Bleep NATO
By Jeff Huber at antiwar.com
Tom Shanker of the New York Times tells us that NATO defense ministers have given their "broad endorsement" to Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s plan to escalate the Afghanistan war into a full-Monty counter insurgency effort. NATO defense ministers love Afghanistan; it justifies their phony-baloney jobs.
(generally NATO nations, bar America/UK, are reluctant to get involved in pseudo-colonial wars, which serve no real obvious purpose for their countries; Wars which have no definitive objectives but quite the contrary seem to be open ended fair weather, ever changing explanations for why they must be in Afghanistan; Military operations which are well beyond the borders of NATO countries and their traditional operational mandate. Such disparities of issues gives NATO nations ample opportunity to reflect on the long term necessity of NATO, after the demise of the Soviet Union. The wishes of the Jewish one world government concept not withstanding-----instituted around the Protocols, which were written in the 19th century by the Rothschilds of England with agreement with all the rest of them, and the need to build security structures around that single desire and ideology for the future )
Like much of the U.S. military, NATO became irrelevant when the Cold War ended. Pseudo-counterinsurgency expert David Kilcullen, who has been an adviser to David Petraeus and McChrystal (He is not American, but useful if you are thinking of building a global military force, which follows the Jewish master plan, which is not constrained by irritating debating and voting procedures of the UN. Yet yet another Celtic person.......This sounds like another Jewish instituted, albeit subliminal, race war.....Celts verses who though?) says one of the major reasons to press for a larger effort in Afghanistan is to preserve the NATO alliance. He doesn’t think counterterrorism is a particularly important reason to be in Afghanistan. (It’s not at the top of his list.)
(From a Jewish one world master plan perspectives Kilcullen's logic is perfectly reasonable....but obviously not for "ordinary" Americans out of the Jewish master plan loop......you use unnecessary wars to forge future global forces which will without question follow your dictates..."Starship troopers" (1997)..mocking anti-American satire from an European director, which unfortunately has become the reality with the USA, UK.......and even European countries, including the movie directors country Netherlands.....the insects in the desert are the rag heads who are faceless, dehumanised things which must be destroyed.....invaded....based on the thinest and wildest excuses straight from the colonial era.........in the movies case asteriods being sent by the primitive insects at Earth.
Afghanistan is profitable for them obviously, since it generates narcotics profits in the region of $50--80 billion annually.................The Afghans harvest it and they get about 5%....Hamid Karzai's brother: The American and British military protect and transport it. The proceeds are laundered in NY and London high street banks, and finally of course a select few in the Pentagon and in the UK profit from it.)
To escalate our woebegone war in Afghanistan because NATO wants us to would be the dumbest foreign policy choice our country has ever made, and we’ve made a lot of dumb foreign policy choices. (My favorite example is becoming involved in World War I. We should have stiff-armed that fandango, let the Europeans bleed themselves ashen, then offered to feed them on strict conditions. Alas.)
("Dumb choices" is the wrong adjective because it suggests the people in power who make such choices were MERELY misguided, but for their choices.......I would argue otherwise........the people who make the "dumb choices" for America are actually not that "dumb", but have priorities which shall we say do not run parallel with the general true interests of the USA overall.......they are highly intelligent, articulate, aggressive, amoral criminals who have over time amassed power and privilege in American society.
..........This means that these criminals can both fund the Soviet Union covertly, giving it a decisive push in its creation in 1918, AND at the same time run a $6 trillion Cold War HOAX, involving many unnecessary proxy wars around the world in Korea, Vietnam, Cuban missile crisis, fighting their created monsters......etc etc, over 40 years. Saddam's Iraq, and Taliban/"al-Qaeda" Afghanistan thus, along this line of facts isn't a new phenomenon.
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Getting perfectly intelligent capable gentiles all heated up, doing the woggy sun dance around their set of fake agenda's, without the hindsight of being able to see their overall covert picture.
Funding the Nazis into power; providing the materials and finance for German rearmament, and then building the coalition to defeat the Nazis...after 60 million people have perished.
These games are not new)
The world needs NATO like fish need hammers. I had fun galore getting pie-faced with Brits and Germans and other Europeans at after-hour planning sessions for international combat exercises, but fun galore isn’t a reason to escalate our war in Afghanistan. How much more blood and treasure do we need to pour into one of the bleakest parts of the world in order to throw a party for our European pals?
(No America does not need to be in Afghanistan. Osama is dead...his fictional non-existential organization constitutes no clear threat to the USA, and the Taliban can be managed via the Pakistan military comprehensively if America is serious about it)
Defense Secretary Robert Gates has been consistently critical of NATO involvement in Afghanistan to date. Gates has danced on a lot of laps in regard to this subject. He always wants more help from NATO, but he doesn’t like the help he gets. NATO doesn’t know how to do counterinsurgency, Gates has complained. But now, they’re all lovey-dovey about counterinsurgency, now that they realize how manpower-intensive it is and how much throwing in with the McChrystal plan will defend their defense budgets. NATO, like much of the U.S. military, hasn’t had a reason to exist since the Berlin Wall came tumbling down in the early 1990s.
