. You got to pay $1750--3200 per person to get a seat at the caviar and champagne table. Consequently the audience then sound like a caviar and champagne crowd, with cavair and champagne preferences naturally. Or you muddy the water so much that nobody wins the debate, instead of talking carefully and in an articulated manner around the key issues that matter. But at least awkward Mike Bloomberg doesn't look so bad and out of place. Is Mike Bloomberg a Trojan horse for his life long buddy, Donald J Trump? Barely talking about the issues, and no full participation in the debates since the beginning.....a campaign of vilification and sabotage, due to the surge of the Bernie PHENOMENON. NO Debbie does Dallas this time round. ..so its Mike does America.
. Tulsi Gabbard is PRINCIPLED like Bernie Sanders, but lacks his populist media reach and grass roots organisation. One fantasizes that Tulsi Gabbard is made running mate with Bernie, or given a BIG administration position. Politics makes you cynical and greedy. Not with Bernie and Tulsi
. Imagine if General George Washington said to his soldiers that the American revolution needed to constantly negotiate and compromise with the British Empire in order to win AMERICAN FREEDOM AND JUSTICE........After the Boston Massacre, Lexington and Concorde.
. " We are living in many ways in a Socialist society right now. The problem is as Dr. Martin Luther king reminded us. We have SOCIALISM for the very rich (tax cuts, no tax, free money, bailouts, subsidy for their businesses, Monopolistic Capitalism, Crony Capitalism....with the aid and power of the central federal institutions of the state making such back door committee decisions) and rugged individualism for the very poor (get on your fucking bike and earn your own nickel, you smelly poor loser piece of shit and don't you dare expect the state who you pay taxes to, unlike the rich, to give that money back to you in the form of universal healthcare as a public good, or universal free education as a public good, or even meager safety net social security for the rainy day as a public good, or infrastructure as a public good ........or security defense {Pentagon} as a public good...instead of converting the country into a police state pointing their guns at you through out and out deception and murder..... that operates purely to PROTECT the country against real threats rather than executing fake wars against poor failed brown countries for gravy train war profits killing milllions.....and creating 70 million refugeeeees around the world..... ... with $8 trillion unaccounted for funds.....gone missing into a Deep State Black SOCIALIST hole...wouldn't it be wonderful if the $1.8 trillion security leviathon employing 5 million people acted as real public good?) " Bernie Sanders 2020.
. Does that mean Jewish Bernie is not just another Deep State shoo in, bait and switch ACTOR? That Bernie is the REAL DEAL? No Deep Dark history of links to Mossad/CIA in Israel and the USA......GROOMING. Jewish BERNIE from the Warsaw Ghetto, unleashing his panzer divisions against France under Rommel and Guderian. America's first OPENLY JEWISH President.
. I think Bernie is going to shake up the domestic boat, but will leave the international issues alone and follow a traditional American policy of EMPIRE that is focused on containment rather than aggression of the Neo-con/Bush kind. Its a bit toooo much to expect Bernie to be enlightened and progressive with EVERYTHING. He is after all a Jew politicians who has been working with the system for 40 odd years of political career, and there does not seem to be anything revolutionary in any stark sense ....that he has actually enacted as a politician which you could hold-up as an exmple of his unique progressive position. What's his track record beyond progressive speeches and votes. The Deep States American Empire is the 800 pound gorrila in the room Bernie. You really can't move forward on the important domestic issues unless the Deep States American Empire is dealt with first, or at all.
. His Turkish economy is very shaky He faced a military coup a few years ago He is militarily involved in Libya He flooded Europe with Arab refugees, helping batshit extremist right-wing parties in Europe....who hate ALL Muslims but loves little Israel..hmmmmmmm He has helped kill 500,000 Syrians thus far He is the primary backer of ISIS He shot down a Russian jet and then promptly hid behind NATO His children make money from ISIS activity (oil smuggling from Syria and healthcare in the black market) Deonme Erdogan is a walking disaster.
PSSSSSSSSST! Erdogan Abe, Idlib 'al-CIA-duh' governate is not in NATO territory or jurisdiction. No article 5 here. Its under the jurisdiction of the Syrian government, and its lawfully invited allies Russia, Iran and Hezbollah.......get out of there as soon as you can.
