Jun 10, 2011

The black economy by country list

This is not a comprehensive list of all 192 countries in the world, but represent a well balanced study based research of the unofficial economy of 104 countries around the world.

Going by this rule, if the unofficial economy was properly regulated and registered every year then India's national budget for 2011--2012 roughly translated would be:

$350 billion, and not $280 billion

And in Pakistan's failed state case, the budget could be $45 billion instead of a meager $32 billion this financial year. In addition to that most rich powerful people such as the Zamindars and Tamindars don't pay any tax. The bulk of taxation is borne by the urban Middle Class and commercial class in failed state Pakistan.

If the unofficial economy of Pakistan was properly registered then Pakistan wouldn't have to beg from other nations....military aid and economic aid, and suffer the humiliation, shame, and the convoluted PR efforts of the Pakistan military. Life would be more simple and clear.

Pakistan wouldn't have to follow other nations dictates and security policies.

Having a President who is a certified crook going around the world begging for more help, AND protected by the USA is immensely damaging for Pakistan's reputation and as can clearly be seen given Pakistan's overall future.

Its all a question of administration and management. Effective state institutions doing their job properly. The most successful countries in the world have the most effective state institutions. That is where India has to focus in order to fight corruption.

State-Building: Governance and World Order in the 21st Century Francis Fukuyama

Professor Fukuyama argues that the USA has a divine mission in the world to spread Capitalism, and thus instill effective state institutions in various countries which are run by dictatorships.

Though obviously the JEWSA will NOT be doing that in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran under the Shah, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya or encourage Pakistan to do so.........or did so in Indonesia, South Vietnam, Liberia and Mexico.

Where the USA has seriously consented to establish EFFECTIVE STATE INSTITUTIONS UNDER THE MAX WEBER MODEL OF THE STATE, those countries have flourished under American occupation and control.......Germany, Japan and South Korea. (and massive American strategic aid directed at the civilian sector......South Korea's steel industry was built up with American grants and loans).

Americans intentions towards nations are uneven depending on the color, and religion of the country. In such a situation where they are not happy with the people of a nation based on race, culture and religion, the American's cultivate the wrong elites in such societies, which consequently impact negatively on the nation.

HOWEVER it is important to remember that EVERY nation on earth has regressive elites who do harm to their own country, and good elites......including the USA.


From www.nationmaster.com

Showing latest available data.
Rank Countries Amount as % of official GDP
# 1 Georgia: 67.3%
# 2 Bolivia: 67.1%
# 3 Panama: 64.1%
# 4 Azerbaijan: 60.6%
# 5 Peru: 59.9%
# 6 Zimbabwe: 59.4%
# 7 Tanzania: 58.3%
# 8 Nigeria: 57.9%
# 9 Thailand: 52.6%
# 10 Ukraine: 52.2%
# 11 Guatemala: 51.5%
# 12 Uruguay: 51.1%
# 13 Honduras: 49.6%
# 14 Zambia: 48.9%
# 15 Belarus: 48.1%
# 16 Armenia: 46.3%
# 17 Russia: 46.1%
= 18 Benin: 45.2%
= 18 Nicaragua: 45.2%
# 20 Moldova: 45.1%
# 21 Sri Lanka: 44.6%
# 22 Philippines: 43.4%
= 23 Kazakhstan: 43.2%
= 23 Senegal: 43.2%
# 25 Uganda: 43.1%
# 26 Niger: 41.9%
# 27 Mali: 41%
= 28 Ethiopia: 40.3%
= 28 Malawi: 40.3%
= 28 Mozambique: 40.3%
= 31 Cote d'Ivoire: 39.9%
= 31 Latvia: 39.9%
= 33 Kyrgyzstan: 39.8%
= 33 Brazil: 39.8%
# 35 Madagascar: 39.6%
# 36 Colombia: 39.1%
= 37 Nepal: 38.4%
= 37 Ghana: 38.4%
= 37 Burkina Faso: 38.4%
= 37 Tunisia: 38.4%
# 41 Bulgaria: 36.9%
# 42 Pakistan: 36.8%
= 43 Morocco: 36.4%
= 43 Jamaica: 36.4%
# 45 Bangladesh: 35.6%
= 46 Romania: 34.4%
= 46 Ecuador: 34.4%
# 48 Kenya: 34.3%
= 49 Bosnia and Herzegovina: 34.1%
= 49 Algeria: 34.1%
= 49 Lebanon: 34.1%
= 49 Uzbekistan: 34.1%
# 53 Venezuela: 33.6%
= 54 Croatia: 33.4%
= 54 Albania: 33.4%
= 54 Botswana: 33.4%
# 57 Cameroon: 32.8%
= 58 Turkey: 32.1%
= 58 Dominican Republic: 32.1%
# 60 Malaysia: 31.1%
# 61 Lithuania: 30.3%
# 62 Mexico: 30.1%
# 63 Serbia and Montenegro: 29.1%
# 64 Greece: 28.6%
# 65 South Africa: 28.4%
# 66 Poland: 27.6%
# 67 Slovenia: 27.1%
# 68 Italy: 27%
# 69 United Arab Emirates: 26.4%
# 70 Costa Rica: 26.2%
# 71 Argentina: 25.4%
# 72 Hungary: 25.1%
# 73 Belgium: 23.2%
# 74 India: 23.1%
= 75 Portugal: 22.6%
= 75 Spain: 22.6%
# 77 Israel: 21.9%
# 78 Chile: 19.8%
= 79 Indonesia: 19.4%
= 79 Jordan: 19.4%
# 81 Syria: 19.3%
= 82 Czech Republic: 19.1%
= 82 Norway: 19.1%
= 82 Sweden: 19.1%
# 85 Slovakia: 18.9%
= 86 Mongolia: 18.4%
= 86 Saudi Arabia: 18.4%
# 88 Finland: 18.3%
# 89 Denmark: 18.2%
# 90 Germany: 16.3%
# 91 Ireland: 15.8%
# 92 Vietnam: 15.6%
= 93 Australia: 15.3%
= 93 France: 15.3%
= 95 China: 13.1%
= 95 Singapore: 13.1%
# 97 Netherlands: 13%
# 98 New Zealand: 12.7%
# 99 United Kingdom: 12.6%
# 100 Japan: 11.3%
# 101 Austria: 10.2%
= 102 Switzerland: 8.8%
= 102 United States: 8.8%
# 104 Canada: 3%