Oct 7, 2024

The so called Islamic revolution in Iran 1979 (AKA Arab Spring 2011) is JEWISH.





Both the Islamic Revolution in Iran and the Arab Spring were facilitated by the USA.

With Israel

and NATO participation

The nucleus of the ideas originated from Rothschilds London.

But why? 

Why remove a staunch ally and certified puppet who is obedient and replace him with crazy mullahs in the place of the shah?

De-legitimation of the Iranian state

Destabilisation of the Persian state

Degeneration of the Persian state from becoming a prosperous modern state

to make Israel look pretty vis a vi Persia, and the whole of the greater Middle East.....thus, little Israel can be portrayed as under threat from scimitar-waving fanatics out to destroy Israel. ... therefore requiring tea sympathy and material support to protect the illegal entity.

For JEWS to usurp POWER, as they have always done DURING OR after a Revolution since the late 18th century, with the aid of the Rothschilds...Weimar Germany/Nazi Germany   the Soviet Union

to destabilise the Soviet Union with its 20% Muslim population. Doesn't make sense if the Soviet Union, and especially the KGB is already run by Jews? Jews often fight amongst themselves. The Rothschilds of London often decide that a country is no longer needed, it can be abused, failed and finally discarded.

This project was named 'ARC OF CRISIS'' from Rothschilds London in the 1970's.

Inbred spastics who have a lot of money. This enables them to buy whole governments like RUSSIA (Putin) and most consequentially for the world, the USA. Trump is very responsive to other peoples money. Trump and Putin are buddies BFF.

This was not another genius original clever idea from the think tanks of the Rothschilds but was borrowed from the British Empire playbook, whose bureaucrats and officers Jacob and Viktor Rothschilds surrounded themselves with:

1. Persia in the 19th century and the promotion of deviant Islam in the shape of the Agha Khan to work as the puppet of the British Empire, and replace the Qajar dynasty. Since 1600 Shia Safavid Persia forged a military alliance with England, for the purpose of trade and military exchange to counterbalance the Sunni Ottoman Empire. 

All-India Muslim League in Dhaka 1906, modern day Bangladesh

2. The creation of the Muslim League in India in 1906. To counterbalance the growing popularity of the secular Congress Party, itself created by the British with British ideals of Democracy as an Oxymoron contradictory idea ''to be implemented and promoted''' in the acrophal British rule in India (30 million plus Indians died in the Sub-continent from (1757-1947).

3. The creation of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt in 1928, and the funding of the first Mosque in Cairo where the organisation did its illegal political preaching. The purpose of the Muslim Brotherhood for the British Empire was to sabotage the very powerful middle class SECULAR Egyptian nationalist movement.

Why do we call the Islamic revolution in Iran 1979, JEWISH?

The Rothschilds of London are Jewish, though outwardly they appear hyper British aristo's who would never been seen near a synagogue. They have posh toff British accents. But they are clearly Jewish because they marry within their circles, and pursue agenda's which are Jewish--good or bad.

fat Jew bastard on the left

The carrier pigeon flying Monkey who took this idea of deviant Islam to the USA in the 1970s was a Jew working in the British Foreign Office, Sir Bernard Lewis perched at Princeton University preaching the dangerous idea of the ''Clash of Civilisation'' and the promotion of deviant Islam to gullible Americans. Buried in Tel-a-viv, Israel.




ERETEZ Israel Greater Israel 2018 Tel-A-Viv, not Oxfordshire

The 1970s were a politically unstable time for the USA. Not quite a revolution, but certainly uncertain times. Wholesome WASP themes of history, the country with its fresh air simple morals, and Westerns were ditched for deviant Jewey city dwelling people with ALL their sexual and ethnic WOKE identity issues.

The office of the President was delegitimized by Watergate and the Washington Post. A serving popular President who won a landslide IN 1972 had to bow out of power, due to the actions of some Deep State actors in his party. Far Worse crimes were committed by US presidents before Nixon and namely LBJ.

