1. The Muslim Brotherhood was founded by the British in the 1920's in Cairo, Egypt to spike Egyptian nationalist anti-colonialism against British domination of Egypt......as with the RSS in India also in the 1920's. 2. Bernard Lewis the British Jewish super spy. in the 1970's embedded himself at Princeton university and started spewing about 'Clash of civilisation' "Arch of Crisis' which was accepted by the Democratic Party as POLICY TO FUND ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISM. .......to destabilise Muslim countries and draw the Soviet Union' into a bear trap. Pro-American Iran being the first victim 1977-1979. 3. The Republicans after Carter, under Reagan and Bush continued with this policy......as it was considered 'Successful' .........no need to use direct USA military power in order to effect strategic military objectives in other countries. 4. Debbie Wassermann Shultz is thus continuing what HER PARTY ORIGINALLY STARTED in the 1970's. 5. Trump has the power to shut ALL THIS ISLAMIC TERRORISM DOWN.....which is implemented primarily through the CIA. The Pentagon and State Department play ancillary roles in such a policy, as we have seen in Libya and Syria. The Imperial British, Israel, NATO and even the Muslim countries (Turkey) who knowingly participate in this would back--off from funding Islamic terrorism once the CIA is stopped from doing so. President Donald Trump is thus very important for the future of the world, beyond his tiny hands, unscripted uninspiring mediocre speeches and tweeting habits. ____________________
. This is in RESPONSE to the USA expelling Russian diplomats back in December 2016. At that time, General Mike Flynn advised the Russians not to retaliate immediately but wait for President Trump to officially come to power, after inauguration, where upon relations would be normalised, an the much touted detente would ensue. What happened though, was that Mike Flynn was pushed out of power by DNC/GOP heckling, and tiny hands Trump did not have the balls to stand by the man who had befriended him well before Sessions and Bannon. Then mild and weak Southern gentleman Jeff Sessions recused himself on the Russia hacking question, thus giving the open impression that something foul and fishy was up between Trump and the Russians (There wasn't) Then finally, in July after a senate vote of 98--2, President Trump will have to sign into law a new slew of sanctions against Russia,,......and speak publicly to Americans why they are necessary. The Russians had shown enough patience with...'Our cherished partners'. Tiny hands Trump does not have the balls to understand that Russiagate nonsense. Its a massive fraud (3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 24) engineered by John Podesta to undermine Trumps strong nationalist claims. Trump came to power on an America first ticket. It conveniently also deflects attention from the very REAL CRIMES of the DNC. This stuff from the DNC is not genius political strategy........its what little kids DO at school.....the world over. "John, why are your marks IN MATHS so bad???......Mom, mom, the teacher's class is BORING.....she doesn't know how to teach" What Trump has to do laser like is sort out is JUSTICE DEPARTMENT. It is filled with 80% O'bummer hold-overs. 1. Get rid of sack Rosenstein first and replace with a Trumper from............. Judicial Watch NGO, or a trusted lieutenant of Rudy Giuliani. 2. Push out Sessions, and bring in a Rudy Giuliani TEAM.(With or without Rudy---he can just as effectively work outside of the team from the TEAM BENCH on the side of the field....no?) 3. Declare the Mueller investigations as irrelevant, based on Meullers complicity with Hilary and the Russian Uranium deal. 4. GO on the offensive and prosecute the REAL DNC crimes over 30 years.....using several teams. The Russians are expelling a lot of American diplomats, but here I'm going to play General Mike Flynn in December 2016............the Trump administration must not REACT overtly to this gesture, but must be calm and measured. Putin also has a DEEP STATE, from where he originally came on the back of the Jewish oligarchs in 1999......so he can't be patient with 'Our cherished partners' forever. Putin also projects himself as a right-wing nationalist in Russia. Putin, with his upbringing in St. Petersburg and his postings especially in Germany, and fishing with the Bushes was originally an Atlantist integrationist.....closer ties with Europe and the West generally. It is only through the aggressive work of USA administrations against basic, backyard Russian interests under the Clintons, Bush, Obummer and now Trump....that Putin has HAD TO EMBRACE CHINA and the Eurasian block in THE RUSSIAN DEEP STATE. 'FUCK THE WEST, RUSSIA IS AN ASIAN POWER' TRUMP MUST NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE DNC HYPE OVER RUSSIA......at the very minimum.