Turkey Edges Toward Direct War With Syria in Idlib Province
Erdogan says conflict only a matter of time
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says that a military operation in northwest Syria to expel Syrian forces from Idlib is only “a matter of time,” as Turkey continues to send more troops into the area.
Turkey has launched multiple attacks against the Syrian military in the past month, mostly to try to slow Syrian military advances against al-Qaeda. Erdogan has repeatedly demanded Syria abandon the Idlib Province to the Islamist groups, and now intends to try to directly do this.
Erdogan presented this new war as necessary because talks with Russia failed to get them to expel Syria from this Syrian province. Russia, however, is warning Turkey against trying to impose a military solution in northwest Syria.
Turkey is trying to present operations in support of al-Qaeda’s territorial control as a humanitarian necessity, and Syria’s fighting as endangering civilians.🤪
. Then getting a million $1 dollar mansion with a riverside view obeying and playing nice with the DNC in 2016, as pay-off. The Socialist millionaire with a basic understanding of Capitalism and modest aspirations towards wealth accumulation by writing extreme porn novels, can't sell out his 'Bernie bro's' this time.
So erm.....psssssssst.... looking both ways to make sure no one is listening. What exactly were's his extreme graphic porn novels about? They were about the pleasure and fantasy ....of the sexual subjugation of women oppressively, and involving assault and rape by groups of men. Nothing harmful you may say for a GLOBALIST LEADER in training. Yes, well some of his young hopeful impressionable supporters might take issue with oppressing women and gang rape.
Jewish Bernie must not play deceit, and disappoint his Bernie bro's by raising their aspirations and talking the talk, and then letting them down by merely going through the motions of 'elections' with popular platitudes pabulum/SOUND BITES......BUT letting them down where it mattered most. Namely taking practical steps to ensure THAT he wins Democratic and national elections. Rather than losing again GRACEFULLY, and telling his Bernie bro's to transfer their loyalty and vote TO DEEP STATE BUTT BUTT BUDDY. AND thus pushing his Bernie bro's into the dark ether of 60% of American adults who won't vote or can't vote in the sham circus or vaudeville of London Rothschild controlled electronic elections. AND, of course he gets his next pay-off which will be his 4th property next to Las Vegas where in the casino's he can quietly spend his election funds. 1. He must vigorously call out to the Bernie base, ANY POLITICAL SHENANIGHANS THE DNC practises against him. The crimes must be identified. 2. He must enunciate practically to the Bernie bro's 'Stalin like' (1921--1928) how he intends to overcome the DNC crimes. 3. He must get a little bit more angry (a signal to the Bernie Bro's at an animal level that things in the DNC run process aren't right...and are unacceptable)....get the help of ANTIFA, The black Panthers, Black Guerrila family..... to threaten the Capitalist GLOBALIST SATANIST CORRUPT DNC. Bernie must not be the Jewish wolf who participates in the Sham elections, and fails his honest sincere young supporters.
. However if Paul Manaforte, Roger Stone and General Mike Flynn are hounded by the Deep State it is EVIDENCE that they want to destabilise, 'soften-up' and delegimitate the PRESIDENCY along the ultimate process of removing him from his position through impeachment. Roger Stone despite the name is a grand old Italian American insider of Republican politics, and has known President Trump for 40 years within the vicinity of NY.