(Iran/Contra Gates is merely doing his duty for his real masters/constituency.....ensuring the Afghan narcotics flows into Europe and Russia, and his friends in the Pentagon, and UK profit from their sale.......$50---80 billion annually...presumably that is why he has been left at this vital post as a Republican appointee, and a crony of the Bush clan out of Texas. If Obama was really serious about curtailing this $1,500 billion gravy train which is the MIC, then he would have appointed a close trusted Democrat in that vital position, and not a left over from the Bush era.....this merely signals continuity, surely)
Ludicrous Dick Cheney has asserted that the Obama administration’s "dithering" on what course to take in Afghanistan will "embolden" the evil ones. Everybody who can find the ends of their noses knows Dick Cheney is a dithering idiot; he’s never been right about anything. The only entity that has been emboldened is the Western alliance’s military industrial complex, led by the Pentagon, who are fighting not for the safety of their countries but for their own existence.
(There we go again, calling "Darth Vader" Dick a dithering idiot.......the guy is a billionaire who has made is money through the American MIC, serving in several administrations, gradually shifting to the loony right as he progressed with age and senility. Dick makes money through war,......and did not become a billionaire from humble beginnings by being a dithering idiot full stop...a former lineman of humble background, who is now a billionaire....for him war is profitable.....obviously he is going to "fight" for America to continue on-going unnecessary wars, using what ever cock and bull snarling, grimace, hardball, nose expanding excuses he can think of ....but certainly not a dithering idiot---this gives a misleading analysis; as if he is somehow a cuddly man, who is inherently honest, forever doing the right and decent thing for America, selflessly at his post working away for America, but somehow quite not up to the job----NOT. He is a businessman first and foremost, making money through war and conflict....merchant of death, looking after number one)
The Pentagon’s long-war grand strategy is good for everybody’s war business. The Afghanistan conflict is particularly suitable; it’s the kind of Orwellian war that can go on forever without getting too obnoxious, and in the case of America, it’s one that the Democrats, not the Republicans, have ownership of. Or at least it can be sold that way.
(Do you really need 500,000 Afghan and coalition forces to fight 10,000 poorly armed Taliban militia?---Obviously not.......to really fight the Taliban you squeeze the Pakistan military first and foremost, the Taliban's main backers, and then arm the Afghan's who don't like the Taliban SINCERELY, and who do not have a criminal background, not tongue in cheek...and I am so JEW clever kind of way, and that is it....without the backing of the Pakistan military the Taliban cannot exist. Of course here we must talk about intentions...what are the true intentions.......of the occupation forces? Let us not leave out the $50--80 billion annual narcotics profits. Maybe this later fact can be circulated to the NATO members beyond the USA/UK........a pimp force for international narco traders)

Shanker writes, "Mr. Gates, who has kept his views about additional troops close to his vest and has discouraged his commanders from lobbying too publicly for their positions, declined to be drawn out on this assessment." That’s the biggest lie out of the New York Times since the Nigergate hoax that led to the invasion of Iraq. The media campaign the Pentagon has been waging to pressure Obama into acceding to McChrystal’s demands amounts to a soft coup.
(Obama has yet to make his decision. Let us hope that he is not fixed by the MIC too quickly and early in this new administration, which then fetters his policy options for the future, in Afghanistan, and domestically; both very linked you see.......guns or butter? You can't have both. For Obama to realize his health care initiatives, education, social welfare programs he has to cut the real security budget of $1.5 trillion eventually...he can't have both)
Candidate Obama stuck his nose in the wringer when he deflected criticism of his vote against the surge in Iraq by saying it took vital assets away from the effort in Afghanistan, the "war of necessity." That may turn out to be the tragic flaw of his presidency. The war in Afghanistan is no more necessary than most other American wars have been. None of the 9/11 attackers came from Afghanistan, and al-Qaeda isn’t there any more. As best we can tell, what remains of al-Qaeda is in Pakistan, and very little remains of it.
(No they came from Israel and America. al-Qaeda does not exist. Doubtful if any of the 19 Arabs "hijackers" were actually involved.....remote controlled planes...the list of 19 hijackers was created/provided by Indian intelligence and forwarded to the FBI (as per Jewish desire for one world government, where international security/intelligence "cooperate" with each other around the Jewish master plan) never mind that Indian intelligence were dubiously unqualified to identify who the real perpetrators of 9/11 were IN AMERICA.........far, far away in India....and that mysteriously some of the said identified hijackers are still alive in their countries.......GWOT reduced to its simple form is a Jewish war, instituted to enforce their agenda around the world, and for one world government. Thus when you have such an ambition security institutions play an important role obviously, because you need the sheep to follow your orders, whether they like it or not....as it was with Gestapo Nazi Germany...and the NKVD Soviet Union.)
