First the Shiv Sena Mumbai authorities said the "Terrorists" called themselves the Deccan Mujaheddin.
Then the Shiv Sena Mumbai authorities said that 7 of the "Terrorists" were Pakistani based, linked to the LeT.
Then the Siv Sena Mumbai authorities said the "Terrorists" were targeting Westerners, hoping to kill 5,000 of them. Why ? For what specific reason? Why in Siv Sena run Mumbai at this particular time?
Why then kill 140 Indians, the vast majority of the victims, including 44 Muslims?
Then the Shiv Sena Mumbai authorities said that the "Terrorist" were targeting Israelis specifically, revenge for the Israeli treatment of Palestinians.Why in Shiv Sena run Mumbai?
Why then kill 140 Indians, the vast majority of victims, including 44 Muslims?
Then the Shiv Sena Mumbai authorities said the "Terrorists" were taking revenge for the poor treatment and killing of Kashmiris by Indian security forces.
Why then Kill 44 Muslims as well? 25% of the victims.
The Shiv Sena Mumbai authorities said there were 10 (ha! ha! ha!---Very original, I likes it.) "Terrorists" operating at 13 different locations, according to the Maharashtra state minister, all at the same period in the city within a 3 hour period, starting at 9:30 ----12:30 (Some say at the Oberoi Trident first, whilst others say at the Shivaji railway station initially------these bastards, who ever they are have fixations with railway stations....memories of partition?).
Obviously the "Terrorists" had eaten extra rations of roti, dahl, piaz, and michli with ample bottles of Johnny Walker for good luck supplied very thoughtfully by uncleji ISI. To have been able to perform this type of miracle of 10 "Terrorists" being at 13 different locations, fighting unto the end security forces continuously for 60 hours for some, and torturing hostages and mutilating them,..... ALL at the same time! ...well.
This is known as Mumbai Kedgury----throw everything into the pot and stir well, and just add a little salt and pepper, and let the "Total Bullshit" simmer, because you know America no less has already set the stage........so who now needs to get in touch with reality when dispensing such bullshit.
I obviously think that these phantom imaginary Bollywood "Terrorists" had help.
That this was an operation involving, maybe 30 terrorists from Israel, Germany and the RSS. Backed by other civilian handlers, C & C, transport, logistics, safe houses, escape routes, and back up teams...........100's of others. Planning for months on end.
The Shiv Sena had to have known about it, and OK'ed it, because without their cooperation it simply could not have been undertaken, and performed for the world for 60 hours, at 2 5 star hotels and other public places.
Terrorist numbers, the time and location don't add up.

Scenario 1: So there are conflicting reports, Some reports say the 10 "Terrorists" came ashore and split up into groups of 2 on the 26th of November, so that should give them 5 possible targets, unless they subsequently split up again. If they all came ashore into Mumbai at about 8:10 p.m, would they have the time to go to all their target locations?
Scenario 2: Whilst other reports say that some of the group came 15 days earlier from the 26th, contrary to what is explained by the authorities and ALL checked into Nariman House once they gathered there ( confirmed by local shop keepers.........bought 100 kilograms of meat, and alcohol, stockpiling it in Nariman house) .
Then the obvious question in relation to this scenario is why would an Orthodox Jewish place meant for Jews only, welcome, and house young Muslim males, without asking questions first. "Oh look what are you going to do with all that meat Abdul? and alcohol; having a party Abdul? Can we join?" the manager might have asked. "We are having an interfaith party this evening, would you like to join......get in touch with our Muslim/Jew inner feelings", "We are trying to reach out to young Muslim males, you know, that's why we opened here in Mumbai"
If there were 6 terrorists at Nariman house as reported by the terrorists themselves to the authorities from the beginning, 3/4 at the Taj, that's 2 locations out of 13 locations attacked, and accounted for. The question is then, can the 1 remaining terrorist out of 10 be in 11 different places at the same time, carrying out the other attacks, if you believe there were only 10 terrorists who came ashore on the 26th.
Once you start shooting as the terrorist, you are fixed to your location. Down town Mumbai is not the Warsaw Ghetto where you can move around freely amongst your own people, constantly fighting, simply because of the sheer crowd numbers in Mumbai, and the security presence in the city.
