No doubt MORE cases of illegal BND spying will surface against German entities, individuals as well as foreign ones for their USA massa.
If the German taxpayer pays for the BND what rationale does it have for spying against Germans, on the orders of the USA?
Why is a foreign intelligence service, carrying out domestic spying?
Didn't the BND 'intelligence Service' ever think that the USA requests for spying against German and European targets might be a case of of simple industrial spying, and therefore not the BND's responsibility?
If Germany is not part of the 5 eyes nations why does it show so much enthusiasm for spying for one of the 5 eyes nations.
Why are ALL German spy agencies based in Bavaria? Shouldn't they be in, or near Berlin?
Why is Germany's lead foreign intelligence agency military 'intelligence'? Why can't it be a simple civilian led foreign intelligence service, like the UK's?
What spin and propaganda came from the USA, for the BND to behave so illegally and aggressively against ME, for so long since 2004 in several countries, without formally contacting me, or notifying me of the reasons? We're not talking just passive surveillance here, are we. In the case of my short German stay, inviting Indian Intelligence and Iranian intelligence, in a banal obnoxious manner. Isn't creating coalition of the willing an American thing?
US spy agency asked German intelligence to snoop on Siemens: Report
By Presstv.com
The US National Security Agency asked German intelligence service to spy on the European country’s technology giant Siemens, a new report reveals..
The NSA suspected that Siemens was providing communications technology to a Russian secret service, the German newspaper Bild am Sonntag reported on Sunday, citing unnamed US intelligence sources.
The report added that it is not still clear whether Germany‘s intelligence service BND had in fact delivered any intelligence on Siemens to the NSA or not.
A Siemens spokesman told the newspaper that the company was "not aware of any facts in the company's area of responsibility" that would give excuse making it a target of such surveillance.
The report comes a month after the BND was accused of helping the NSA target the Airbus Group, the French government and the European Commission.
Edward Snowden, a former NSA contractor, began leaking classified intelligence documents in June 2013, revealing the extent of the NSA's spying activity.
The disclosures have revealed that the NSA has been collecting the phone records of millions of Americans and foreign nationals as well as political leaders around the world.
Snowden, who lives in Russia where he has been granted asylum, has said that US government surveillance methods far surpass those of an ‘Orwellian’ state, referring to George Orwell’s classic novel “1984,” which describes a society where personal privacy is continuously invaded by spy agencies.
The revelations prompted Brazil and Germany to draft a United Nations General Assembly resolution aimed at restraining the NSA’s surveillance programs against other nations.
Snowden told Germany's news weekly Spiegel that the latest reports of spying show that "massive surveillance is a reality".
"Industrial espionage is practiced and the intelligence services are working beyond the control of the representatives of the people and of justice," he said.