. Going into the November Presidential elections this is solid. Going into Presidential debates with the Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders, this will give him a strong hand that will also take the wind out of the sails of Bernie Sanders popular message of peace, bringing the troops back home and focusing on DOMESTIC issues. In many respects the same message as Trump in 2016, generally, but the President has been constrained by the reality of office and the demands of the DEEP STATE since that time. Afghanistan is a strategic mess..........based on fake false flag DEEP STATE assumptions. 9/11 was carried out by the DEEP STATE for permanent war with profits by the likes of General Mattis, Rumsfeld, Cheney and so forth. 'al-CIA-duh' does not have 1. access to cruise missiles that hit the Pentagon on 9/11, 2. or the delivery systems or 3. the skill and training to fire them 4. Or the skill and ability to steal them from the Pentagon arsenal. 'al-CIA-duh' does not have rational, secular upper middle class men, and middle aged men who are highly capable and educated with at least 500 hours of flying time in extremely advanced highly complex computerised flying machines conducting complex flght manouvers over American air space....without a co-pilot and even on flight navigators (3 people). The Pentagon since the 1960's does have technology which can fly CIVILIAN planes remotely, as a precursor to DRONES....and NASA'S ABILITY to send unmanned vehicles to Mars and back. Given the above true scenario the fake Afghan 'war' against the CIA directed Taliban has gone on for approaching 19 years. A bottomless cesspool of Deep State corruption, where at one time a complete budget in one year (including additional spending) in that country of $75 billion was supporting 8000 Pentagon warriors, who were essentially guarding the Opium fields of the CIA in the Pashtun belt. To achieve peace in such a fake assumption is thus difficult, as there are no legitimate adversaries to deal with in that country......neither the Taliban, or the 6000 ISIS brought in by the Pentagon from Syria Iraq, or the Pakistani Taliban. The CIA dont want to leave as the Opium operation in Afghanistan since the 1980's is also very profitable for them. So I'm going to suggest something radical, as you do in a blog. 1. The USA government should not negotiate with the Taliban, along the process of leaving the country. The Taliban is a CIA created entity (controlled opposition) and the likes of Sandy Berger and the DNC from 1994. Such an entity should not be legitimated by negotating with them. It goes without saying that the CIA SUNNI Taliban should not be relied on to follow 'conditionalities' before final peace. This would be a Sisyphean task......a self defeating task. 2. Afghans do not deserve the curse and scourage of Taliban power sharing in any future government in Kabul. 3. Simply leave Afghanistan by October 2020, and declare mission acomplished.(I Donald J Trump am the one who ended the Afghan 'war' FINALLY after 19 years.....election rally) 4. Afghanistan's problems are not the responsibility of the USA to solve.
US insists Taliban must reduce violence levels this month
The Taliban has publicly requested that the US provide clarification on their stance on the peace process. A deal which by all accounts was finished months ago, the Taliban are interested in where the US is going on the final deal. It’s reasonable to ask, as since backing out of the last deal, President Trump has tried to add new conditions. Concerningly, Trump is now approving the deal, but only conditionally, and wants the Taliban to unilaterally cut violence in February first. The US is planning troop cuts either way, but a concrete peace deal would oblige the US to actually leave Afghanistan, and almost certainly will establish a timetable for that. It would put an end to the US changing its mind on the war, as it has time and again over the last 19 years. For the Taliban, the question is likely not so much about if they can cut violence, but if this time, meeting a Trump condition will net them anything. Trump had previously conditioned the deal on a ceasefire, and when the Taliban agreed he just added more demands.
. He said nothing about American foreign policy which is a major issue. What is the guarantee that he will not do a bait and switch once he comes to power? How will he deal with the Deep State which sets much of America's agenda ? Via the MSM and control of political individuals. Pleasent pabulum platitudes do not make a great leader or a great administration.
The Democratic Party seems to intend to lose the 2020 elections.
The idiotic impeachment attempt against Trump ended just as we predicted at its beginning:
After two years of falsely accusing Trump of having colluded with Russia [the Democrats] now allege that he colludes with Ukraine. That will make it much more difficult for the Democrats to hide the dirty hands they had in creating Russiagate. Their currently preferred candidate Joe Biden will get damaged. ... Trump should be impeached for his crimes against Syria, Venezuela and Yemen.
But the Democrats will surely not touch on those issues. They are committing themselves to political theater that will end without any result. Instead of attacking Trump's policies and proposing better legislation they will pollute the airwaves with noise about 'crimes' that do not exist.
There is no case for impeachment. Even if the House would vote for one the Senate would never act on it. No one wants to see a President Pence.
The Democrats are giving Trump the best campaign aid he could have wished for. Trump will again present himself as the victim of a witch hunt. He will again argue that he is the only one on the side of the people. That he alone stands with them against the bad politicians in Washington DC. Millions will believe him and support him on this. It will motivate them to vote for him.
The Senate acquitted Trump of all the nonsense the Democrats have thrown against him.
Chris Schwartz @SchwartzForIowa - 22:01 UTC · Feb 5, 2020The state party is now being forced to walk back their error of giving @BernieSanders delegates to @DevalPatrick who received zero votes in Black Hawk County. Press can dm me.