Will Mr. BAAAAAL Thackary's people give us a new version of the "Total bullshit" soon?
The Indian nanny that rescues the 2 year old Jewish child is now in Israel, given permanent residency immediately as a government priority by Israel, and is unavailable for questioning by Indian authorities? Is this true? Maybe she saw that it was Israelis fighting the Indian commando's. Maybe she saw that it was the Israelis who were actually celebrating when news of Hemant Kakare's death was announced along with his closest colleagues, and not some mythical terrorists as the residents near the Nariman house distinctly heard.
All Jewish casualties bodies are flown to Israel immediately, and no further detailed autopsy can be done on them by Indian authorities, except that non of the 6 had any torture marks as confirmed by Indian doctors, at the latest report.
Just like the 2000 incident where 11 Israeli passport holders, pretending to be Muslim religious figures (Tabliqi) were detained by Indian authorities for questionable activity, and then under pressure from Israel, quickly repatriated to Israel. More of Israel's fake al-Qaeda.
Reports consistently stated that only 2 hostages were left in Nariman house when the Indian commando's attacked, so who are the other 4 dead Jews. How did they die if the place had been cleared of all hostages bar the two owners. Are the 6 dead Israelis the ones that actually fought Indian security forces, along with others?
Some Indian commando's who raided Nariman house clearly saw that they were fighting whites (accounts from the Guardian newspaper):
“One police officer who encountered the gunmen as they entered the Jewish centre told the Guardian the attackers were "white"”
"I went into the building late last night," he said. "I got a shock because they were white. I was expecting them to look like us. They fired three shots. I fired 10 back.”
Some say 9 people died at Nariman house? whilst according to reports 6 Jews died. So 9 minus 6 leaves 3. Who are the other 3?
The "Terrorist" claimed there were 6 of them in Nariman house, as reported by the Commando Units, so if there are 9 dead at Nariman house where are the other 3 terrorists, out of a total 6 reported at one stage.
Scores of severely mutilated bodies of "Terrorists" are produced by the Siv Sena Mumbai authorities (9), so Joe public can't tell if they are foreign nationals or locals, or whatever. No clear identification.
How could they come from 500 miles away, so heavily burdened, come ashore in rubber dinghies, at a heavily protected port area, undetected or challenged by Port Security, Customs, bystanders, and local Police; get into Taxis and find and kill Mr Hemant Karkare as one of their first targets in the first hour or two of the operation?......maybe they were lucky.
Mrs Karkare has refused to accept the compensation for his death offered by the Indian Government.
Perhaps Mr. BAAAAAL Thackary is making it all up as we go along.
One asshole of a youth and alleged "Terrorist" is produced who speaks perfect English to communicate to the global media the "real" story, with a Versace (Italian fashion house) T-shirt.
Most terrorists linked to Kashmir, from that area don't speak English. They tend to be of poor uneducated background with limited career options, naturally (poor Third World country with high illiteracy; can't read and write in their own language let alone speak English, in Pakistan and India) But our captured "Terrorist" speaks good English does he? Feels shame to speak Marathi does he? Or Urdu? Or Hindi? Or Mallu? Oh no, he has to speak English first......for the benefit of who?
Let him drop his pants, and lets see his "DANDA". Let him recite the KORAN from memory, and all the Sura. Let him speak in his native tongue for a very very good while, NOT English, in conversation with another native speaker from his locality. .
From comments section ICH: The captured terrorist ‘Kasab” was photographed by security cameras wearing a saffron wristband, identifying him as a Hindu. No Muslim, let alone a fervently Muslim ‘terrorist’ would ever wear that Hindu identification.
No Muslim ‘terrorist’ would allow himself to be denied ‘martyrdom’ by being caught alive.
Pakistan Consular access to Kasab is being denied.
Clean shaven..........No Lashkar-e-Taiba member would ever be clean shaven, and he does not look Pakistani.

Italy, for those of you who are not familiar with the coded world means drugs+Mafia. It can also be represented by a scooter to symbolize the Israeli connection to Italy.
