Jun 1, 2024

The humble LEEK has been weaponised, and the SLAVES in the tropical plantation dutifully plant and harvest it, for their WHITE master





She has the correct colour codes and numerology

In English a LEAK means a hole through which inanimate things escape, unintentionally by accident.

Sometimes vulgar : an act of urinating
—used especially in the phrase take a leak

An intentional disclosure of something secret or private.

However in the WONDERFUL INGLISH LANGUAGE (Indo-European: German, Scandinavian, French) with 1,000,000 words,

A word can have multiple meanings
It Can be a metaphor for something different than the original intended meaning.

In the fantasy world of the GLOBALIST ROTHSCHILD GOSSIP MILL, I'm supposed to be leaking top-secret state information through my blog, and this constitutes a threat to the USA Empire, a bit like Julian Assange, Eddie Snowden and Chelsea Manning.

1. Nothing of the sort! As a UK Barrister I have taken the pledge of the Bar of England and Wales and Lincolns Inn, in the presence of Law Lords to grow old disgracefully, and not break the law, especially about acts and behaviour which jeopardises the security of the UK, and by implication its close allies. I would never divulge state secrets and top-secret state papers.

Somehow, though never explained how and WHY, purportedly I have UNLIMITED access to TOP SECRET CLASSIFIED INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTS from the West, and the criminal intention to publish them.

2. I'm not brave. I never was. ....unlike Julian Assange, Eddie Snowden and Chelsea Manning. Selflessly do the right thing for humanity and the greater public good. I was timid. ...in the UK. Too shy to look at the beautiful roses, hold hands, peer into their eyes, KISS and even make love even though many..... too many doted over me in my better days (or maybe Jacob tried to control and manage my natural urges, and into his peculiar Public School sexual orientation--buggery in cold showers and sex in the toilet with other boyz, as they do ritualistically for their elite club and fraternity)....after all I was an OTT wild child, 'escaping' from school over the 10 feet back wall aged three/four in Islamabad, and going hunting with my slingshot in the snake-infested swamp jungle in my grandmother's village, with a friend, aged 5.

It gets worse.

Among the many other gossip circulating in the international Globalist ether ( I won't confuse you with the full list), I'm also supposed to be a magical all-knowing oracle who knows everything, especially the '''TRUTH'' related to state action and behaviour in the West. This unique special extra-curricula ability however cannot be used for serious career purposes, where I enter into a productive WIN-WIN situation with an honest Philanthropic employer......oh no it is all bad.

Instead, one is reduced to an all-knowing one-dimensional villain. Who cannot be reasoned with, or communicate with, save through obscure symbolic signals....along with absurd adolescent stunts and games. That also includes harassment and microwave torture, amongst other illegal actions.

This is simple base racism, 'The dreaded Bangaaali Babu'' which has been stewed over for the better part of 250 years and the peculiar brand of American racism, especially of the type that relies on Adolf Hitler and the III Reich, as a moral crutch in the Deep State.

One cannot prove a NEGATIVE. One cannot meaningfully communicate with deeply ingrained racists. Donald Trump is what he is. For him to use the N-word casually and ''' the greatest businessman on earth''' meme in collaboration with NBC PROPAGANDA is normal and casual. We now are finding out precisely what kind of '''businessman'' he is. Maybe we will get the full truth.

But very difficult to compete with the unverified rumour mill, where people from the State Department working from the American government with high office and a serious face, qualifying from Harvard, Yale, Princeton and all else spread false Jacob lies....to other nations. I am nothing compared to them.....and their power of the Superpower state, word and imagination.

