-called
“left’ in America obviously cares less for their professed love of human
rights and dignity than they do for their all encompassing desire to
“win’ the upcoming election to stop the dreaded “Romney/Ryan War on
Irony? Obama’s surrogates in Syria just murdered at least a dozen
women and girls who were guilty of doing nothing more than walking down
the street attending a funeral, wounding and maiming still dozens more.
Where is the outrage and the calls for resignations when our seconds
in Syria bomb funerals killing women and children leaving mothers to
weep in the blood and ash?
The outrage is mute because the left is temporarily blind by choice.
Hillary closes in on another
“victory” for her globalist masters. This woman is a victim of Hillary’s
Even more ironic, the new “president” of Egypt, Hillary Clinton’s
pick, Mohammad Mursi, is
supporting the Clinton regime at the State Department by using his
opportunity at the Non-Aligned Movement
summit in Tehran to call for the establishment of a no-fly zone and a
full fledged military invasion, which as we all know from Libya,
translates to non-stop bombing from the US and other globalist states
seeking regime change in Syria.
Islamist Mursi is the head of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood. I wonder
how much the American left knows about how he feels about women’s
I guess the “war on women” only matters to the Obamaites when it’s
fought in suburbia.
While the Western media ignores this story and the MANY others like
it, occasionally they have to make mention of it and when they do they
make sure to spin the story and specifically the victims in the “proper’
A car bomb rocked the funeral of two government loyalists in a Damascus suburb killing 28 people on Tuesday…… supporters of the regime…… supporters of Assad…… Syrian National Council accused Assad’s regime of staging the bombing against its own supporters… Tribune
This terrorist attack came from the FSA or one of their ancillary
terrorist mercenary groups funded by the US, Britain, Saudi Arabia and
other puppet regimes of ours in the Middle East.
Syrian Prime Minister Dr. Wael al-Halki
said that these attacks would not be happening were it not for the
direct support of the nation states I mentioned above and he is
absolutely correct.
Young people in that suburb had set up checkpoints earlier this month
when fighting broke out in Damascus. They were trying to prevent the
foreign terrorists from entering their neighborhood. Apparently their
efforts made them a target for these two attacks and apparently they
failed in their effort to defend their homes from the Clinton backed
terrorist destabilization death squads.
“Jaramana, southeast of Damascus, has a majority of Christians and Druze and is close to the capital’s international airport. Pro-regime (citizens) youth groups have recently set up checkpoints in the area to try to stop rebels (terrorists)from the neighboring Ghota neighborhood from crossing over.
Those killed Tuesday included a 6-year-old girl, Farah, who was playing in the street with her brother when the blast hit. Her brother was wounded.
“Where is my Farah?” her 25-year-old mother Hoda Mohammed, asked repeatedly as she wept on the street.” Wall Street Journal
I wonder, where is the rage and the angst that the left eschewed
toward Todd Akin now? Is it just republicans that they are capable of
raging against? Is it just during an election season that their moral
outrage can be triggered and ignited?
These terrorists (and let’s call them what they are) attacked
civilians in an area that clearly didn’t support their foreign backed
regime change agenda and then they waited and targeted civilians who
attended the funeral procession that followed.
Who else does that? Barack Obama and Leon Panetta on Terror
Tuesday, that’s who.
“But attacking rescuers (and arguably worse, bombing funerals of America’s drone victims) is now a tactic routinely used by the US in Pakistan. In February, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism documented that “the CIA’s drone campaign in Pakistan has killed dozens of civilians who had gone to help rescue victims or were attending funerals.”" Glenn Greenwald, Aug. 20 2012
This is not a coincidence, this is part of a strategy, a tactic, a
finger print if you will. It is not by chance, it is not an accident.
The same destabilization tactic being openly used in Pakistan shows
up in Syria, a nation the State Department and Barack Obama are
desperate to overthrow in the very near future.
But of course, none of that matters to the American “left”
Hoda Mohammed weeps for her Farah while flippant middle-class
American professionals cry and scream over the insensitive remarks of a
neanderthal half-wit candidate, and pledge their undying support to the
man ultimately responsible for Farah’s barbaric demise.
In another bit of pathetic irony, while the “left” in America
continues to worry and shake over the pending “election”, while they
ignore the crimes and betrayals of their glorious leader, the right has
all but conceded the election, doing whatever they can to forge a
failure for themselves and thus generate a narrative of how one of the
most unpopular presidents of our time “wins” his reelection in November.
The “election” is over, they threw it, they took a fall, they
flopped. It’s as real as Wrestlemania and the left still doesn’t get it.
Their hero pillages and murders right in front of their eyes, plots and
plans on Terror Tuesdays… and they still … don’t … get it.
The mythical “War on Women” is a much celebrated and promoted
marketing ploy while Obama’s War on Everyone rages on unnoticed.
Sometimes I think the people in this country deserve the slavery that
awaits them if even their so-called “educated” liberal left is so blind
or so selfish that they can’t even hold one single virtue above all
their various sins.