Aug 9, 2024

Anti-Semitism in the USA





The Democratic Party is the party of the Jewish community in the USA, where 80% of Jews vote due to its LIBERAL POSITIONS ON ALL SOCIAL ISSUES, its kindness towards minorities and its Social Welfare programs towards the majority of Americans.

The Republican Party is the Racist Party, which sucks the cock of billionaire white Christian evangelicals and promotes war, and tax cuts for the rich.

And zero government under the LIBE RTARIAN BANNER. Its solution for the Pentagon Pandemic was do nothing and let Americans die (like the callous act of 9/11). 1,100,000 Americans died subsequently ......the greatest number of any country in the world, whilst sustaining a Neo-liberal health care policy which consumes 20% of the GDP of the country. The USA is exceptional and number 1 in COVID-19 deaths. That is an achievement for the most advanced nation on earth.

Or at 2024 prices a $5.5 trillion healthcare system that couldn't sustain and support the life of 1,100,000 Americans. Absurd and Medieval. Donald Trump is thus a hero for telling Americans nothing to worry about; anyway, its from JINNA. What is the LOGIC here Donald?

Culture War hot air for the plebs      $trillions of tax dollars for the super-rich.

The two Cares Act of March 2020 poured money into the rich. When processed by the Federal Reserve this sum totalled $7.5 trillion. 

This money was mainly given to rich people.

It included money given to non-Americans

No proper audit check was kept by Goldman Sachs in the White House of who and how much.

This huge taxpayer money joined the $45 trillion loot in the 70-odd off-shore tax havens of the Rothschilds of London.

Americans don't like Jewish people to be the President of the country. Even a black man with an Arab name is preferable (Barack Hussein Obama was raised as a Mooooslim in Indonesia). Elected a mere 7 years after the False Flag of 9/11 by the American DEEP STATE. Americans are deeply forgiving, and or they don't trust their own government, and what lies it sells.

Except for the GOP, out of step with the American people with no new vision to offer for the new younger generation. It's all negative personality attacks and WOKE RACIST CULTURE WARS from the Rothschilds of London. Nothing REAL or substantive for the most advanced nation on earth.

And so also with the reactionary, conservative ALL WHITE MALE DEEP STATE OF THE USA. The brilliant idea that false flags advance nations well being, al a Nazi Germany Riechstag fire followed by dictatorship for unhinged Donnie.(German JEW). 

Complimented and butteressed by Fascist cult-like messianic LIKUD Apartheid Israel, and its False flag of 7th October 2023...(Satanic numerology) and the death of 600-1,100 innocent Israeli citizens by FRIENDLY FIRE of shells and bullets from Helicopter gunships, and tanks of the IDF over several hours of screaming Israelis on that date. Hamas had come to take TRANSACTIONAL HOSTAGES, and the Israelis knew of this FACT a full year before. Netanyahu doesn't want and is not interested in live Israeli hostages.

I know about the next big false flag in the USA






If you follow the PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING over the last 30 years...'millions of turrist coming over the Southern border on the turrist Watch list'' and yet NOTHING SERIOUS GETS DONE ABOUT IT BY THE $2 trillion Security State....then that's a SURE indication of a false Fag.

CALIFORNIA.....the most progressive Part of the USA.

With German Jew Donnie, America gets a Nazi Hitler Dictatorship and endless Nazi War. Which a certain percentage of Americans like (They have been indoctrinated by Hollywood movies). Oh Yeah, Hitler gave full employment with Rothschild money and an efficient feel good government too, with Olympics Nuremburg mass rallies and RACE WAR (The problems and faults of Germany lie with the ''OTHER''.--never our government)

With Kamala Devi you will get scatty misinformed poorly implemented Socialism, and GOOD INTENTIONS, VERGING ON CUTENESS.....BUT nowhere near as bad and fundamental epoch-changing as Der Fuhrer Donnie, Zieg Heil!!!


Kamala Devi Lemon stand. Poorly implemented GOOD INTENTIONS. 


It has been a Rothschilds obsession also to conflate Indians with Africans. In my particular case Somalis. I'm in fact an Aryan. IT IS THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT REASON WHY JACOB ROTHSCHILDS WANKS OVER ME.    