Jacob wanted me to stay put in the UK. He wanted me to become queer, along with harassment, torture, racism and HUMILIATION. Doing crappy jobs which is not related to my career goals and aspirations. To become a worthless marginal caricature. The core basis of his psy-ops torture was the idea that I was an ''worthless African'' and being black in his ultra-racist tribal world (The glimpse of which we are now seeing in Gaza and the Zionists in Israel) I did not deserve to be treated as a human being, since being a '''NIGGA'' I did not deserve respect and equality. Jacob obviously is full of shit, because this ''out-of-Africa'' narrative clearly contradicts some of his other gossip rumours out of his arse:

(I) I'm somehow a reincarnation of Cyrus the Great, uniting the Iranian world, from the Danube to Siberia, MAGICALLY of course.....and the GLOBALIST call sign for that is the humble fire engine. Let me spell that out.....African, conqueror of the Steppe, Eurasia..absorbing several WHITE nations into one, JACOB??? Is that right?

(ii) Adolf Hitler ''Nigga'' Adolf Hitler. Didn't see that one coming.

(iii) Being an Aryan uber racist, I want to genocide South Indians. In the best traditions of MUSLIM TURKIC INVADERS. A ''Nigga'' Aryan Turk who is naturally into genocide. Dear world we need to save South India from MONSTER MOSTAQUE. We are passionate about Vivek Ramaswamy and his people.... their welfare. Maybe more than our OWN people.

I'm not a psychiatrist/psychologist but I think it's called JACOB projection.

Emperor Alauddin Khilji (Persian: علاء الدین خلجی; r. 1296–1316), born Ali Gurshasp, was a ruler from the Khalji dynasty that ruled the Delhi Sultanate in the Indian subcontinent. Alauddin instituted a number of significant administrative changes in India, related to revenues, price controls, and society. He also successfully fended off several Mongol invasions of India, with much smaller armies, again, again and again. One of several military geniuses which the soil of INDIA produced.

In the Hindi movie version, he is a cartoonish character out of the Western racist imagination when compared to the beneficial rule of Western countries around the world and India. In the movie, he sings, dances, and overeats. In the final scene of this masterpiece movie, he arrives with his entire ARMY to steal the wife of a Hindu Maharajah, even though he is depicted simultaneously as gay. Emperor Alauddin Khilji has NOTHING better to do than lust after other people's women.


Jacob flooded my hometown with Somalis just to make his racist convoluted contradictory crass points.

In Jacob's fantasy world and his racist crusade to justify the illegal torture and harassment against me (In the last 40 years no explanation has been provided as to why I'm being tortured, harassed and my name associated with certain unsavoury historical characters, and the globalisation of its process into other countries by either the UK state/USA Empire in close cooperation with the German state/Australia...its open season open-ended, depending on what I watch on youtube, and how the faggot bastards feel like they want to be triggered. 

Thus in Jacob's extremely racist world, and his kind since ''NIGGA'' are inferior human beings to get other white nations security to mobilise I am conflated with African's and specifically Somalis (Sometimes Nigerians). 

Bangladeshis from where I originally come from are in REALITY PREDOMINANTLY INDO-BURMESE PEOPLE (geography Jacob). BUT, like all nations on earth, save Polynesia and Micronesia Bangladesh also contains ARYAN'S who migrated into the area circa 3500 years ago from Ural/Russia.
In BENGAL the Aryan's are not white, blue eyed or blond.

Bengal is in ASIA, filled with Asian people. And much of history extremely prosperous part of INDIA before the arrival of the Acrophal Western colonialism, which looted, genocided and destroyed the place.

I tried to communicate with Adrian an ex-BNP member from the West Country, as to why there were so many immigrants in the UK (8%). He had all the 'The Sun' and 'Daily Mail' headlines lined up. I explained to him 
(i) Waves of immigrants have always come into the UK 
Short stocky violent people.

Neanderthals, Homo Sapiens from the Middle East some 40,000 years ago. Gravettian Culture 30,000 years ago, Stone Age Neolithic 10,000-5,000 years ago, The Unetice Culture 4000 BC, The Beaker Culture 3000 BC, Celtic people from Southern Germany/Austria 600 BC, Romans......