We have known for over 24 hours as verified by our county party that @BernieSanders won the #iacaucuses in Black Hawk County with 2,149 votes, 155 County Delegates. #NotMeUs #IowaCaucuses
The whole manipulation was intended to enable Buttigieg to claim that he led in Iowa even though it is clear that Bernie Sanders won the race. It worked:
29 U.S.C. § 157 @OrganizingPower - 4:13 UTC · Feb 6, 2020Post Iowa, Buttigieg has gotten a 9pt bounce in Emerson’s tracking poll of NH. A bounce based on a caucus he didn’t win.
All this is clearly following a plan:
Lee Camp [Redacted] @LeeCamp - 16:58 UTC · Feb 5, 2020If a progressive is about to win #IowaCaucuses: - remove final polls - use mysterious app created by former Clinton staffers - Funnel results thru untested app - Claim app fails - Hold results - Reveal only 62% to give false impression of who won - Refuse to reveal final results
But the cost of such open manipulations is the loss of trust in the Democratic Party and in elections in general:
In sum: We are 24 hours into the 2020 campaign, and Democrats have already humiliated their party on national television, alienated their least reliable progressive supporters, demoralized their most earnest activists, and handed Trump’s campaign a variety of potent lines of attack.
His hiring of a Goldman Sachs executive as national policy director makes it clear what his policies will be.
The other leading candidates are not much better.
Sanders might have a progressive agenda in domestic policies, but his foreign policies are fully in line with his party.
Matt Duss, Sanders' foreign policy advisor, is the son of a lifelong key front man for CIA proxy organizations. He spills out mainstream imperial blabber:
Matt Duss @mattduss - 2:38 UTC · Feb 5, 2020The only thing that Trump's Venezuela regime change policy achieved is giving Russia an opportunity to screw with the US in our own hemisphere. That's what they were applauding.
Giving a standing ovation to Trump's SOTU remarks on Venezuela were of course the Democratic "resistance" and Nancy Pelosi. That was before she theatrically ripped up her copy of Trump's speech, the show act of a 5 year old and one which she had trained for. She should be fired.
Impeachment, the Iowa disaster and petty show acts will not win an election against Donald Trump. While they do not drive away core Democratic voters, they do make it difficult to get the additional votes that are needed to win. Many on the left and the right who dislike Trump will rather abstain or vote for a third party than for a party which is indistinguishable from the currently ruling one.
Either the Democrats change their whole course of action or they will lose in November to an extend that will be breathtaking. It would be well deserved.
. Or as a GLOBALIST one world party, they nod and wink in the dark recesses of Capital Hill with the GOP that the Donald can have his second term, but that 2024 will be theirs. The Globalist DNC know through internal polls which presidential candidate can or cannot win for them in 2020.
. Its not Israel of course No its Russia with its $1.56 trillion GDP (USA $21 trillion) Its Third World, Upper Volta with Rockets society and economy. Its 15% population which is Middle Class...that of a banana Republic It is Neo-liberal Russia It is Russia which has since 1990 not conducted one color revolution in another country. But, at least its not Israel, either. _______________________________________
No one knows how many of Iowa’s 1,700 precinct leaders will opt to use a new smartphone app to report Democratic caucus results Monday night. But the security of that app will be the source of much scrutiny.
After reports of Russian hacking attempts in the 2016 presidential election, party leaders are taking unprecedented precautions to protect against cybersecurity breaches and the spread of disinformation on social media.
On Wednesday, Democratic Party officials in Iowa and Washington confirmed that the Democratic National Committee is deploying security staff to work with the state party to assist with any caucus problems.
For three years, we’ve been preparing for the process that officially kicks off tonight in Iowa: the Democratic presidential primary. Today our chair, @TomPerez, reflects on the reforms we’ve made to make this the most transparent primary in our history: How We Prepared for 2020
NPR Politics @nprpolitics - 5:33 UTC · Feb 4, 2020"By all indications, we are going on to New Hampshire victorious," Pete Buttigieg said in a late-night speech. 0% of Iowa caucus results are in.
Walker Bragman @WalkerBragman - 5:59 UTC · Feb 4, 2020Not great optics here, folks: - Dems paid company literally called Shadow to create caucus app - Buttigieg campaign also paid Shadow, FEC records show - Caucus app fails - Buttigieg declares himself Iowa winner with no results
At the time of publication, twelve hours after voting in the Democratic Party’s Iowa caucuses ended, the results have not been announced. The delay in reporting is the result of a failed app developed by a company appropriately named Shadow Inc.