Putin: 755 US Diplomats Must Leave Russia Far More Working at Moscow Embassy Than Previous EstimatesJason DitzPosted onat antiwar.com
On Friday, Russia imposed retaliatory sanctions against the US, including ordering them to cap their staff at the US Embassy in Moscow to 455 by September 1. At the time, this was estimated to be around 100 people having to leave.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, however, told Russia-24 television that well in excess of a thousand people were working at the embassy, and that the new cap would mean some 755 US diplomats are going to have to leave the country to meet this cap.
The retaliatory move came a day after the Senate passed new sanctions against Russia, but was primarily retaliation against a move back in December, in which then-President Obama expelled Russian diplomats from the US and seized a pair of diplomatic compounds.
Russia has complained in recent weeks that there are “too many America spies” in Moscow. This was seen as a response to this concern, because like most countries, the US uses diplomatic credentials as a way to give its spies legal immunity.
. We don't want a repeat of the Shultz Weinberger scenario. Donald Trump didn't really have a team prepared to govern, and probably didn't expect to win. He picked all the wrong people as a result, and the results do show. BUT still we all live and learn.
. HSBC Mueller as go between facilitating Clinton crimes. MAFIA
Meuller was chosen not because he has integrity, BUT he will do what the powerful (DNC-HILARY) want him to do. No case with Russia collusion and Trump Its a cointelpro destabilisation effort against Trump.
Rod Rosenstein appointed de facto by DNC....who then in first BIG DECISION appoints special prosecutor Mueller to find new dirt on Trump. Sessions MIA.....FOOLING AROUND in the outer fringes with pot smokers....whilst the POTUS under massive ILLEGAL attack from the DNC. DNC plot to take out Trump....JFK style.
. . . . The DNC will have a hard time explaining this one. Hilary and her Neocons in the State Department (She usually held the most extreme policies on ALL foreign matters, and others like Biden and even Obama held her back) Maybe, as with Seth Rich, Pizzagate, emailgate, John Pedo Podestagate, voterfraudgate, Hilary's crimes and much more the DNC should just keep quiet and hope that the MSM will ensure Americans don't notice.......after all the fake meda have not been 'dealt with' as decisively as the President promised.....CNN and the MSM are back in the Whitehouse press briefings...its business as usual....no over haul of the Telecommunications Act of 1996...so vital for Trump going into 2018, and 2020. No wait, the PROBLEM starts with his own administration and the GOP doesn't it? 80% of the administration appointees are OBUMMER hold-overs....wreck--balling his administration and the vital POLICY IMPLEMENTATIONS WHICH are the signature tune of the Trump administrations promises to the masses .......like repeal and replace Obummer care. BUT Ryan and McConnell does want it to be replaced, so they sabotage and produce lame excuses. So the President has a WAR on his hand, where he has to go on the OFFENSIVE AGAINST the Washington consensus, and the swamp insiders within his own party. What he doesn't need is NEOCONS within his administration distracting his focus from the domestic front (FRONTS---PLURAL...MANY)....where the real WAR is.....where it is a matter of life and death for the Trump Revolution. Conflict with Russia, over Syria, over Iran, over North Korea ENERGIZES the DNC, THE NEOCONS AND HILARY'S COMEBACK in 2018, 2020.
White House Sacks Top Iran Hawk Amid Ongoing Disagreements
Tillerson, Mattis Seen Opposing Aggressive Action Against IranJason Ditzat antiwar.com
The White House has announced today that National Security Council member and top Trump adviser on Iran Derek Harvey has been fired “effective immediately.”
Harvey was seen as extremely hawkish on Iran, and his firing comes amid major cabinet disagreements on Iran policy.
Derek Harvey
Harvey was said to be among the proponents for unilaterally withdrawing the US from the P%+1 nuclear deal, a position which ultimately lost out in recent weeks, as Secretary of State and Defense, Tillerson and Mattis, managed to convince Trump to take a more measured approach.
Some reports cited officials as denying that Harvey’s position on Iran was the reason for his dismissal, saying rather that he was viewed by other cabinet members as too close to Stephen Bannon.
Harvey was initially hired for the council by Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who has also been sacked, and may not have been favored by H.R. McMaster.
Harvey, who had previously worked for the military’s intelligence bureau, the DIA, was broadly hawkish on current issues, and was said to have been among the main proponents of President Trump’s decision to fire missiles at Syria over allegations of chemical weapons use.
