Oct 12, 2019

Iran attacked by Saudi Arabia (False Flag alert)

Nary a word of outrage, sanctimonious speeches or SANCTIONS.

Most of the Saudi leadership want some kind of accomodation with Iran, and a cessation of hostilities in Yemen.

The Saudi's want to sell to foreigners 5% only, of the efficiently run state oil company (surprising for a banana republic Theocractic Kleptocracy---that it is so efficient)...and a Neo-Liberal policy of raising cash for the oil rich country, to pay for its foreign misadventures.

How about stopping the foreign misadventures in the first place? Sounds too dumb?

HOWEVER, since the 1940's Saudi Arabia has become an important USA strategic vassal(why it gets away with any crimes) and there are people in Saudi Arabia who are loyal to the USA first, along with the 'Dutch courage' of 1500 USA troops arriving in the desert Monarchy.

and so they continue the Yemeni Genocide with American weapons and logistics.

The Jewish Saudis from Basra and the Holy custodians of Makkah and Medina.

الله على جانبهم ، بالتأكيد