This weakness led to the Rothschilds of London sliding in their chosen USA puppet Saint Jimmy Carter of the Democratic Party. An ex-naval Intelligence officer, and Christian Evangelical. Not particularly capable REMARKABLE character worthy of the office of President, from a backwater USA state.

Friend of Bangladesh

Why do we call President Jimmy Carter a puppet of the Rothschilds, and the USA's first-ever GLOBALIST President?

He had certain credentials/qualities which satisfied the Rothschilds of London.

For all his naval Intelligence days and Christian evangelical convictions he was a thoroughly weak man, NOT FIT TO BE PRESIDENT OF THE MOST POWERFUL NATION ON EARTH. And a challenging job.

Just after Carter won a narrow victory, this was characterised by a momentous CONSTITUTIONAL TREASON INCIDENT in the Whitehouse. In January 1977, Henry Kissinger told Jimmy Carter that he had no REAL POWER as a duly elected President and that he had to follow the orders of the GLOBALIST, and the Rothschilds of London. 

Incident NOT COVERED OR INVESTIGATED BY THE WASHINGTON POST or anyone in the fourth estate. A million times bigger than WATERGATE.

Upon being told this in the Whitehouse ''President Jimmy Carter'' cried for one whole day and night.

We don't think President Nixon, for all his faults, would have accepted this.

This is not a conspiracy tirade against Democrats, because since 1977 there have been plenty of GLOBALIST REPUBLICAN Presidents. 

''The Rothschilds of London are my TRUE masters'' became the new normal in the American Presidential seat after Jimmy.


What memes and agendas did Jimmy Carter promote which satisfied the Rothschilds of London?

1. The facilitation of the 'ARC OF CRISIS' policy from the Rothschilds of London .....supporting and creating FAKE FIFTH COLUM ISLAMISTS TO destabilise moderate, even pro-Western puppet regimes, and put the ISLAMISTS in charge, OR TRY TO. It sounds counterintuitive to the NORMAL PERSON, BUT TO THE SPASTIC INBRED ROTHSCHILDS....it makes perfect sense to have a successful rich happy ISRAEL, surrounded by desolation and utter genocide and war crimes despair in the Greater Middle East.

You know what I'm talking about? Lush suburban modern Israeli HOUSES, some including occupied former Palestinian houses right on the fence with the Gaza strip, playing loud Western music, music concerts and wild parties within earshot of the Palestinian refugees.

Going to CAIRO in 2009 and giving a speech about Kumbaya my Lord,   shucks why can't we just get along      based on a false trope canard   that the Muslims are undertaking Jihad  No they are not  just the IMAGINATION OF  JEW BERNARD LEWIS, AND HIS WASP mouth piece Professor Samuel Huntington (Useful idiot). Two years later the USA with Israel, and NATO attempt to put 'al-Qaeda' in power in EGYPT 2011, Libya 2011, Tunisia 2011, Iraq 2014 and Syria 2011.

Think about the level of devious duplicity by such creatures.

2. The CELTIC MEME: Jacob is Celtic-looking, and his son Nathan is very very Celtic-looking. The Rothschilds have weaponised the Celtic identity to FURTHER ISRAELS agenda.

Jeffrey Epstein stuff with working-class British children. They can't get enough of vulnerable poor victims, who scream and cry in agony. Its a hard on for them.

Nathan Rothschilds, son of Jacob, who does a lot of business with Putins Russia.

The arguments are spastic and inbred banal with Jacobs take on CELTS.

According to Victor and Jacob Rothschilds, Celtic people are viewed as inferior to other white people, and thus to prove naysayers wrong, all Celts must wage war against the perceived naysayers. 

Utter bs from the Rothschilds which could be a subconscious projection of Israel...and Israelis.


Thus weaponising CELTS for the Rothschilds.

Through Hollywood and the Jewish-run Western media in the USA in particular. Reinforcing racist tropes, whilst SIMULTANEOUSLY professing to FIGHT RACISM...WITH WOKE CULTURE WARS.