Mike Pompeo is a Kock brothers puppet appointee, and would be worse than Jeff Sessions, ever was or could be. Sessions is a nice Southern gentleman beyond his depth as attorney general. He really ought be sitting in the pavilion, slowly sipping a nice cold lemonade drink and writing his memoirs. He reminds me of the old wife, tired of family squabbles, who escapes to the kitchen to forget the family problems. He ought to have more vehemently backed his big boss, just like Eric Holder did with Obummer. Not hard to do Jeff . (i) YOU STICK by your man who gave you the job (ii) You don't recuse yourself under DNC pressure. (iii) You do not approve of a new investigation into your boss over Russia, because YOU should know its baseless. (iv) You open investigations into DNC crimes...which are REAL. About 15 investigations going back 30 years. DNC allegations against Trump is an elaborate psychological warfare....there's nothing. Trump came to power as a populist PATRIOT.....that is the credential the DNC is attacking....its a political tactic.....going into 2018, and 2020. elections, and off balance Trump. But old dandy Jeff is too mild and meek for the job, and the sheer nastiness of the CESSPOOL of swampy DC Capital Hill politics. Old southern gentleman Jeff should do the decent thing for ALL, and recuse himself of his AG job, and give it to someone with bigger balls, and ideologically closer to Trump as a true Trump trooper. Its going to be painful and decidedly downhill from here for Jeff, if he tries to hang on with his claws. Go Jeff, go honorably and decently....you did your best. So who is the alternative??? President Trump likes people from Goldman Sachs, Billionaires, Jew Jews, Globalists, Washington swampers, and Deep State generals. The problem is the above groups didn't elect Trump, the American middle class and working class did......63 million of em, and will be called upon to do so again in 2018, and more critically, 2020. At a certain point in time SOOOOOON, Trump has got to start filling his key administration positions with True Trump troopers.......who aren't from... Goldman Sachs, Billionaires, Jew Jews, Globalists, Washington swampers,
and Deep State generals. The spectacle and vaudeville act of Trump criticizing the GOP for the FAILURE of the repeal of Obummercare, and attacking Sessions for disloyalty is farcical. Up to a certain point the Trump base of 40-50% of Americans will then say, why the hell did you then surround yourself with.... these sharks? Goldman Sachs, Billionaires, Jew Jews, Globalists, Washington swampers,
and Deep State generals. I nominate Rudy Guiliani as the next AG. He is not...from Goldman Sachs, Billionaires, Jew Jews, Globalists, Washington swampers,
and Deep State generals. But he does for the sake of politics hobnob with the above. His greatest achievement as federal prosecutor was smashing the mafia in the USA Bringing zero crime tolerance to New York
The criminal state has the resources The criminal state controls the military The criminal state controls Intelligence The criminal state controls the police If the criminal state has the right ideology, than state terrorism by the state can be executed.
. Since the initiation of the CIA destabilization program from 2011, the overall capital and infrastructure damage to the country caused by the CIA terrorists has been in the region of $350 billion. Eventually due to its strategic geography, Syria will come into China's OBOR grand plans in the future. Whilst Syria will continue militarily to be close to Russia, the country can become economically closer with China selling its oil and gas. In return China can help with infrastructure.
By Information clearing House and AMN news.
With virtually all Euphrates River bridges in Syria destroyed by the US-led coalition amid a wider bid to defeat the Islamic State, China has meanwhile agreed with the Syrian Government to invest two billion dollars in construction of industrial parks across the country, an important step in restoring the war-torn country’s infrastructure. The agreement was ratified at the First Trade Fair in Qin Yong on July 9 and enables Chinese companies to begin construction on a total of 150 enterprises. “China, Russia, and Iran have provided substantial support to Syria during the military conflict. Therefore, it is these three countries that will a major role in the reconstruction of Syria,” the Syrian ambassador said during a press conference on the matter.
Other deals are also in the making to allow Russian companies to operate Syrian oil and gas fields, many of which have been captured from ISIS in recent months.
The purpose of the Greater KURDISTAN project is to destroy Turkey,
Iran, Syria and Iraq.
Israel supports this project, as does NATO.
Strangely, the Pentagon is also supported by Turkey, and Iraq in
this project.
Only Iran with 2000 Pasdaran forces in Syria is against it, along
with the $5 billion it has given the Syrian government, and the 1000 Pasdaran
in Iraq, and the $10 billion it has given Iraq in military and economic aid.
The collapse and defeat of the Baghdad and Damascus legitimate
governments, means the victory and realisation of Greater Kurdistan.
The USA after Vietnam (1965--1975) cannot accept military
casualties of more than 10,000 KIA....IN ANY WAR.
For the Pentagon this is a problem.
