Then they have the Jewish chutzpah to falsely accuse the legitimate moderate secular government in Damascus that they are killing many Syrian civilians using some of the most despicable methods available (Chemical weapons, barrel bombs amongst others)
US Is Killing More Civilians in Syria Air War Than Assad Is
US Coalition Strikes Are Causing Soaring Casualties
By Jason Ditz at antiwar.com
Exemplified by the hundred and some odd people they’ve killed in the last 48 hours, the US is struggling mightily with the narrative that they are taking extraordinary care to limit the number of civilian casualties in the air war in Syria, and are rapidly losing any pretense of a moral high ground.
Oftentimes, US officials have been so outraged at Syria’s “indiscriminate” air strikes that they’ve demanded regime change, and has railed at Russia and Iran for tolerating their tactics in bombing civilian targets. Obviously, the US never sees the same problem with its own massive killings.
That’s probably because officially, they don’t even recognize the overwhelming majority of the civilian deaths they cause, as the Pentagon’s official death toll for the air war in Iraq and Syria omits virtually all major incidents, and tends to be at most 10% of the toll reported by NGOs.