Italy, Rome has always been a major center for Mossad operations in Europe and North Africa. Rome is where the Niger Yellow cake forgeries by the Israelis and Iranians were hatched, which was the causus Belli for the Iraq invasion by America, and false allegations against Saddam Hussain.
Rome is where Mossad and Iranian intelligence VEVAK meet to discuss how to keep the hated mullah regime in power in Iran, and other matters that are of interest to both nations. Previously since Israel mothered SAVAK, they use to meet directly during the time of the Shah, but as the Jews through America, the UK, and France changed things in Iran in 1979, and brought in the mullah fronts for the Jew, they now to keep up false pretenses meet discreetly in Rome, or other European countries.
So when a terrorist wears a Versace T-shirt it is an Israeli statement of power, and operational presence............"This is our show", we are running it. In the end, after the act, just One "Terrorist" left surviving, who wears this particular T-shirt. Its a bit like a signature, a badge that gangsters use to recognize each other, without being overt. The red band of the RSS terrorist for example in the photo, a few posts before.
Specifically it relates to Israel and drugs, as Jews basically through various intelligence organizations and organized crime (whats the difference?) controls most of the world narcotics trade. (The real reason why Uncle Sam is grunting in Afghanistan). There is persistent rumors that the Shiv Sena trades in narcotics with the Israelis, through the huge number of Israeli tourists who flock to India each year.
It should be noted that the "illustrious" Jewish house of David Sassoon which controlled a significant portion of the worlds opium trade at one time was based in India, Mumbai, and some of his descendants still live there, along with the traditional Cochin and Beni Israel Jews of India.
Or to read the whole saga in another way the whole "Show of MUMBAI" recently was Israel's choreography, articulated through the single "Terrorist" singing like a bird to the Siv Sena authorities in ENGLISH, now.
The Pakistani military are the traditional Mir Jafars of the region, allowing foreign bases on South Asian soil to the extent no other self respecting South Asian nation with IZZAT would allow. India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan do not have foreign military bases operating in their country. The Pakistani military invite foreign military teams extensively onto Pakistani soil, and then use that expertise and foreign arms against fellow South Asians ONLY.
Against fellow Pakistanis: 1971. 3,000,000 killed in East Pakistan by the British/US trained and armed Pakistan military. 1973--1977. 100,000 killed in Baluchistan by the British/US trained and armed Pakistan military. Since 2003. Perhaps up to 10,000 killed in the NWFP by the British/US trained and armed Pakistan military.
Against Indians: In the 1948, 1965, 1971, 1999 wars the British/US trained and armed Pakistan military have killed maybe 10,000 Indian servicemen. In Kashmir through the backing of separatist insurgents the British/US trained and armed Pakistan military have indirectly been responsible for the death of 50,000 people.
Against Afghanistan. Since July 1979, through American encouragment, the British/US trained and armed Pakistan military trained and armed the Afghan Mujaheddin in response to American geostrategic plans for the area, under "Operation Cyclone" and "Greenbelt". This resulted in the Soviet Union sending troops into Afghanistan to protect the Marxist government in Kabul. 1,500,000 Afghans died under Soviet occupation. In 1994 in response to American strategic requirements, the British/US trained and armed Pakistan military trained, armed, organised and often led the Taliban in Afghanistan into power resulting in 100,000 deaths in the country.
But by allowing Israeli intelligence to manage their show in Mumbai between the 26th----29th of November, with other foreign operatives; killing MOSTLY Indians (44 Muslims) ; tarnishing the "Shining India" image........the Shiv Sena authorities have stooped to a new low of Mir Jafarness traitorous behavior as South Asians against all of South Asia.
This is how the Raj conquered all India, eventually.
This is how the Raj killed 30 million Indians, eventually.
This is how the Raj stole $1 trillion worth of Indian assets, eventually.
Family arguments should be kept within the family. You don't bring in foreigners in order to settle your family arguments. Then you become beholden to the wishes and interests of foreigners, after all they have helped you have they not? Something all South Asians should know from their metric history books.
You don't kill your own people, using foreigners in order to win elections either. The word for such things is treason, high treason.
The Siv Sena of Mumbai are filthy traitorous chamar, nothing less.

It was me, so so sorry........really!