Aug 26, 2021

The unaccountable runaway train wreck and Deep State black hole that spells the end of the American Empire





The CIA, Pentagon and State Department were in Afghanistan for 20 years to harvest OPIUM/Heroin.

This generates a total profit of $1 trillion for the criminal elements of the Deep State and the Jewish Wall Street Bankers.

We do not know the total amount as it is kept a secret.

The criminals in the Deep State also make money from the tax payer by misdirecting funds meant for Afghanistan 'WAR' cough cough fighting the fake CIA Taliban, and 'nation building'.

The DEEP STATE criminals milk both teets of the udder. 

Honest service to America is not for them.

Honest business is not for them.


New Report Finds US Has Spent Over $2.3 Trillion on Afghanistan War

The number will increase in the future as the US is still paying for veterans care and interest on money borrowed for the war

by Dave DeCamp Posted on

Brown University’s Costs of War project released an updated report Wednesday on US spending for the war in Afghanistan. The report found that since the 2001 invasion, Washington has sunk over $2.3 trillion into the war.

The spending includes operations in both Afghanistan and Pakistan and is broken down into five categories. The biggest chunk is the Defense Department’s budget for the war, which is just over $1 trillion. The State Department’s war budget adds another $60 billion. War-related Increases to the Pentagon budget account for $433 billion.

Estimated interest payments on war borrowing accounts for $532 billion, and spending on care for veterans of the war adds up to $233 billion. Costs of War did not account for future interest payments or future spending on lifelong care for veterans, so the total will still increase even after the US completes its military withdrawal from Afghanistan.