Edward Heath became a liability for the Jewish elite, led by the Rothschilds of London, because of his open widely acknowledged 'cottaging' for small boys, visits to the Jersey torture center, fun and frolics with boys on his yacht al la Mountbatten, and visits to childrens homes in the UK and NI ....and that he had been warned by the MPC in several secret meetings whilst PM, for his criminal activity. In the UK a PM is above the law.
Edward Heath was a problem for another reason for the Jewish elite.....he at least personified the traditional Tory ruling elite of politicians since the 18th century who represented the concept of 'Noblesse Oblige' the duty of the ruling class to look after the peasants, for moral reasons, hierarchical reasons, economic reasons, for cultural and plain common sense reasons.......they didn't need or want Watt Tyler leading the peasants to rebel against the Manor with their pitch forks. Treat the peasants decently enough and they will work effectively for their master, out of gratitude. This worked well, and it is noticeable that the UK suffered less rebellion, and civil war than SAY the far more poorly managed Russian empire, or the French. British internal rebellion was relegated to the Celtic fringe in Ireland to the present day for obvious reasons, and Scotland up to the 18th century.
For International Jews like the Rothschild of London, this elite British aristocratic Medieval tradition of 'Noblesse Obige' does not hold water, or historical obligation. They migrated from Frankfurt 200 years ago for one objective/obligation ONLY, to make money.......they were, and are Jewish money lenders who instead of lending money in the Jewish ghetto's of Frankfurt to small fry UNRELIABLE plebs, instead discovered that you can make far more money by lending to governments and kings.......who make war. WAR for the Rothschilds is GOOD. If you can lend money to governments, AND organize wars even better (American Civil War). If you can organize WWI and WWII and lend money....perfect. The Rothschilds are Jews with aristocratic titles....Lord Rothschilds, Baron Rothschilds......and If William becomes King, instead of Charles the alleged pedo, then we will have the first Rothschild king, albeit covertly...King Immanuel the I. But the point is the Rothschilds have no real fealty to any country.....or even one could argue to genuine Jewish interests. They don't visit synagogues that often. If there are problems in stable Britain, they can hop on a plane and escape to Israel, Australia, Vancouver Canada, or even the JEWSA.
From this perspective, which the Rothschilds have not advertised themselves, it makes sense to introduce Jewish free market neo-liberalism from the Chicago School of economics and Professor Milton Friedman (Reaganomics/Monetarism) from the 1970's......into the UK. Because such an economic system will make those within the financial elite even more rich, and the general population NOT far better off. A primitive feudal society.
In the UK you destroy British industry, and the enormous talent of the British public to create and invent things....which was the engine for the Industrial Revolution which made the UK for a while the premier economic and trading power....and YOU artificially elevate 'The City' dominated and run by the Rothschild in London, and the Banks, scams, drugs money laundering, war, insurance companies, investment venture capital, stock market, commodities market.....and so on....people where they do not make anything save speculate and gamble illegally, imaginary money numbers around the world, within their computers.
You then sell off the finest surviving British industry to foreign countries.
These radical Jewish ideas from Chicago could not be introduced into the UK through the Socialist Labour Party, save for some first tentative steps in that direction under Healy the Chancellor, and Callaghan the PM. Labour would be kept out of power for nearly two decades or 18 years, remoulded into NEW LABOUR under crypto-Jew Blair, and alleged Pedo Brown.....and continued under the Jewish Miliband brothers and the thoroughly Jeweyfied labour party.
For the International Jews looking to make money out of the UK, the Conservatives were still the best bet TO IMPLEMENT THEIR program. But Heath had to go in an internal coup in 1975, replaced by an Israeli loving, America adoring puppet actress of the Rothschilds.......Margaret Roberts Thatcher.
Her key Jewish International ideas would be formulated by her Jewish ideological mentor...Sir Keith Joseph.
She would be directly run in key strategic areas such as security by Lord Victor Rothschilds, the Jew.
AND a whole gaggle of East European Jews in her cabinet to ensure she followed the right path.....she would take center stage, with speeches written by Rothschild, and coaching by Sir Lawrence Olivier...Trani voice training so that she sounded more manly and menacing, and posture training........Jew FORMALITY trumps real wholesome state policy substance.
The British intellectual class with their noses in the air, and their hands up their arse...thought this weird pedo loving Maggie Thatcher show was an American coup....you know the CIA installing a puppet...banana republic style....BUT completely missed the elite British Jew role in all this.