Aug 5, 2020

The left -wing Marxists can't stop crowing


$29.4 billion for the Pentagon---the COVID 19 Virus came out of a Pentagon military lab run by Dr. Fauci. Closed down by President Obama in 2014, when he learnt through his intelligence briefings that Fauci and Bill Gates were experimenting with vaccines and viruses on Central African failed state, under some bizarre Nazi-era eugenics program. So Dr. Fauci from 2014 took his operations to other countries.

If the fake Pentagon military lab Pandemic originates from the Pentagon, and was weaponised to DESTABIISE AND DISRUPT President Trump's inevitable victory, as it seemed in late 2019, early 2020. Why would you give the Pentagon extra (gold toilet/hooker hotels/ golf courses money) money at this CRITICAL JUNCTURE?

If the Pentagon can't account for $8-11 trillion of their expenditure over 20/30 years...why give such a CORRUPT entity more taxpayer money at such a critical juncture?

$1.75 billion for a new FBI building. If the FBI is the lead Deep State organisation which APPEARS to be doing the bidding of the Globalists to neuter the Trump administration, why would ya give a cent extra from a desperately needed relief package to the bastards in the FBI, and make them happy?

$377 million to make the Whitehouse look new and renovated. If you angling to lose, and will lose the upcoming elections in November, why on earth siphon so much money on a pet project from a desperately needed STIMULUS package where 10's of millions are hurting, and hold up negotiations with the Demonrats?

PATTI HEARST/ STOCKHOLM SYNDROME---The more you hurt me as a victim, the more my RESPECT AND AFFECTION GROWS FOR YOU my kidnapper and evil torturer.

1000 years ago in the early MED EVIL era, not in the 21st century.