Indo-European, Germans (through movies mostly!!!) English, Aryans and Iranians.

This is all utter nonsense and the furtive imagination of the Rothschilds.

It helps that the Rothschilds originally from FRANKFURT shifted gear from being neighbourhood two-bit pawn brokers to BIG-TIME money lenders to German principalities forever at war in the 18th century,  or loaning out private soldiers to other European powers (Hessians for the British army).


If you can get Celts fired up to wage war. Good business.

If you get CCP China fired up against India (where the two civilisations have co-existed for 5000 years peacefully) and you WHISPER THROUGH THE FLYING monkey that INDIA is a real rival to China...great job, good business.

The majority of Celts are NOT invested in this kooky RACE WAR idea from the Rothschilds. They would laugh it out of town, if they knew British and American government officers were promoting this idea.

The majority of Celts don't suffer from this inferiority complex, which must be satisfied through deviant political action, WAR and genocide. 

And why should they?

Southern Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, Northern Spain, The UK, The Republic of Ireland, Canada, the USA, Australia, New Zealand and Galata Turkey are extremely successful and happy places. Why on earth should Celts feel inferior and low living in such countries?

Jimmy Carter was specifically chosen as a CELTIC-LOOKING American of Anglo descent. 

IRAN/PERSIA was marked for regime change for the two above reasons. Iran literally means ''Land of the Aryan'' and obviously, it couldn't be allowed to be the new Japan in Asia. Blindsiding Israel with its light, civilisation and success.

So bring in medieval mullahs from the Stone Age an epoch that never in Persian history happened before. And so to Afghanistan, Ukraine and Russia.


Should Belgium attack France, because maybe the French look down on the Belge?

Should New Zealand attack Australia with stealth submarines because Australians think ALL NEW ZEALAND people are sheep shaggers?

What a world that would be. Yes in the Neanderthal/Neolithic Stone Age and the medieval era, but in the 21st century??

In London when I was ANOINTED with this fake meme from the Rothschilds in 2000, to TURBO CHARGE THE ZEAL OF THE NEWLY CONVERTED USEFUL IDIOT MINORITY...... nothing could be further from my mind. I didn't need to think about Celts and other such esoteric topics. I was thinking about BASICS....getting a job as a Barrister where I had toiled over 8 years and built up a debt. I was thinking every minute about the torture and harassment in London, and how to end it so that I COULD SIMPLY EXIST. AND how to leave the UK, and find a new future as a lawyer in the USA in 2001.

So Jimmy Carter invited the Shah to Washington in November 1977. Jimmy Carter had instructions from the Rothschilds of London that he must obey, along with rumours that the Shah had bankrolled Nixon's election of 1968, and especially 1972.....The Shah was protected by a group of hardcore USA deep state actors, so it was better for Saint Jimmy to deliver any Rothschild's message in the safety of Washington..

Saint Jimmy tells the Shah that he must meet Western standards of liberal Democracy, greater human rights, and greater open free public gatherings. He must release all Tudeh communists from prison, with links to the Soviet Union. PDQ. Now!

bigly menu order from a staunch puppet ally.

Obedient ally.

Buy our nuclear reactors 1974 $25 billion program ($125 billion 2024)

Buy our weapons 1969-1977   $27 billion ($135 billion 2024)

Buy the overpriced 80 jet at $3.8 billion to save the Grumann company from going bankrupt

The collapse of the Bretton Woods system, and the Gold standard...''The collapse of the Bretton Woods system, which effectively ended the international gold standard, occurred when President Richard Nixon announced the suspension of the US dollar's convertibility to gold in 1971, commonly known as the "Nixon shock," marking a shift to a system of floating exchange rates between major currencies; this effectively ended the fixed exchange rate system established at Bretton Woods in 1944 where most currencies were pegged to the US dollar, which was itself directly convertible to gold at a fixed rate....''