How do you dominate and takeover the world, under PNAC (2000) and
'Full Spectrum Dominance'...without losing 10,000 men?.......under the guidance
of the Jewish Neocons in the USA.
Well you undertake assymetric warefare:
1. You use USA special forces.....because after they die the USA
government can send a letter to the families that the soldiers died in action,
without explaining where, when, how and for what to the family and media. They
can be used anywhere in the world, without doing a lot of explanations.
Plausible deniability.
2. Proxy forces: ISIS, 'al-CIA-duh', Contras, the local police, the
local INTELLIGENCE. The CIA especially under GWOT has developed extensive
networks around the world with local intelligence services.
3. Intelligence...especially military Intelligence.
AND lo, here are USA special forces in Syria, building their proxy
forces and supporting them in military action.
This is what Turkey has supported, since 2011.
Revealing their positions by the Turkish government is a little
late, and yes sneaky, especially since Turkey is a NATO member.
The manly thing to do is mass 300,000 Turkish troops in the
Syrian/Turkish border, with air support, and destroy the illegal Kurdish entity
in Syria. Then the USA special forces, and NATO special forces illegally
stationed in Northern Syria (operating against the interests of NATO Turkey)
will run home to their mothers, even before they meet any Turkish ground
The illegal Turkish held areas of Northern Syria, around Jarabulus
should of course be peacefully handed over to the legitimate Syrian government
in Damascus.
Morally and legally under International law it would be wrong for
Turkey to hold on to sovereign Syrian territory, whilst simultaneously ejecting
Western forces in the country.
Turkey can if it wants, consult on such matters with the
governments in Damascus and Tehran. It is not haram to speak with a brother and
neighbor. It is not haram to speak with Israel It is not haram to speak with the USA It is not haram to speak with Russia
It is haram when an honored guest arrives thirsty and poor to the
house, and is kept waiting for 30 minutes during Eid- al- fitr in October, in the
evening..... upon the guidance of the CIA baba. Then the guest has to leave the
restaurant hungry, and humiliated.
Syrian and Iraqi oil through ISIS Abe. Syrian and Iraqi ancient historical artifacts through the mafia ISIS Abe. Syrian and Iraqi women and children through ISIS Abe. Syrian and Iraqi industry and capital equipment through the mafia and ISIS Abe.
US increased number of military posts in PKK/PYD-held territories in Syria to ten
By Levent Tok, Mohamad Misto and Selen Temizer at Information Clearing House.
The U.S. has increased the number of military posts in the terrorist PKK/PYD-held Syrian territories to ten.
According to Anadolu Agency reporters, a U.S. military point has recently been established in PKK/PYD-held areas in northern Syria.
Washington had set up two airbases in PKK/PYD-held Rmeilan district in the northeast of Al-Hasakah province in October 2015 and Harab Isk village in southern Kobani in March 2016.
While the Rmeilan airbase is large enough for cargo planes to land, Harab Isk base is only used by military helicopters.
While a part of the U.S. military aid to PKK/PYD goes through Iraqi border by land, the other part is shipped to the region through the Rmeilan airbase.
These “field-type” military points are usually hidden for security reasons, making it hard to be detected, according to Anadolu Agency reporters.
Apart from the military points, the U.S. also uses some other places which are hard to be detected like residential areas, PKK/PYD camps, easily transformed factories as operational points.
The U.S. forces keep the construction of operational points hidden by declaring some areas as “prohibited area” in northern Syria, the reporters say.
There are contact officers for airstrikes and artillery shelling, military consultants, training officers, operational planning officers and military units to engage in active conflicts in eight military points.
The equipment in the military points includes artillery batteries with high maneuverability, multi-barrel rocket launchers, various mobile equipment for intelligence and armored vehicles such as “Stryker” for general patrols and security.
Military points in Al-Hasakah
There are also three military points in Al-Hasakah, the latest of which was established in the northern district Tal Baydar.
According to the reporters, 100 U.S. Special Forces soldiers have been deployed to Tal Baydar within the scope of the fight against the Daesh terrorist group.
There are also foreign soldiers from the U.S.-led coalition stationed in the old farm district of Tal Tamir, which is located south of Resulayn near the Syrian-Turkish border.
There are also 150 U.S. Special Forces units in Ash Shaddadi district, south of Al-Hasakah, with a view to backing PKK/PYD during anti-Daesh operations.
Military points in Manbij
The U.S. has established two operational posts in Manbij in 2016 when PKK/PYD captured the district.