(ii) SOME Poor people like to live in rich countries, for economic gain.
(iii) After WW2, in the 1950'S,  the Tory governments of Churchill and MacMillan encouraged immigration from the Commonwealth. Labour shortage 
(iv) Capitalists love cheap labour which undercuts domestic labour.
(v) ZIONIST GLOBALISTS WEAPONISE IMMIGRANTS TO subvert the majority population 
(vi) The UK is a premier security state envied by North Korea (they know to the minute what I watch on YouTube, even from the other side of the world GCHQ, 5 EYES, Satellites.....AND usually have racist POV to share, about something that is perfectly mundane...' DANISH POOF PASTRY' ), AND ONLY THE TPTB DECIDES WHO, AND HOW MANY FOREIGNERS COME INTO 'PREFIDIOUS ALBION' and not the other way round,       plucky illegal immigrants evading UK SECURITY to paddle/saunter into the UK (not).

Danish Cheesy Poof pastry

(vii) The dynamics are somewhat different in the USA, where it's happening at a more epic scale. ZIONIST GLOBALISTS WEAPONISE IMMIGRANTS TO subvert the majority population, European whites .....yes, as in the UK. However, in addition the CATHOLIC elite in the USA symbolised by the CIA, also play a role in flooding the USA WITH 11-25 million illegal immigrants...during both the GOP/DNC rule.

Anyway the Bangladeshis in the UK, aren't Bengalis technically they are Assamese, a decidedly different race to REAL BENGALIS. The Assamese aren't Somalis however, but a race of people from INDIA, THAILAND AND CHINA.(JACOB THE GEOGRAPHY......JACOB HAVE A LOOK AT YOUR FUCKING OXFORD GEOGRAPHY MAP).....this little bit of Assam (Sylhet) was illegally latched on to East Pakistan due to its Muslim Majority.

Partition of INDIA along religious lines was ILLEGAL since the majority of INDIANS did not vote for it. Still, it was enforced through Colonial Gunga Din puppets such as Gandhi, Nehru, Patel and Jinnah.

FINALLY, with Bengal and its relationship with Western colonialism, the history is loaded with paranoia, deep animosity and feminist style 'hell hath no fury like a women scorned'' Unlike REAL MEN, some women just don't know when to let go. 

Mughal queen who defeated the Dutch, and became a feminist icon.

Mughal artillery from 1526 onwards, although South India was way ahead in ''modern'' gunpowder warfare. Circa 14th century.

In the 17th century the Mughals attempted to conquer AHOM-dominated ASSAM. When that failed, they permitted European ships to sail into ASSAM, and do trade and Bengal Subah taxed the European ships a piddly 2% surcharge on all goods out of ASSAM. The British and Dutch objected to ANY TAX ....so these EUROPEAN POWERS DECIDED TO TEST THE MUGHAL WAR MACHINE (the most powerful nation on earth at that time). The Dutch were defeated in a few minutes, and banned from doing ANY further trade in INDIA (1683). They never returned. 

BUT with the British for the MUGHALS IT WAS A LITTLE bit more slippery/TRICKY. The British took the fight into the sea, blocking Subah Bengals trade with the world, AS A GLOBAL TRADING HUB, but eventually as a LAND superpower it built a navy, with huge modern shipyards in Chittagong and defeated the British at Sea, after 4 years of naval engagement. It looked like the British would be expelled from the entire INDIA, and that would have been the end of the story. BUT, British officers in Chennai started writing grovelling letters and begging to continue with the lucrative trade with Bengal Subah. 


Emperor Aurangazeb stated to the BRITISH that if they got on their hands and knees and begged directly to him in person, he would consider letting the British stay and trade in Bengal Subah, Surat, Chennai and all other trading posts that the British had set up from the early part of the 17th century.
Painting by giggling Europeans watching the spectacle..French, Spanish and Portuguese.
More accurate Mughal painting.