Put your oil money in Jew banks 1953-1979 $200 billion ($1000 billion 2024)

CODE: The USA was going to regime change Iran from a progressive Monarchy (By Middle East standards) with Medieval Mullahs..where the Carter regime opened a line of communication to Ayatollah Khomenei who was encouraged to move from Iraq in exile to the West, where the USA could better guide and package his revolution from 1978, using the services of the BBC Persia service.

The removal of 800 CIA officers. Many close to the Shah. Under the guise of the Church Commission.

The forced release of Tudeh Communist political prisoners from Evin prison in Tehran, who would spearhead the revolution. They were highly motivated and organised. Not one mullah died during the destabilisation 1977-1979.

The usual rent a mobs, and FALSE FLAGS....the worst being at a cinema in Southern Iran, where the Cinema caught fire and the doors were locked--400 civilians died and Shah's security forces Gendarmes were blamed, falsely.

No Human rights or Greater freedom for Central or South America however, where American-trained death squads reigned, or for Africa, or the rest of Middle East. .....or rest of ASIA for that matter. This was classic GLOBALIST ROTHSCHILD double standard duplicity--''Save the children Fund''..but fuck Palestinian kids genocide.

A stream of American officials came to Tehran, ranging from the Pentagon to State Department officials, BUT THEY ALL GAVE THE SHAH THE WRONG ADVICE...with decades of learned helplessness as an American puppet.

Khomenei the American agent entered Iran on 1st February 1979.

1. Israeli ambassador and embassy staff celebrating the return of Ayatollah Khomenei, on the streets of Tehran. (Trita Parsi: Treacherous Alliance: The secret dealings of Israel, mullah Iran and the USA).

2. Saeed Emami, deputy head of Savama (Iranian secret police) and the Chain murders in the 1990's..JEW..who did an Eli Cohen.

Imagine the POWER of the Jewish networks inside IRAN to manipulate one of their own to become Deputy Head of the Secret Police with real powers, AND PASS HIM OFF as an Iranian patriot. The free-wheeling killing spree continued unabated especially in the 1990's, until it became such a crescendo, that even the Mullahs were appalled. Arrested and eventually executed, WITHOUT TRIAL, just like his victims.

3. The assassination of President Raisi by JEWS in Iranian security. He finally attacked Israel

4. The assassination of Hamas and Hezbollah leaders in Iran, invited as guests to the country, by JEWS inside Iran.

5. The cowardly missile attack against Pakistan. As pressure was building to DEAL with ISRAEL domestically. Could have been a nod towards me, as I'm a Paki myself or Indian at other times, and the mullahs are ultra-sensitive and reactive to my banal rants since 2007. Very Jewey kosher. Deflection. I am in fact BRITISH Barrister/Teacher from the UNITED KINGDOM. I cannot control what the Rothschilds think and imagine what I really am....Hitler, Genghis Khan, Cyrus the Great, Turkic leader whose going to South India to genocide, Somali Pirate. All of them at once.

The Jew barometer detector IS when you say something about a country, and that country reacts.

You spend years through propaganda about how much you care for the Palestinians. More than your own people it seems.

''After we defeat Saddam Hussein, then our military will march to Jerusalem and liberate the PALESTINIANS''

You set up the al-Quds force, an elite military unit with an Arab name inside Persia ....meaning Jerusalem in Arabic.

You give money to HAMAS, a Sunni Islamic outfit set up by ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE in the 1970's....to split up the Palestinians  ''Arc of Crisis''.

You give millions of speeches lionising the Palestinian's plight in Iran.

But when the genocide starts after October the 7th 2023 in Gaza against the poor Palestinian people, YOU DO NOTHING.

When the Israelis kill many Iranian generals going about their business in Iraq and Syria fighting ISRAEL'S ISIS .........you do nothing.

When the Israelis kill Iranian security INSIDE IRAN along with scientists you do nothing.

Then YOU have no business ruling IRAN. You lose credibility legitimacy.