America and its NATO allies account for about 90 percent of global arms sales. We have no competitors.
(Global arms sales are here to stay no matter what. The main issue rather is that rich powerful nations should not commit to war against Third World nations on dubious false grounds, and then attempt to continue with these military adventures with even more ever shifting dubious explanations, thereafter, through the Jewish controlled MSM)
There’s a lot of money to be made now on body and vehicle armor that don’t work. So the more kids we send to Afghanistan to get blown up, the more the folks who make the body and vehicle armor that don’t work make.
(The MIC in America could be worth $1.5 trillion annually.....a lot of money, power and lobbying goes behind that using the American MSM. As with the Soviet Union this is harmful for America in the long term. A society that invests in war, and arms, but not in health care, education and welfare must slowly deteriorate, as happened with the Soviet Union.......which on the eve of collapse in 1989 was spending maybe around 14% of GDP on defense, 5.5 million men under arms, 65,000 tanks, 30,000 artillery, 12,000 nuclear warheads, 8500 combat jets, .....ALL this despite the best efforts of Gorbachov, after four years in power.
The excessive expenditure on defense starved out the expenditure on all the other necessary investment areas such as infrastructure, education, healthcare, social welfare, and innovation in technology which results in manufacturing better cars, tv, hi-fi...etc...America is no longer the leader this vital area. The best engineers and innovators invariably end up working in the defense industry, rather than creating things which have real social value, and which contribute to the expansion of the economy in a meaningful way.
Obviously since 1950 there has been a steady motion in this direction, but a strong administration can put a decisive break into that and forever save America from inevitable economic ruin. You simply can't have a $1500 billion MIC and not want to twitch and itch for war to justify such a huge expenditure.........the MIC and their Jewish overlords will find that excuse always, as they have.....so I say to the peace movement of America that the ultimate objective for America is not merely the withdrawal from the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but the dismantling of the MIC, and a reorientation of the American culture away from war)
The neoconservatives who push our war agenda are invested in it, and they have, incredibly, gained a toehold in intellectually elite circles. That the "dumbest freaking human being on the planet," Cheney sycophant Doug Feith, managed to become a visiting lecturer at Columbia University gives you an idea of how badly the national brain trust has been damaged by neoconservative influence. He eventually got canned, but he never should have been hired in the first place.
(Jewish Israeli Zealot Douglas Feith with the Celtic name is not dumb.......he is an accomplished lawyer, with connections to the MIC. He is a ardent Zionist Israeli firster, holding an Israeli Passport, and who penned the "Clean Break" 1996 document with other Neo-cons for Benjamin Netanyahu to be more bold in foreign policy, and then the PNAC 2000. He lived in Israel for many years.
Merely dismissing him as, "dumbest freaking human being on the planet," is a dangerously misleading disinformation, unintentional though it is. Feith knew perfectly well what he was doing FOR LIKUD ISRAEL, whilst serving in the Pentagon with Wolfowitz..........this very fact of his real agenda's led to his removal from that position in 2005, along with the rest.......as potential Israeli spys at the center of American security)
The Obama administration has finally had direct talks with Iran. As physicist Gordon Prather wrote recently, "Director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency Secretariat Mohamed ElBaradei is seeking approval by the Obama-Biden administration of an agreement which ‘could open the way for a complete normalization of relations between Iran and the international community.’"
Is it possible that the war crowd will allow that to happen? Prather notes that we’re on the verge of getting the kind of transparency on Iran’s nuclear program that Iran offered early on in the Bush administration, only to be shunned.
(2001, and 2003...everything America could have wished for Iran offered, but America at that time was not interested)
Let’s pray that Obama doesn’t make the mistake of listening to NATO or his generals or the right-wing noise machine, and does the smart thing by beginning to back out of Afghanistan, and continues toward normalizing relationships with Iran.
(There has been progression, no doubt borne by actual experience and the passage of time.....there was initial talk of invading Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and so forth within a few years in 2001.....Bush reiterated as much to Blair confidentially in January 2003. But this has not happened...so we must be grateful. Now Obama is in power, and hopefully significant new shifts can take place in American military planning under the new president/administration as he attempts to do the right thing domestically)
And, oh, mainstream media – especially the New York Times and the Washington Post – stop letting unnamed "officials" drop propaganda into your "news." That sort of thing gets us into wars we don’t need to fight.