Clearly wiser council must prevail, and beautiful bread basket Ukraine should remain united. Balkanising it along pro and anti-Russian lines plays into the hands of the globalists based in London and NY. Instead counter -revolutions should be organised to oust the Nazi criminals who conducted an illegal putsch to oust the legitimately legally elected government in 1000 year old RUS Kiev.
BUT this is all good news. Better than in the 1990's when the Russian government, guided by American advisers in Moscow sent a token force of just 200 men with AA equipment to help defend the brother Serbian country against the might of NATO/USA (Jewish banker globalist forces).........ie 'My dear brother I will only symbolically help you whilst your country is destroyed BY MY SMOOTH TALKING new friends in the West'. A cruel joke by Russia against Serbia.
Russian governments must work for unity in the Ukraine, not its Balkanisation which will create multiple problems for Russia in the future, as Russia itself contains many ethnic groups.
1. Russia must use its vast FCR $600 billion to remain united with Ukraine as its ally.
2. Russia must mobilize and train 500,000 men for an Ukrainian invasion and occupation, of purely HOSTILE PARTS OF WESTERN UKRAINE.
3. Russia must specifically target the Nazi thugs, hired by the Jewish globalists.
4. Ukraine is being targeted by globalists because of its huge food production potential, where the population of the earth increases to 9.4 billion and fresh water becomes more scarce. This huge potential for the future is being mismanaged presently. http://www.globalresearch.ca/more-than-meets-the-eye-behind-cambodias-growing-unrest/5363601
5. After Ukraine is taken over by the Nazi hired globalist thugs....RUSSIA NATURALLY WILL BE THE NEXT TARGET....and BELARUS. But in this struggle Russia cannot afford to lose 30 million people killed. ....as in the Great Patriotic War.
6. In the future Russia and Ukraine must conduct annual military exercises.
7. 100,000 Ukrainian troops should be stationed in Russia and 300,000 Russian troops should be stationed in Ukraine DISCREETLY in the future.
8. The terrible crimes committed against the Ukrainian people in the HOLMIDOR 1931--32, and the Bolshevik rule were conducted by Jewish Commissars, not ethnic Russians. The German war machine which killed so many Ukrainians was funded by the USA, and the Jewish bankers. 1941-45. We must learn from history.
The response from Russia under PUTIN will be weak, confused and slow and too little too late....based on symbolism, rather than based on any real strategic action.
AND YET Russia has the resources and the expertise to conduct a counter revolution, EASILY.
Putin is run by a secret Jewish government within the Kremlin; He visited Israel for training in the 1980's....and recuited as a globalist spy of the Rothschilds in Germany, a country he admires more than than his own dear Russia, and which he visits very often...even for the birth of his children.......in Munich, where Hitler was recruited in 1919 by German Intelligence, and with the support of the Rothschilds and the Royal House of Bavaria, the Wittenburgs? and Jewish bankers created the Nazi monster that eventually killed 58 million people around the world directly and indirectly, half of them Soviet citizens. Bavaria is where internal and external German intelligence is based.
Putin and his many doubles have to be removed if he does NOTHING about the Ukrainian crisis.
Russian Parliament Authorizes Sending Troops to Ukraine
New Crimean PM Asks Russia for Help
By Jason Ditz,at antiwar.com
The Crimean Peninsula took another step toward secession today, as newly appointed Prime Minister Sergey Aksyonov, the head of the Russian Unity Party, claimed full control of army and police forces in the region, and asked Russia for addition military aid.
Aksyonov is already reporting that the Crimean autonomous government has got Russian forces from the navy base protecting key government installations, and there are unconfirmed reports of a deployment of 6,000 Russian troops into the Crimea.
Ukraine’s own interim government, installed itself at the end of a protest last week, insisted they don’t recognize Aksyonov as the Crimean PM because his election this week came amid protests in the Crimean capital of Simferapol.
The Crimea is overwhelmingly ethnic Russian, and there appears to be massive support for secession from the Ukraine. The Crimean parliament has already authorized a referendum on the matter offering several options, including seeking a return to Russia, and Russia’s parliament is debating the possibility of reannexing the Crimea if the referendum shows support for it. The Crimean referendum was initially set for May 25, but Aksyonov pushed it up to March 30.
The pro-Russian backlash at regime change in Ukraine even seems to be expanding outside of the Crimea, with protests in Donetsk, Kharkiv, and Mariupol with demonstrators carrying Russian flags. The protests led to clashes with the pro-Western demonstrators who took over the country last week.