Israel attacks mullah Iran, and the BEST THE MULLAHS CAN do is attack IRANIAN WOMEN.....due to dress codes.

Worthless donkeys run by JEWS.


6. Iranian backed Houthis In Yemen attack ships in International waters (Red Sea), including ships from CHINA, INDIA AND RUSSIA!!!! How does this help the Palestinians Habibi?? It DE-LEGITIMATES THE PALESTINIAN CAUSE, AND CEMENTS WESTERN COLONIAL RESOLVE TO AID ISRAEL...More Jewey policy from mullah Iran.

Submarines are WORTHLESS in the shallow waters of the PERSIAN GULF. Unless you are planning to pay a courtesy visit to Cuba and Venezuela.....for what???

7. The chronic obsession to build a Blue Water navy that can sail into the Red Sea, and the South Atlantic into Cuba and Venezuela with just 3% GDP allocation on defense, and a basket-weaving economy. Even though the enemy is clearly threatening to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, and with USA aid 2,000-3,000 further infrastructure targets in the country. Carpet bombing IRAN back to the stone age (ISRAEL BAITS MULLAH IRAN FIRST)...More Jewey policy from Mullah Iran.

I mean the enemy has given examples for Iran to study in Lebanon, Syria and Yes IRAQ, on June 7, 1981, Israel attacked Iraq's nuclear reactor at the Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Center in Diyala Governorate, Iraq. The attack, codenamed Operation Opera, was a surprise airstrike that destroyed the unfinished Osirak reactor. 40 years ago, as an objective lesson for IRAN--HOW DUMB FUCK DONKEY DO YOU HAVE TO BE?

Unless you are a Jew in Iran. Running the show.

8. The industrial-scale mass murder of Iranian nationals inside Iran since 1979 by Mullah Iran, just like the Mongol occupation in the 13th century or the occupation by a foreign hostile power......More Jewey policy from Mullah Iran.

Including little children for falling in love, .....for falling innocently naturally in LOVE.

General Qassem Soleimani JEW

Imagine the POWER of the Jewish networks inside IRAN to manipulate one of their own to become an elite commander of the Quds force, AND PASS HIM OFF as an Iranian patriot.

Has a BIG JEWEY nose, and was obsessed with the Gym.

Mahmoud Ahmedinejad  JEW

In Arab gear in PERSIA...I'll comment about this later. Its about standardising your perceived enemy for the international audience, missing out the fact that IRAN literally means ''Land of the Aryans''...''the towel head sand niggers are here''....Ay-rabs to you.

Humanity IS subtle and varied, beautiful and different....not one size fits ALL.

Imagine the POWER of the Jewish networks inside IRAN to manipulate one of their own to become President, AND PASS HIM OFF as an Iranian patriot. Many years of disastrous rule and sheer mismanagement.
Not to mention the obvious baiting of Israel. He did not say Israel will be wiped out, but that given its ZIONIST STANCE, it will eventually disappear as irrelevant historically from the anals of history. Mis translation from his political ENEMIES INSIDE IRAN...many Iranians just hate him given his looks and style of politics.

His close butt buddy and advisor inside IRAN was arrested for practising '''witchcraft.'' Euphemism for practising Jewish Kaballah mysticism. I mean if you use certain peculiar scents during evening sessions of prayer, and chant too loudly in Yiddish...then you gonna get noticed in MULLAH IRAN, but not in the Shah's Iran with 300,000 Jews purportedly.

Several associates of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, including a close ally named Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei, were arrested in mid-2011 for charges related to witchcraft and economic corruption. These arrests highlighted a period of significant political turmoil in Iran during Ahmadinejad's presidency.

Psst!  I too do a little bit of Kabbalah mysticism...''Kadosh Kadosh Kadosh, Adonai te Sabayouth''' I guess that makes me an ARYAN JEW.

