Jan 9, 2021

Antifa hijacked the Patriots PEACEFUL protests.





The Globalist Israeli trained police were also involved, without whose 'cooperation' Antifa infiltration agents couldn't have invaded ILLEGALLY the hallowed halls and premises of Capital Hill.

Its on camera.


The legal and constitutional objections of the fraud results would have been quite stunning by GOP politicians led by Senator Ted Cruz, and would have been an education for the Silent Majority.

To steal his thunder, the DNC organised the stunt .......( its not new or remarkable, the Jew Globalists rely on such staged false flag stunts to further their agenda ).

And what should have been a Trump Day focused on massive election fraud, became a diversion about Antifa and......the selling of the Speakers Seat on eBay (how appropriate an insider joke by Antifa!)

Globalist Jew Trump AS PREDICTED surrendered, as a willing accomplice and gave his defeat speech.....'Go to the DNC abbatior in peace you stupid goy sheeple' as I wind down my pied piper of Hamlin term. 

Nary a period punctuation about 'HIS' administrations exposure of massive election fraud--Domestic Mark Zukerberg, Georgia,       and foreign, Venezuela, Iran, Russia ....with massive hacking attacks on a par with a full-scale war! (This is real serious stuff that do not have time limits)

But his work for Israel, including prepping the American armed forces for another WAR for Israel ......is successful. His work for Israel has been successful in the last four years, including the repatriation of Israeli spy who was responsible for the deaths of 100's of Soviet CIA spies, Jonathan Pollard.

But for 80 million American voters or is it really 330 million Americans, Globalist Jew Drumpf just couldn't deliver.

The 2 high point legislative achievements of his 'administration' of Golfing, Fox news and 'Circus like unscripted speeches' promoter was the massive tax cuts for the rich in 2018, and first in the priority queue of COVID RELIEF, 2 Cares Act of March 2020 which gave massive taxpayer money to..........................drum roll..........the rich big fat corporations between $5-7 trillion when divvied by the GLOBALIST Federal Reserve. With some of that money going to the Rothschilds of London, George Soros and Israel of course.

Spookily he always without FAIL hired the worst GLOBALIST SWAMP creatures under his stable genius 3D chess administration. 

We know who he was playing for ........Israel and the Globalist rich, with Jeff Bezos doubling his wealth in just one year, in just one year..................whilst ordinary Americans suffered under the artificial Pandemic, and artificial economic meltdown led by the DNC.

I wouldn't be surprised if he actually ordered the mild-mannered Pence to stand down, last Wednesday. The mild-mannered Pence who outperformed him in the Presidential debates against 'President Kamala.'.........in the Presidential debates which he sabotaged 2 times.

AND not a pennies worth of relief for his 80 million voters. 

The solution fellow Americans is not yet another third party that withers in the vine, and divides conservatives politically ensuring DNC victory.

What is needed is real Christian WASP males to come forward and struggle and fight against the Globalists Jews, first within the GOP. Real WASP Christian males.