One of these posts is located in Ayn Dadad town in the district, which can be used by U.S. Special Forces for patrols against the Free Syrian Army (FSA) units rescued during the Turkish Euphrates Shield Operation.
The other military unit is located in Usariye town, west of Ayn Dadad with the purpose of protecting PKK/PYD units against FSA.
Military points in Raqqah
There are also three military posts in the northern province of Raqqah.
Along with U.S. special forces units, French special forces are stationed in a military post located in Mistanur hill, south of Kobani.
Around 200 U.S. soldiers and 75 French special forces units are also stationed in the PKK/PYD base in Ayn Issah town in northern Raqqah.
A military post in the town of Sirrin in Kobani is also used for airbornes. PKK/PYD is supplied with military equipment and ammunition through this post.
This post also serves as a communication center of the anti-Daesh coalition and used for disrupting Daesh communications.
PYD, the Syria offshoot of the terrorist organization PKK, is in control of Al-Hasakah in the east, northern Raqqah, Manbij, to the east of Aleppo, Afrin and Tal Rifaat districts.
Recognized by the U.S. as an ally in the fight against Daesh, PKK/PYD militants run under the name of the Syria Democratic Forces (SDF) in the war-torn country.
Despite the fact that the militants were given SDF uniforms, some of them wear uniforms with banners of Abdullah Ocalan, jailed head of PKK terrorist organization in Turkey.
. The Clever American shuffle to split the two strategic long term friends is not working......not even with the use of the Nazi Germans......or even with India (Fascist religious based right-wing government brought into power by the USA in 2014) Their game is simple....promise the earth to China, and wield the big stick against Russia. OR Promise the earth to Russia in G-20 meetings in Germany (Putin speaks German, and as a KGB officer in the 1980's was posted there....so he still has many German contacts and friends there.....for Putin, Germany is his comfort ZONE)....and threaten China with North Korean attacks, Pacific Sea attacks and India. The trick is to understand the game of 'DIVIDE AND CONQUER' ....and not become entrapped by it. A joint military maneuver in the Far East between China and Russia is good....in the Pacific with both navies is good, Near the South China Sea....In the Baltics with both navies is good. But it almost smells of tokenism. China should have joined Russia shoulder to shoulder fighting the CIA's ISIS in Syria, ESPECIALLY given the fact that 10,000 Chinese terrorists were/are based there in Northern Syria and NATO Turkey...hearded, trained, armed and marshaled by the CIA with MIT, with future Islamist ops in Central Asia and Sinkiang, China. Training Syrian army medical units SAA in China is mere tokenism. China should have voted with Russia....in the UNSC 100% over Syria, rather than allow the CIA spies and pro-Americans in Beijing to force an abstention over the critical vote of who exactly initiated the criminal chemical attack in Syria, against civilians. In a true security block China must stand 100% with Russia, and Russia must stand 100% with China. But not through tokenism and gestures politics. OBOR.....is a remarkable strategic goal that will change the world for the better. The setting up of the banks for OBOR, AND the remarkable humanitarian and economic INFRASTRUCTURE projects across ASIA .......as a grand first step....they are truly visionary. However, as stated oft before an economic goal and an economic alliance is not going to be effective unless they contain clear SECURITY DIMENSIONS. OBOR and SCO needs a separate security cooperation agreement between member states, operating rather like NATO.....and sending and voting military action around the world whenever, and wherever member states vote or decree. Neo-liberal/Globalist USA will economically collapse.....soon. Who will take care of the earth then?? China can attempt to do so alone. OR China can do so within an alliance of partners from the SCO, under a formal INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AGREEMENT. The latter is safer for China's long term security. _____________________________________________________
Chinese Warships Enter Baltic Sea — For Drills With Russia
A Chinese naval squadron has sailed into the Baltic Sea to join the Russian navy for annual two-nation drills. .
The Chinese squadron consists of a supply ship, missile frigate and a Type 052D destroyer. The latter is the most advanced guided missile destroyer in Chinese service which is highly significant:
"By sending its most advanced guided-missile destroyers, China is expressing its sincerity to Russia and also sends a strong signal to other countries who plan to provoke us," said Li Jie, a Beijing-based navy expert.
The Chinese ministry of defense says the drills are not aimed at any third party:
The Chinese ministry of national defense said the drills are held every year, and are not aimed at any third party. The drills are meant to enhance the China-Russia ties and also to improve both sides' ability to cope with maritime threats.
But at the same time the Chinese seem to be privately aware that by holding the exercise in the Baltic they are in fact sending a message:
Holding this year's drills in key strategic locations sets them apart from those in the past, Li said, citing the Baltic Sea as the scene of confrontations between countries, such as the US and Russia.