The above briefly explains why JACOB flooded my hometown with 15,000 Somalis, (120,000 in the UK, overall)  Ilhan Omer psy-ops in the USA IN TANDEM FOR MY BENEFIT. .....and a glimpse into my illegal bizarre condition. If tall tales originate from the Rothschilds of London, we must take it with a pinch of salt, especially if they pertain to the ''dreaded Bengaaaali babu''. 

Now I will briefly, always briefly take apart the Jacob SOMALI psy-ops.

By doing this it explains to us WHY the West, North American leadership, European leadership and not forgetting Czar Londongrad Putin FAIL their people, despite having such tremendous ability and potential:

1. So I'm a NIGGA Somali who deserves the harassment and torture illegally for 40 odd years. On the other hand Africans in Europe and especially the USA will be weaponised, and empowered through the media to attack the majority white population, via George Soros. Karine JP.

2. I'm a NIGGA SOMALI who wants, without providing any real reason to genocide, South Indians.

3. I'm at once a NIGGA SOMALI, and an Aryan.

4. I'm Superman (another psy-ops)..and a magical human who can do fantastic things LIKE CHANGE GOVERNMENTS in WHOLE NATIONS!!!!!!  Seriously.  BUT

Genghis Khan IS unable to do a basic data-inputting job in the UK, without there being some faggot drama

Allauiddin Khilji is unable to do a simple dishwashing job in Germany

Gama the Great is unable to pick olives in Greece properly.

Whilst being simultaneously tortured with Microwave machines, humiliation, racism and harassment.

What is wrong with him? Why does he have the 1000 mile stare looking dazed and on the moon.

According to them, I also have another skill: fixing outcomes in sports events!
So here goes.


However, this is NOT my personal wish, but it might be portrayed as such. There is a clear delineation between the illegal actions of the state, working outside of local and international norms and the good British people, and their welfare.

Football is the most popular game in the world, with $trillions of cash involved. Therefore it attracts the nefarious elements of society such as organised Gambling mafia's; Far right parties and the secret police. For this reason, and racism from soccer fans I no longer watch or follow the ''Beautiful Game''.

The above result can be altered by the Malaysian betting mafia's, and buying some of the Spanish players for ''match fixing''. It also depends on the local German Polizei/Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV), and how they relate to this grand charade...spectacle.

Based on Spain and England's REAL PERFORMANCE over one year...this ought to be the result.


These are the Psy-ops I got around Kensington, London. 1999-2002.
Hassidic Jews with poison gas (APPREHEND EXTREME PAIN FOR A SHORT WHILE), to MOSSAD operatives curious about ''The Game" spotting British Intelligence officers in London, and repeating the line ''Do you know the way to Vauxhall Cross''...50 of them and about 30 CIA.

Even though I have not mastered the art of walking on water, I'm considered to be JESUS...his reincarnation. This gossip originates from Rothschilds London. It is meant to trigger MOBILISE Orthodox Jews who hate Jesus, like nothing on earth...

""Boil the traitor and heretic in boiling excrement'' that kind of hatred of Jesus.

""Put him in the Pizza oven""

Its about pressing peoples buttons, and for a time in the West 1999-2002 I had to endure glaring Jewish gentlemen posturing as if looking for a FIGHT.

Pretty aggressive strangers. Well if the ROTHSCHILDS can trigger the American Deep State to do 9/11, and kill 3,000 Merrikkans and Wah around the world, then why not a few riled-up Jewish ZEALOTS, based on FAKE GOSSIP.


In contrast to Jacob's special imagination and plans, I applied myself in the UK. My father was a rocket scientist and my primary mentor and inspiration. Dr. Mohammed Mobarak Ali from Bangladesh. 

