Jul 13, 2021

Mother Russia deserves a noble, fine looking, tall Indo-European leader who is not a fake/faux Christian.





Russia is a special country.

Many of US LOVE Russia with a deep pure passion.

Though we cannot visit the country, even for a short visit, we can admire it from afar and worry over it in private concern and angst.

Russia with Ukraine is where the noble IRANIAN RACE evolved.

HOWEVER 2 events fairly recent (in the full spectrum of IRANIAN history) undermined the traditional 4 millennia long position of the Iranian races in the steppe:

1. The invasion of the Slavic races from Siberia Circa AD 800, and the Turkic invasion of Central Asia circa AD 200 from the Altai.

2. The Jewish Bolshevik Revolution funded by the Rothschilds of London, via their NY entities....Jacob Schiff. The Jewish Bolshevik Revolution was a RACE WAR, wrapped in REVOLUTIONARY GLOBALIST LANGUAGE from the Jew Karl Marx. It put Jews on top of Russian society, with assumed Russian pseudonyms, or empty slogan names.



3. According to Alexander Solzynetzin, an INDO-EUROPEAN Christian devotee and writer 60 million Soviets died during the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution 1918-1991. The Rothschilds instituted WW1 which weakened Russia, and with critical German help to the Bolsheviks in Leningrad from 1916, whilst Lenin was transferred from Globalist banker Switzerland to Leningrad via Germany, with arms and money (50 million Reichmarks?)....WW2 consolidated killed 27 million Soviets and converted the Soviet Union into a Superpower with hegemony over Eastern Europe.

4. The Globalist Jews collapsed the Soviet Union, ISRAEL didn't need the Arab loving SOVIET WORKERS PARADISE Empire, and the main supplier of arms to the radical Arab world from CIA Gaddafi, to CIA Nasser to CIA Saddam.....and the Ba atheists in Syria, and Algeria. The 1991 Gulf War signalled a new Epoc for the Globalist Jew, in which the Jewish construct of the Soviet Union was not needed.

5. The USA, with Israel and Rothschild London then loot the Soviet Union using the Russian Jewish Mafia. The Soviet Union then collapses into a 3rd-world banana republic run by mafia figures. Young men dress like mafia and women like whores.

What kind of nation elevates such degenerate behaviour to the upper echelons of society?

6. Boris Berezovsky, the premier Russian Jewish mafia oligarch then crowns KGB Putin to lead the new nation. ...in 1999, to consolidate into the new normal ALL the crimes and looting the Jewish mafia had done in conjunction with the USA/CIA/Larry Summers/Israel/Rothschilds London. Jew Globalism.

7. On the surface with the aid of statistics and banana republic like raw materials exports--oil and gas sales, the Russian economy recovers to 6th place in the world, after being number 2 in 1991 (PPP GDP at $4.3 trillion IMF estimates for 2021).     1999--2021. BUT, nothing can hide the hard facts:

  • Incredibly low Middle class at 15-20% of population
  • Massive Capitalist Neo-liberal like income disparity.
  • Average take home pay $450 ....like a lower end middle income developing nation.
  • Life expectancy dropping
  • Population dropping
  • Like any good banana republic low expenditure on EDUCATION AND HEALTHCARE by the government.
  • Low expenditure on INFRASTRUCTURE and INDUSTRY. You would think the Jew Chimps in Moscow would take a glance at neighbour China, and take clear pointers from there....sustained government investment in these 2 STRATEGIC  areas help grow the economy, especially when the Globalists adopt a hostile sanctions based posture against your country, and economy. In such a situation it is the job of the government to act as the artificial market and engine that pushes the development of the nation towards desired goals....you fucking chimps. 

Neo-liberal might work if there is a level playing field for all.

No bad actors inside the country, or outside to sabotage skewer the system.

Society is prepped for it, trained for it.

The elite is not corrupt, but have a degree of patriotism.

The financial system is developed enough for it.

Neo-liberalism is not implemented by entities of the CIA/State Department with a view to converting the economy and country as a vassal, colony of the USA empire. That neo-liberalism is not implemented in your country by the USA predominantly, in bad faith. As a mechanism for asset stripping and capital flight, and narrow creation of a pro-American elite concentration...the new masters.

This Neo-liberalism must fail in Iran under Rohani, Putins Russia, Argentina, Ukraine, BOLIVIA, VENEZUELA if tried, Chile...and so on. Greece, Spain, Italy..

  • Corruption.......Russia is a very corrupt state. It needs to be corrupt for Putin to get away with all his crimes inside the country. $100 billion annual capital flight out of the country.

8. Putin is Jewish. He thinks of Israel first, before Russia. Putin visits Israel every week openly or secretly to check on his Jewish family and dacha in Haifa. In the 1970's he spent quite a while training indoctrination there...if Ukraine has a Jew leader on a regular basis, why not Russia asks the INNER KGB? 

Putin goes to Israel to tell them when and where to attack SYRIA, IRAQ AND IRAN.

His cabinet is filled with Jews, Atlanticists and ethnic non-Russians............well so much for robust,    leather clad biker gang,      skinhead,      St. Petersburg, white .......tough on Moooooslim false flag right-wing fascism nonsense.(especially in the earlier days)

Defense Secretary Sergey Shoigu, Buddhist Shamanistic ethnic minority of 0.00001% of Russia's population, Tuvan's....linked to Mongol's.

Ah, what's wrong with having an ethnic IRANIAN RUSSIAN defence secretary?


Head of Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina (Tartar--meaning Muslim Mongol)

What's wrong with having a high finance wizard who has not been trained in the USA, and does not believe in Neo-liberalism, BUT AN ECONOMIC MODEL THAT suits Russia and its ordinary people?

Its not a crime to be Jewish, its not a crime to fake Christianity (its is mere populist politics), its not a crime to be a bad leader for life with a multiculti cabinet with Jews.

It is HOWEVER a NUREMBERG WAR crime to be a zigsaw piece in a Rothschilds grand plan to destroy Russia....from within, whilst posing as an ultra-nationalist Atlanticist cool Jewdo badass KGB CHESS MASTER.
