. This is a great development for Asia and the world.
The SCO is focused on economic issues, to develop and integrate Eurasia equally and in harmony.
But it would be naive to ignore the reality of the world, especially since 1991, with its self appointed hyper power which presumes to act for the world in many matters and even dominate it by the policy agenda set by the Neocons called the PNAC 2000 and the doctrine of Full Spectrum Dominance....which does not allow for the emergence of ANY equal or NEAR equal power to that of the USA.
Should such new powers emerge, they MUST be attacked under such doctrine (China, Russia) This is further elaborated by the 'Grand Chessboard'(1997) master plan which states in a rather skewered convoluted fashion by Svengali Brzezinski (A very powerful strategic policy maker in Washington) that in order for the USA to maintain its primacy hyper-power role in the world, the USA implausibly has to 'control' Eurasia and its vast resources.
'Whoever controls Eurasia controls the world' mantra...which harks back to the Victorian Imperial era which stated that if the British 'lost' India, it would cease to be a great power.....along similar lines.......and something more primate, and Darwinian.
4th world dirt poor Aryan Afghanistan (Ariana) in Eurasia has to be occupied, to harvest Opium for Wall street, and treated appallingly poorly by the USA/NATO occupation powers in order to prove that Aryans are somehow less than Celtic West Europeans and North American (Red necks). Ditto Iran.
Bizarre...YES! Of course its Neanderthal stupid. The USA was a great power well before it got its dirty claws into any bit of Eurasia. BUT it makes a good excuse by a London Rothschild directed Trans-Atlantic figure of influence to direct the USA foreign policy through magic words, and tricks against the weak willed and idiots in the Washington Beltway. We're no longer in caves save for OSAMA....you don't have to prove your superiority by subjugating other people. Live and let live, and allow natural talent to evolve, without fear and suspicion. Nations should develop in harmony and cooperation, and not through war, subjugation and conquest. Going back to the topic in hand......SCO eventually will have to have strong closely aligned security dimension with a leadership role for China. For the SCO to survive the machinations and plots of the USA it must have a strong security dimension. There is no other way.
Iran is next to join the
Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) which will officially have India
and Pakistan on its roster next week, Kazakh President Nursultan
Nazarbayev has said. . Leaders of the regional security
group, led by China and Russia, will meet for the summit of their
leaders in Uzbekistan’s capital of Tashkent on June 23 and 24. . “We
will meet up next time at the SCO forum at which we will include India
and Pakistan into the organization,” Russia’s Interfax news agency on
Saturday quoted Nazarbayev as saying. . “Iran is the next. So, this organization with three billion residents is becoming a huge power," he added. . Russian
President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping will
attend the summit as will Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. . There
is optimism that the entry of India and Pakistan into the grouping will
have a sobering effect on the two nuclear arch-rivals’ ties. . “Besides
adding 1.5 billion people under the SCO umbrella, the India-Pakistan
admission may also help improve strained ties between India and Pakistan
by opening another communication channel,” Xia Yishan, a research
fellow of Central Asian studies at the China Institute of International
Studies, said. . The SCO, founded in 2001, comprises of China,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan as full
members and covers political, economic and military cooperation.
Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran and Mongolia have observer status. . India
and Pakistan had their admission finalized at Ufa summit in Russia last
year but the procedures including the adoption of all SCO documents by
both countries are still under way and they may have to wait until the
2017 summit for a formal seat among its members. . Iran has long
sought membership in the SCO but the group kept the country waiting
until it reached an agreement with the US, Europe and other key
international players on its nuclear program. . With the addition of
Iran, the group would control around a fifth of the world's oil and
represent nearly a half of the global population.
of SCO countries and observer states pose for a group photo on the
sidelines of their summit in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, Sept. 11, 2014.The
SCO has also sought unity with the BRICS group of world countries -
Brazil, India, South Africa, China and Russia. The two bodies have
agreed to coordinate efforts to keep their economies stable, launched a
development bank and agreed on a currency pool. . Member countries are keen to offer an alternative to an outdated vision of a "uni-polar" world dominated by Washington. . For
Russia, the SCO and its close cooperation with BRICS provides a timely
counterbalance to Western sanctions over the Ukraine crisis and the
West’s military expansion near Russian borders. . The SCO is also a
boost to China’s plans to rebuild the Silk Road as its signature
foreign policy initiative and reach markets in Europe and Africa. . Under
the “One Belt, One Road” policy, unveiled by President Xi in 2013,
Beijing seeks to build land, sea and air routes reaching across the
Asian continent and beyond with the aim of boosting trade by $2.5
trillion in the next decade. . The West looks at the plan with suspicion, seeing it as part of a political gambit aimed at expanding China's economic presence.