Jul 30, 2020

Sounds Presidential--AND not even rocket science.

It is the kind of speech YOU give at this serious moment.

AND obviously not delivered by Joseph Biden

Just simple earthy common sense.

People in America, not rich are in DIRE STRAIGHTS.

Potentially 28-50 MILLION Americans could be out on the streets very soon because they can't afford the rent.

Because of the NEO-LIBERAL CONSTRUCTION of the American economy, a staggering 80% of American workers live paycheque to paycheque.(Forbes)

These people have no savings. They live in the debt bubble artificially constructed by the neo-liberal masters of the American economy.

Small changes in their income...... let's say 30% reduction in income has SEVERE CONSEQUENCES on their tripwire marginal lives, through an economic model they did not create.


70% of American GDP IS Neo-liberal pile on the debt CONSUMPTION based.

BUY something NOW, which you probably don't need and pay for it LATER. Don't bother saving money for rainy days.

Which Wall Street teachers taught them this philosophy of life?

If these people don't have income and don't spend then the American economy collapses.

Not slowly but very quickly.

So in a once in a generation economic downturn of this magnitude 90 years after the Great Depression, you STIMULATE THE ECONOMY.

In a civilised society, in the 21st century where orbitals are sent to Mars and back by remote control, you don't allow people to suffer or die off under some bizarre Malthusian ideological obscurantist schism.

FINALLY if the Pandemic and Economic shut down and the riots were ALL artificially created by the Deep State CIA coup to remove Donald Trump (When it looked like dead certain he would win a second term January, February March 2020) ......then all the more reason to quench this illegal larency with gushes of directed strategic STIMULUS MONEY to the needy masses.
