The USA government WILL have an agreement with Iran and its peaceful, over inspected, miniscule civilian nuclear program. Personally I never understood why the puppet mullahs installed by the USA/UK re-started this Shah era program after initially from 1979, totally shutting it down.
Speculation for the mullah change of tune from 1985, seeking completion of a German plant in Bushyer abound.
1. CIA Saddam had a nuclear program, he who was using chemical weapons against Iranian troops from 1984, and so should Iran have some rudimentary knowledge of the technology, in addition to its medicinal uses.
2. PEAK OIL: The Shah accepted the argument originating from the USA that oil production would reach its peak in 2000, and there after decline until 2070, when it would cease to exist. This was bolstered by a whole gaggle of REPUBLICANS from Kissinger to nuclear power industry related politicians in the USA who told the Shah he badly needed nuclear power, and that he should spend $30 billion in the industry from 1975. The mullahs NOW also believe in Peak Oil, and the need to diversify energy consumption away from oil......thus nuclear power.....alternative power and so on.
Sadly the USA will reach an agreement with Iran, with the bad smell of Zionist proganda hanging over it.
The USA government subconsciously aware of the Zionist proganda has not displayed the balls as to why the USA is entering into an agreement with Iran over its civilian nuclear power.
FDR often spent an inordinate amount of time on the Radio and in the media generally explaining to the public his NEW DEAL, so that the public would be brought into his confidence as to where he was taking the country.
This will be most helpful!
Someone in the administration sans Obama and Kerry should have blitz the media as to why the USA should have a nuclear deal with Iran.
Why normalizing relations between the two countries is good for America in the long run.
How America lost potentially $1.5 trillion worth of trade with Iran since 1979---2015.
How a cabal of Rothschild Atlanticists centered around Bernard Lewis and George Ball, and UK spooks unseated the puppet Shah.......to the detriment of long term American interests and the utter shame and shambles of American foreign policy in that region.(Maybe not)
White House defends Obama’s foreign policy over Iran nuclear talks
By Presstv.com
The White House has announced that the Obama administration would not choose military action against Iran over the country’s nuclear program.
In a sharp criticism of House Speaker John Boehner, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said on Sunday that President Barack Obama has taken steps by building the international community support for policies that are in the best interests of the US.
"I will simply say that if John Boehner thinks that US troops should be on the ground in Yemen fighting the Houthis, or that we should re-occupy Iraq, or that the United States should bomb Iran to prevent them from obtaining a nuclear weapon, then he should have the courage of his convictions to actually say so," Earnest told ABC.
He made the comments after Boehner slammed Obama's foreign policy and described him as an "anti-war president."
Earnest also noted that the US and its negotiating partners can reach a nuclear agreement with Iran by Tuesday’s deadline.
“Ultimately, the president believes that we should be able to... reach an agreement by the end of March if one is doable,” he said.
“It's time for the Iranians to send a clear signal to the international community about whether or not they are willing to make the serious commitments required,” he said.
The P5+1 group – the US, Britain, Russia, China, France plus Germany – are in talks with Iran to reach a comprehensive final nuclear agreement after an interim deal was signed in November 2013.