Eran (IRAN), Ariana (AFGHANISTAN) and Arya Varta (Abode of the Aryans: NORTHERN INDIAN SUB-CONTINENT). Also the Rothschilds fiction, and thus prepping the USA deep state, that I will genocide Southern Indians as an ARYAN with a bow and arrow horse army. I guess this is what you get when you study HISTORY at Oxford university, and thaap thaap in Eton showers.


And so Jewish Presidents have hidden their TRUE Jewish background IN MOST COUNTRIES IN THE WEST:

Teddy Roosevelt....OTT WILD WEST hunter MAN

Harry Soloman Truman, who came to power as VP after FDR;s death.

LBJ the Jewish cowboy from Texas (The most criminal of USA presidents-killing a sitting American President JFK, using the Deep State, cus he wanted to be President). Held Whitehouse cabinet meetings from the toilet. Stripped naked on Force One, whilst holding meetings on the plane, to display his Dinka-sized Percy. Entered the USA in the disastrous Vietnam War, which led to the deaths of at least 100,000 Americans and TOTAL DEFEAT by a bunch of rice farmers ( Including Genocide and War crimes). The first time the world finds out the USA is a predatory Capitalist villain killing 4,000,000 innocent people to defeat Communism, and not with ideas, hope and freedom...on the coattails of European colonial power.

Busch I (German Jews). Very close with the Jewish Saudi Family, and the Bin Ladens. Attempted to kill a sitting president Ronald Regan, as VP may have also played a part in JFK's assassination. With Reagan introduced Neo-liberal ''Trickle down'' economics which eventually would destroy the American Middle class and working class. Under Reagan, American manufacturing was off-shored to Mexico and China...including sensitive defence production. Globalism 101.

The extended Bin Laden family...when not wearing Ay-rab gear.

Busch II (German Jews). Fresh out of Alcohol rehab, and business failure Daddy purchased for him the Presidency, illegally in 2000. ''Born Again Christian'' brings fundamentalist Christianity into politics. Not a good idea. GOVERNMENT IS COMPLEX AND NUANCED AND STONE AGE RILLIGIN DOESN'T PROVIDE ANSWERS FOR IT. NOR DO YOU RUN A COUNTRY THROUGH SIGNALS FROM GOD. Jewish neocons dominate his War Crimes and genocide government.

Deep LOVE, with eyes closed after post-coital sex and GOLF.
Touchy feely foreign policy in very private meetings at the Crawford Ranch in TEXAS.''I lovingly gazed into Putin's eyes and knew I could trust this man there...' paraphrased.

Donald Trump (German Jews)

Trillions of Saudi money were transferred to Donald through bagman, Zared Kushner to do their bidding. Where is the FBI...hello Foreign agent ???? He is a traitor who fucks his daughter, Salome. Sells classified state documents to private entities.

By flooding the country with illegals maybe we will eventually see an Openly Jewish Happy Hannukah President.

Russian origin Jewish BORDER HOMELAND CZAR    'ALI' Mayorkas. Cannot make this stuff up.

Yes the USA border is open in the North with Canada and the South with Mexico.

20-30 million illegals reside inside the USA.

The annual $2.0 trillion security leviathan of the USA can't seem to stem this illegal flow, along with the $1,000,000,000,000 USA narco industry, which is run by the Deep State of the USA....not greasy Diego's from Hollywood movies.

The USA is good at FUCKING UP other countries with 85 regime change operations since 1945, leading to chaos, destabilisation and strife (LIBYA--African slaves are sold in the country now for $400), but can't get its own house in order.

Who is to blame for this?

The Pentagon
Homeland Security

Or the permanent bureaucracy paid for by the American taxpayer.

Their basic job description to protect the USA. But they seemingly can't.

Elected politicians are WEAK FICKLE money chasers, narcissists seeking public-media MSM approval and adulation or ideological wingnuts with no flexibility or imagination. Very little should be expected from them.....some even being mere Crisis Actors of the Deep State like Bush II, who could barely speak or function. His sheer stupidity and ineptitude were even glorified and celebrated by the American media.

Crisis Actor Bush II Dubya non-President, sealed in the Whitehouse with his homosexual playthings.