Recently Beijing has become increasingly upset with US presence in the South China Sea. It may see exercising with the Russians in the Baltic as just the right antidote.
Amusingly the Dutch, the British and the Danes all scrambled to escort the Chinese past their shores, and the British tabloids in particular are making the most of the Chinese "armada": The Sun, Daily Mail, Daily Express. .
Even more amusingly, as the Daily Mail reports, the British trailed the Chinese squadron with their trusty HMS Richmond which looks like this:
. This CIA game of arming Syrian terrorists since 2011, created multiple security problems for the USA state (The threat of Islamic terrorism, which the CIA believes it can manage and control since IT alone creates and runs it....and is perceived as good business for the CIA): 1. The CIA created an illegal funnel for arms from Libyan terrorists ....Turkish MIT middle men....and Syrian terrorists. 2. The CIA created an illegal funnel for arms from Ukraine terrorists, Eastern European governments and terrorists ....Turkish MIT middle men....and Syrian terrorists. 3. The CIA created an illegal funnel for arms from Israeli terrorists ....Turkish MIT middle men....and Syrian terrorists. 4. The CIA created an illegal funnel for arms from Saudi Arabia and GCC terrorists ....Turkish MIT middle men....and Syrian terrorists. 5. The CIA created an illegal funnel for arms from Jordanian terrorists .......and Syrian terrorists. 6. The CIA created an illegal funnel for arms from NATO terrorists ....Turkish MIT middle men....and Syrian terrorists. 7. The CIA created an illegal funnel for arms from the Turkish state ....Turkish MIT middle men....and Syrian terrorists. 8. The CIA created an illegal funnel of Middle Eastern terrorists ....with the help of Turkish MIT middle men....and organised and funneled them into Syria. So that they could commit WAR CRIMES against the good peaceful people of Syria, since 2011. Where maybe 500,000 people have died 7,000,000 have become internal refugees 6,000,000 external refugees, heading to Europe. $350 billion worth of damage to this small peaceful sovereign nation.
Is Syria important? No there are far more important countries. Is Syria important for the USA? No not really. Was Socialist Syria hostile to the USA, before 2011? No it wasn't......it collaborated extensively with the ILLEGAL CIA rendition program....and may have even participated in killing Hezbollah Leaders in Lebanon and Syria. It meekly and obediently withdrew from Lebanon after threats from the USA in 2005. So what is the USA problem? The problem is the USA has become AN INCONSEQUENTIAL SECURITY annex butt buddy of the Israeli Likud Neocons (most neocons are JEWS) The vile filthy smelly Jew with the North African Bongo Bongo religion wants his neighborhood destroyed...and he wants the USA to do it for him.....no peace, but permanent war with its neighbors. For Greater Israel. So the problem ends at least in Syria, and again President Trump has made a decisive decision which serves American interests first? No, not quite. Whilst the CIA may end its terrorist supporting ways in Syria, at least, the Pentagon at the apex of the $1.5 trillion security budget of the USA...($800---900 billion annual budget..nobody really knows) Has SNEAKED IN TO SYRIA, under the cover of the Greater Kurdistan project in Syria, and pockets in Southern Syria......ILLEGALLY. The Lone hyper-power in the world has SNEAKED into Sovereign Syria illegally. For NATO Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria and logically Russia.....the creation of Greater Kurdistan is a challenge and a problem. There is an UN charter which states that ALL people have rights to self determination. But the UN concept was propagated in a climate of ANTI--COLONIALISM.....of colonies run by mostly European powers.(1950's, 1960's 1970's) If every ethnic group had their own country then we may end up with 1000 nations in the UNGC. This is undesirable, since small vulnerable new states will be open to predatory powers such as the CIA and their globalist Jewish financiers......usually with exploitative looting intentions.
US officials say that President Trump has decided to formally end the CIA program to arm Syrian rebel factions, a program that has been active for years, and highly criticized for having seen a lot of the US provided arms ending up in the hands of al-Qaeda and other Islamists.
This arms smuggling scheme had long-standing problems, and was frozen earlier this year because the rebel factions the US was supporting have been fighting one another increasingly, and have been less and less interested in fighting either ISIS or the Syrian government.
This move won’t end the US arming of the Kurdish YPG, as this scheme is wholly independent from the CIA program, and is being run directly by the Pentagon. The factions getting arms from the CIA are mostly based in Idlib, with some smaller groups along the Jordan border.