Why would the President submit himself to Muellers Star Chamber at this particular juncture, rather than wait out until later in the year------AFTER THE FULL IMPLICATIONS OF THE 4 PAGE FISA MEMO have sunk in (Mueller's star chamber becomes irrelevant and illegal BY THEN, with SERIOUS CONFLICT OF INTEREST ISSUES...AND THEREFORE it must be disbanded, and the President with enough on his plate doesn't need the grilling from Mueller.......looking Meuller in the eye, answering his questions knowing that Mueller is a CLINTON PUPPET, someone who takes his talking points from Hilary in Hawaii............fixed Presidential debates between the 2 by way of the previous example).
Dubya the 2 term moron rehab President cooperated with the 9/11 commission under Cheney's absolute terms.......and very late into the enquiry, with Dick Cheney by his side supplying HIS answers.
President Trump doesn't need to PROVE to the public his honesty, nothing to hide credentials, by innocently marching into Muellers Star Chamber grilling with loaded intricate questions from Hilary.......AT THIS JUNCTURE!
........unless Jeff 'Vanguard Inc' Sessions is by his side supplying ALL his answers and the President is PROTECTED by that fact:
Julian Assange will not be taken to a remote ranch tending the wild horses in Oregan, WASTING HIS SKILLS and knowledge, AND that possibly he will be given a government advisory position overseeing the GLOBALIST DEEP STATE, and that this will bring in an ARMY of a billion YOUNG followers to the Trump Presidency, EMOTIONALLY attached to the Assange PRODUCT.....filled with hope for the future.
MOSSAD, NEOCONS and the Jews did 9/11 as confirmed by Dr. Steven Pieczinik.......with the aid of the Deep State.(Julian Assange says otherwise....that critical position should make his entry into the USA easier vis a vi USA Deep State)
Robert Adolphus Mueller the III spent 9/11 DAY, CRYING in front of the camera (great acting Herr Bob)....and then methodically covering up the crime for the Israelis and the Deep State involved as Director of the FBI for 12 years. That kind of a devious traitorous weasel should mean the President must not go in front of him, answering his loaded carefully crafted questions, with entrapment process crime in mind.