This firm was staffed by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama campaign veterans and created by a Democratic dark money nonprofit backed by hedge fund billionaires including Seth Klarman. A prolific funder of pro-settler Israel lobby organizations, Klarman has also contributed directly to Pete Buttigieg’s campaign.
The Sanders campaign published its internal count from some 40% of the precincts which they say are representative. Their unofficial result:(More accurate)
. How do you know that a leader of a country is a GLOBALIST? (Someone who favours the political and social interests of a group of shadowy internationals through their obedience and loyalty to a group which is mainly Jewish in nature, and headed by the Rothschilds of London...and AGAINST THE FUNDAMENTAL STRATEGIC INTERESTS OF THEIR OWN COUNTRY) They tend to be GAY/LESBIAN..a sexual minority in their own country whom the Globalist control via their peculiar sexuality and very heavy consciousness of their sexuality (me verses my country) They tend to be right-wing, fascist. Ultra muscular nationlists who appear to love their country more than everybody else put together. Their projection. In economics they tend to be NEO-LIBERALS, the Jewish economic model first enunciated by Professor Milton FRIEDMAN (Nobel laureate) from the Chicago School of economics...and now much disgraced and maligned with scorned labels such as 'Disaster Capitalism' 'Shock Therapy' 'Trickle down economics' 'Monetarism' 'Supply Side economics' 'INFLATION FIXATED ECONOMICS'......in countries where the model was experimented on without COMPROMISE by CIA guided advisors from Washington, with utter disaster, most notably Russia and Argentina. It was both a political and economic tool, and where the society reverted back to feudalism with the king/emperor at the top, and then the lords and earls and dukes...and gilded gaudy glizty gold palaces. The less than 1%, and below them the vast majority. The handful of billionaires became the new supestars as the wealth of the country went up and concentrated in the hand of the few. But most importantly for the Jewish economic model the wealth of the country ALSO went OUT through simple capital flight.....into off shore accounts around the world and LONDON, NY, Israel, Cyprus and of course Switzerland. UP--AND OUT $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ UP--AND OUT $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ UP--AND OUT $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $41 trillion in the case of the USA, that is double the GDP of the USA, and enough to pay-off the national debt. They tend to be pro-Israel (that aspect of Israel that is also fascist...Likud, and not the majority of Israelis who tend to veer towards some sort of centerist Socialism which is what Israel is at many levels) They tend to put their fealty of Israel before the interests of their own country, under the bizzare contradictory COVER of uber nationalism. They tend to be a candidate from the Deep State and in most cases the product of the intelligence services. In the case of the USA mostly CIA groomed.
In the USA Globalist GOD awful leaders started with St. Jimmy Carter (1977--1981). A nice man .. a good Christian....a man who did not profit from his PRESIDENCY...not a penny, a man who after retirement promoted peace and love around the world, including the Camp David Agreement between Egypt and Israel, and arms limitations agreements with the USSR via SALT II.....no wonder he was called a Saint! BUT he was a Globalist because he was a former naval intelligence officer and from the Deepest part of the Deep State, approved and annointed by the Rothschilds of LONDON. Though the propaganda told us that he was a mere simpleton peanut farmer who was also a good Christian. A man who stood for universal human rights, with a nice affable ear to ear smile. But he was a GLOBALIST.....because just after winning the election in November 1976, Henry Kissinger of the Repulican Party came to him in the Whitehouse with a list of people he had to appoint in his government on behalf of the Rothschilds of London---St. Jimmy cried all day and all night realising he was not the freely elected most powerful man of the most powerful country of the 'free world'...but a mere pawn or is it front of the GLOBALISTS, and the Rothschilds of London. St. Jimmy appointed a gagge of GLOBALISTS into his administration, and most notably Zbigniew Brzezinski, a fervent Russia hating POLISH ARISTOCRAT not born in the USA INTO ONE of his most key strategic positions related to the sensitive subject of security.