This is all so clever, I have to congratulate them (The JEWS)

(i) Manage to break a good relationship with the IRANIAN people, and the JEWS established from 539 BC when Cyrus the Great entered Babylon and liberated the JEWS from slavery and bondage, helped them back to Palestine and provided money to rebuild their temples and much more. The liberated JEWS became an important cog in the wheel of the Persian Empire. The story of Esther and the HAMAN is just Jewish victimhood fantasy, rather likes Jacobs CELTIC MEME, there is no historical basis for this PURIM fantasy. None. Nobody in their right mind celebrates REAL PERSECUTION as a national holiday!!!!  


2. Remove and replace a pro-Israel Shah with Mullahs..Arre Vah Vah!! It has a name its called CRISIS MANAGEMENT, Israels state policy since 1947. Create the Crisis, and then manage it within your own terms, taught to them by the British Empire.....General Orde Wingate. Its not an Israeli Jew idea. 

It sounds so clever, and may have worked for the British Empire into War Crimes and genocide, BUT TO BUILD A DELICATE LITTLE ILLEGAL ENTITY IN THE LEVANT ON OCCUPIED TERRITORY (somebody else's land), surrounded by Moooooslims, maybe not so smart??? What do you think? Not everybody is a GAY butch Sparten into permanent war. Didn't the Spartens disappear from the pages of history and Athens triumphed?

3. Destroy a 2,500 community of Persian Jews 200,000 in 1979.....all gone save 20,000. The rest are under pseudonyms......HIDING IN FEAR   UNDER DISGUISE FRETTING SORROWFULLY and some even conspiring against the country.

4. Israel now wants to bomb IRAN back to the stone age, with American help.

I think ISRAEL BEING A HAVEN OF SUCCESS AND WEALTH ....AND HAPPINESS is great whilst everybody else in the neighbourhood is destroyed.

I think this this the right way to go. 

Best of luck to Eretz ISRAEL

You can do it! ISRAEL as Empire, and His Imperial Highness Emperor Netanyahu the I.


Aug 9, 2024

Anti-Semitism in the USA





The Democratic Party is the party of the Jewish community in the USA, where 80% of Jews vote due to its LIBERAL POSITIONS ON ALL SOCIAL ISSUES, its kindness towards minorities and its Social Welfare programs towards the majority of Americans.

The Republican Party is the Racist Party, which sucks the cock of billionaire white Christian evangelicals and promotes war, and tax cuts for the rich.

And zero government under the LIBE RTARIAN BANNER. Its solution for the Pentagon Pandemic was do nothing and let Americans die (like the callous act of 9/11). 1,100,000 Americans died subsequently ......the greatest number of any country in the world, whilst sustaining a Neo-liberal health care policy which consumes 20% of the GDP of the country. The USA is exceptional and number 1 in COVID-19 deaths. That is an achievement for the most advanced nation on earth.

Or at 2024 prices a $5.5 trillion healthcare system that couldn't sustain and support the life of 1,100,000 Americans. Absurd and Medieval. Donald Trump is thus a hero for telling Americans nothing to worry about; anyway, its from JINNA. What is the LOGIC here Donald?

Culture War hot air for the plebs      $trillions of tax dollars for the super-rich.

The two Cares Act of March 2020 poured money into the rich. When processed by the Federal Reserve this sum totalled $7.5 trillion. 

This money was mainly given to rich people.

It included money given to non-Americans

No proper audit check was kept by Goldman Sachs in the White House of who and how much.

This huge taxpayer money joined the $45 trillion loot in the 70-odd off-shore tax havens of the Rothschilds of London.

Americans don't like Jewish people to be the President of the country. Even a black man with an Arab name is preferable (Barack Hussein Obama was raised as a Mooooslim in Indonesia). Elected a mere 7 years after the False Flag of 9/11 by the American DEEP STATE. Americans are deeply forgiving, and or they don't trust their own government, and what lies it sells.

Except for the GOP, out of step with the American people with no new vision to offer for the new younger generation. It's all negative personality attacks and WOKE RACIST CULTURE WARS from the Rothschilds of London. Nothing REAL or substantive for the most advanced nation on earth.

