Dec 31, 2007

Asif Zardari Prime Minister of Pakistan.

Could Asif Zardari become, de facto, the real Prime Minister of Pakistan next? Is he going to make things better for Pakistan, or...............worse? Judging from history I think we can safely say that he will be making things worse, for Pakistan.

"Hello saab, yes its me Asif; you want AQ Khan...........well saab....20%, no what I meant was 30%........."
" You want total control of the problem"
" You want to station more American troops in problem"

One will be watching for more of his antics; the gall of an ex-convict to become the de facto Prime Minister of Pakistan, on the back of his wife's death.

Clearly we have come a long way in Pakistani politics from the likes of Jinnah, and Ayub Khan.

Given the history of the family, is it not wise to steer the new generation away from politics, and be a little bit more sensitive, and not establish a new political dynasty at this juncture; at least let the poor clueless lad finish his studies, instead of emotionally blackmailing him into such a heavy and serious burden.