The country's first rocket scientist working in the Pakistan MOD, at Wah. In his twenties, he became the country's chief experimental officer and simultaneously was considered for work as the lead newscaster of Bangladesh. I had a lot to live up to.....and not be led by Jacob's peculiar Ivory Tower elitist world. (Not that he wanted me in it either, fully assimilated in the UK with a passion for cricket rejuvenating the UK car industry in the Midlands as yet another 'magical engineer')

In my 58 years, I have never participated in politics. I have never joined any political party as a card-carrying member. I'm fundamentally apolitical. But in the modern world to move things in your direction. especially with peculiar racist ethnic dogma (which Jacob might sponsor), you MUST join a political party of like-minded people, with a mass base. I HAVE NOT AND NEVER SHOWED THE INCLINATION TO DO SO.

As a UK-trained Barrister, however, I have certain skills which I have acquired, particularly in opinion writing.

With my undergraduate qualifications in law, and 2 postgraduate qualifications I'm in the 1% educated bracket of the country.

This skill allows me to write about a broad range of subjects reasonably COGENTLY, and if I want to be on the flip of a switch quite topical sharp with bite. 

But to avoid the above psyops of being a leaker of state secrets I don't provide citations, references, footnotes, end notes or bibliography for my casual words. They are mostly my personal opinions. The opinions are brief and need more detail.

They exist to stimulate people to THINK and PONDER, without deep analysis.

It is deliberately meant not to be stellar writing that would be acceptable in most of the Chambers in London.


But even then my private utterances and the written word have POWER, and gage reactions by various governments. In extreme cases my personal Parker ballpoint pens have been stolen, so now I no longer buy them as a teacher, and cherish them (I use cheap BIC). Somewhere in a dark cellar, folks in long dark gowns in a circle must have placed my Parker pen on a stone altar to commune with the universe. Why can't these good folks with reasonable IQ and power just pay me, and connect with me? WIN/WIN ...and I'll just shut up about Jacob Rothchilds (my nemesis tormentor) and Aryan's. 

I am curious if you can see my gold Parker pen with my engraved name on it on the altar.

The contradictions are enormous and absurd. Cartoonish. These are our Globalist 'leaders' in the WEST, and witless puppets of the Rothschilds of London. No wonder the USA, 'THE SHINING LIGHT ON THE HILL' ...FAILS and is FAILING.

With Biden run by Barack Hussein Obama/Hitlery the USA fails slowly, gracefully. Woke identity culture takes priority over the USA's genuine needs.

With Der Fuhrer Trump it's a roller coaster ride of dangerous precipices and abyss, and maybe even civil war.





If you murder your own people due to orders from Jacob this will most certainly fail your country. As sure as bringing riligin into the public discourse, or PROJECT 2025 aka 1933 'Reichstag Fire' 2.0. Der Fuhrer who is half German, and a SOROS GLOBALIST (SOROS lives in Germany mostly, and NY).

Jacob's lies and contradictions are clear to me. Because they involve my being, my true identity, my aspirations whatever that is left of them and my very survival. Nobody should suffer death by a 1000 Jacob lies and idle incidental gossip of a rich powerful man, who has taken a peculiar obsessive queer interest in me.

In Jacob's imagination along with his 'Flying Monkeys' I'm a genocider of INDIANS. This is what Americans are told, and of course Indians.

In other parts of ASIA, especially, I'm a champion of India. Making India Great Again. Even though I have never been to India once, am not a citizen of the country, or have a single Indian WeChat buddy. I have no connections to the country or the slightest mechanism to influence it. But for uber-racist Jacob, I kind of look like a Paki so I must be lumped with them,  good or bad...actor, but never British.

Without my permission, I'm an unwitting multi-faceted Crisis Actor for Jacob, a DUPE or FOIL playing out multiple improbable roles on the world stage simultaneously, as a foil to gauge specific reactions from various nations which are favourable to his worldview, and GLOBALIST plans.

I'm reduced to pleading, 'It's not me!'. This is definitely not me. I once aspired to be a London 2000/ USA 2001/ Bangladesh 2002 lawyer/Barrister and now I'm a teacher of 21 years. Pretty mundane, ordinary Middle-class aspirations.