(Uncle JOSEPH Stalin had latched Zbigniews Eastern part of Poland where his ancesteral home was located to the UKRAINE at Potsdam) .......how do you seriously make peace with the Soviet Union which is sincere and honest and permanent long-term by appointing such a warmonger with a personal family grudge?? This Warmonger than hatches the 'Bear trap' a plot to entrap the Soviet Union by toppling the COMMUNIST government in Kabul Afghanistan, and then getting the Soviets to send in their military to support such a regime...by using CIA trained Islamic Fundamentalist from July 1979. Then of course there is Iran, a better example of GLOBALIST GOVERNMENTS AT PLAY, executing policies which have zero interests for their country---The Shah of Iran was a obedient USA puppet....the USA ordered, and he carried it out inside Iran and outside..backed by an army of CIA agents all over his country. Good for American trade, good for American arms sales.....worth about $200 billion in 2020 prices (1969-79). He was good for Israel, giving them free oil, and purchasing their worthless USA copied arms...and diplomatic relations with Israel..'The Policeman of the Persian Gulf' (for America). As soon as St Jimmy was elected he went to the Shah in a hurry in 1977 and told him to release ALL political prisoners because St. Jimmy believed in universal human rights you see........ ONLY IN IRAN (forget the other American dictators)....and of course the Shah was perplexed but obeyed and released the COMMUNIST TUDEH prisoners from EVIN PRISON and others. These Communist Tudeh were highly organised and it is they who spear headed the protest movement and revolution backed by the CIA/State Department which eventually toppled the SHAH. This is GLOBALISM....in Afghanistan the USA attacked the Communist government, whilst in Iran the Communists are used as tools to topple a USA ally/puppet of 25 years. Upon the efforts of the Communists TUDEH the Islamic MULLAHS and CIA agent KHOMEINI is manouvered into power through clever propaganda, and fake referendums in 1979. On the surface the USA is humiliated in Iran, and not just by the EMBASSY HOSTAGE CRISIS. The Globalist USA seamlessly now says Iran PROXIES attacked their embassy in IRAQ (No)....The real loser of this is Iran, and to a lessor degree the USA Empire. No country benefits by having medievel Mullahs running their goverment, ever.
The Globalist to hide and justify his Globalist policies (These policies are indefensible in a rational political sense in the USA for the domestic audience) ........ then marketed them as REALPOLITIK...'hush children, you don't need to know, the adults are in the room'...they may seem harsh and illegal and contradictory and amoral and illegal and evil..............but in the 'real world' they are necessary for the long term well being of the country, and the less said about them the better, because as children you couldn't wouldn't understand. The President in power is in a unique position to understand these things....you are not in his shoes. https://www.counterpunch.org/2015/08/18/jimmy-carters-blood-drenched-legacy/ https://www.counterpunch.org/2016/01/11/jimmy-carters-blood-drenched-legacy-2/ 'However, the self-professed advocate for human rights demonstrated quite the penchant for bloodshed. While he didn’t initiate any aggressive invasions of foreign nations the way his predecessors and successors did in Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan and many other countries, Carter proved remarkably generous at providing financial, military, diplomatic and ideological support for fascist dictatorships that tortured and killed millions of members of their domestic populations in an effort to crush popular movements for social justice. Some of the regimes he backed carried out mass slaughter that amounted to genocide'Matt PEPE at COUNTERPUNCH 8/18/2015 Zaire, 1977 Gautemalla, 1977 East Timor, 1977 Pakistan 1977 Angola, 1978 Afghanistan, 1979 Iran, 1977-1979 El Salvador, 1980 South Korea, 1980 Vietnam Nicaragua Cambodia Philippines The Middle East (vast proliferation of military bases) St. Jimmy mass murderer and war criminal by proxy _________________________________________________________
PETE BUTTIGIEG by aangirfan
Democrat Peter Buttigieg[1], mayor of the city of South Bend, Indiana. Peter Buttigieg is a former Naval Intelligence Officer.(Like St. Jimmy) Peter Buttigieg was a Rhodes Scholar.(studied in Rothschild country as with Bill Clinton) Peter Buttigieg is openly gay and is married to Chasten Glezman. Peter Buttigieg is pro-Israel.
Henry Makow @HenryMakow "Seth Karman, a billionaire Israeli is a Pete Buttigieg backer and is the Top Funder of the group behind whose voting software tallies the Iowa delegate results.
. The Globalist Media have used Ms. Talib et al as Totem poles and symbols of women of color with uppity presumptious ideas ........ Ay-rabs who need to be vilified. How dare they have points of view against our great Lesbian Queen.