Sep 23, 2019

We are not alone

The argument is that American children would be frightened by the appearance of strange looking foreigners from another planet. Thus keep that matter a secret, and spin it as a Soviet plot to take over the wholesome American way of life.(anti-Communist propaganda from the 1950's)

The more plausible explanation is that of the Roman Catholic church, and keeping knowledge restricted and opaque so that the masses could be confused and CONTROLLED by the Plutocractic elite. Martian technology after all gives the USA military a military edge as it did the Nazis, before mass production and Hitlers utter stupidity generously interpreted as mistakes over whelmed the initial advantage. 

Fiber opitics
Extreme high speed vehicles

Are just some of the alleged Martian technology, and Donald Trump has talked about yet more secret technology which would make America even richer again, and help humanity in the process. That the corrupted Globalist elite have held such technology back.....or have squandered them in their selfish bizarre Globalist objectives.

'And ofcourse the biggest pushers of CONSPIRACY THEORY are the establishment news and the USA government. Right now they are pushing the conspiracy news that Iran bombing Saudi Arabia....didn't happen (no evidence provided by the USA government as with 9/11 and the complicity of OBL, and evidence)  ..............Russiagate....that our President is a Manuchurian candidate...working in secret with another power.....thats their assertion'