I'm not Cyrus the Great
I'm not Hitler
I'm not Genghis Khan
I'm not General Tojo
I'm not Shanyu 善于 the Hun leader
I'm not Alauddin Khilji
I'm not Gama the Great Westler


Also, I cannot be ALL of them at once. They are contradictions of RACE and ROLE IN HISTORY. 

But in the rarified elite world of Jacob, detached from the REAL WORLD, attending cold showers/and the toilets of Eaton with other boys of his kind, and History major at OXFORD, then Erskine Childers ''Riddle of the Sands'' boys own fantasy world becomes the REALITY.

Its more exciting than making a billion or two, and skimming the money out of the UK, without paying taxes and into the 70-odd offshore tax havens of the world, where his family $trillions ly. Whilst playing truly bizarre games with the UK, AND THE WORLD.

OH YES JACOB! I've got my list of stories too about you, and your family from top secret sources. But it will not be done like Julian Assange. It will be in the form of informal unverified gossip eg. Little Sampler 

You Jacob funded the IRA, which killed 3500 UK citizens and injured 40,000 from the 1970s to the 1990s in addition to killing LORD Mountbatten who was seen as a challenge to Rothschilds absolute power in the UK, and almost the entire UK cabinet in Brighton in 1985 as part of an ongoing RACE WAR between Celtic people and Anglo-Saxons (English). You crowned yourself as the leader of the Celtic world, and this had implications in the USA with the election of Jimmy Carter, Reagan, Clinton, Trump and Biden. You funded the IRA through Colonel Gaddafi and the CIA. You Jacob knowingly murdered British government servants, public figures and civilians exercising your illegal satanic powers through your network of flying monkeys. 

You have converted Ireland into the most prosperous European nation, in terms of per capita income (This is OK with me), but your largesse and generosity does not extend to the CELTIC people of Cornwall and Devon, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Jacob's contradiction and hypocrisy. 

The other contradiction was the attempted murder of Margaret Thatcher's cabinet in Brighton in 1985. Margaret Roberts Thatcher was Celtic of Welsh descent, even though at the beginning of 1975 she dyed her hair blond, and affected a fake English posh accent. By 1990, the year her puppet master died, she had ginger hair, and an absurd tranny voice with elocution lessons from Sir Lawrence Olivier.  She was specifically chosen because she was CELTIC and a female (Jacob's woke feminism). PM Heath had to be removed and replaced, as he had been caught 'Cottaging'' in Public toilets and chasing and snuffing little boys on his yacht. Her cabinet was filled with British Jewish people, and Sir Keith Joseph (the policy maker). She was a puppet of Victor Rothschilds, Jacobs's father. Her mission was to convert the UK into a service-based economy, dominated by The City.

AND yet at the drop of a hat, she could have been killed in 1985, by the CELTIC IRA.

Sir Jimmy Saville OBE, aka SATANIC MENTOR TO THE BRITISH ELITES (SPENT MANY CHRISTMAS WITH THATCHER).....No formal education. Night club bouncer from up North. Zero skills and talent PIECE OF SHIT. Attained fame as a crappy DJ on the BBC, and charity fundraiser. 

The other gossip is that Jacob sent Sir Jimmy Saville OBE, to enforce Jacob's grand diplomatic strategy in the very sensitive Middle East, centred around a visit to Israel in the 1970s.(Bypassing the UK state). The key takeaways of ''Jim'll Fix It''  to Israel was:

(i) Make peace with Egypt in the short term.
(ii) Fund Islamic groups inside the Palestinian community. Divide and weaken the secular Socialist PLO, with its contingent of Christian Palestinians. Arafat's wife SUHA Arafat was a Christian mini shirt-wearing younger woman. 

(iii) Accept the overthrow of the Shah of Iran, Israel's best friend in the Middle East. Accept the Mullahs of Iran into power, and help them into power alongside cooperation with Libya, NATO and the USA. All this is part of the broader 'Arc of Crisis'' policy, from the Rothschilds of London.

How very peculiar and contradictory!