And so also with the reactionary, conservative ALL WHITE MALE DEEP STATE OF THE USA. The brilliant idea that false flags advance nations well being, al a Nazi Germany Riechstag fire followed by dictatorship for unhinged Donnie.(German JEW). 

Complimented and butteressed by Fascist cult-like messianic LIKUD Apartheid Israel, and its False flag of 7th October 2023...(Satanic numerology) and the death of 600-1,100 innocent Israeli citizens by FRIENDLY FIRE of shells and bullets from Helicopter gunships, and tanks of the IDF over several hours of screaming Israelis on that date. Hamas had come to take TRANSACTIONAL HOSTAGES, and the Israelis knew of this FACT a full year before. Netanyahu doesn't want and is not interested in live Israeli hostages.

I know about the next big false flag in the USA






If you follow the PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING over the last 30 years...'millions of turrist coming over the Southern border on the turrist Watch list'' and yet NOTHING SERIOUS GETS DONE ABOUT IT BY THE $2 trillion Security State....then that's a SURE indication of a false Fag.

CALIFORNIA.....the most progressive Part of the USA.

With German Jew Donnie, America gets a Nazi Hitler Dictatorship and endless Nazi War. Which a certain percentage of Americans like (They have been indoctrinated by Hollywood movies). Oh Yeah, Hitler gave full employment with Rothschild money and an efficient feel good government too, with Olympics Nuremburg mass rallies and RACE WAR (The problems and faults of Germany lie with the ''OTHER''.--never our government)

With Kamala Devi you will get scatty misinformed poorly implemented Socialism, and GOOD INTENTIONS, VERGING ON CUTENESS.....BUT nowhere near as bad and fundamental epoch-changing as Der Fuhrer Donnie, Zieg Heil!!!


Kamala Devi Lemon stand. Poorly implemented GOOD INTENTIONS. 


It has been a Rothschilds obsession also to conflate Indians with Africans. In my particular case Somalis. I'm in fact an Aryan. IT IS THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT REASON WHY JACOB ROTHSCHILDS WANKS OVER ME.    

Eran (IRAN), Ariana (AFGHANISTAN) and Arya Varta (Abode of the Aryans: NORTHERN INDIAN SUB-CONTINENT). Also the Rothschilds fiction, and thus prepping the USA deep state, that I will genocide Southern Indians as an ARYAN with a bow and arrow horse army. I guess this is what you get when you study HISTORY at Oxford university, and thaap thaap in Eton showers.


And so Jewish Presidents have hidden their TRUE Jewish background IN MOST COUNTRIES IN THE WEST:

Teddy Roosevelt....OTT WILD WEST hunter MAN

Harry Soloman Truman, who came to power as VP after FDR;s death.

LBJ the Jewish cowboy from Texas (The most criminal of USA presidents-killing a sitting American President JFK, using the Deep State, cus he wanted to be President). Held Whitehouse cabinet meetings from the toilet. Stripped naked on Force One, whilst holding meetings on the plane, to display his Dinka-sized Percy. Entered the USA in the disastrous Vietnam War, which led to the deaths of at least 100,000 Americans and TOTAL DEFEAT by a bunch of rice farmers ( Including Genocide and War crimes). The first time the world finds out the USA is a predatory Capitalist villain killing 4,000,000 innocent people to defeat Communism, and not with ideas, hope and freedom...on the coattails of European colonial power.

Busch I (German Jews). Very close with the Jewish Saudi Family, and the Bin Ladens. Attempted to kill a sitting president Ronald Regan, as VP may have also played a part in JFK's assassination. With Reagan introduced Neo-liberal ''Trickle down'' economics which eventually would destroy the American Middle class and working class. Under Reagan, American manufacturing was off-shored to Mexico and China...including sensitive defence production. Globalism 101.

The extended Bin Laden family...when not wearing Ay-rab gear.

Busch II (German Jews). Fresh out of Alcohol rehab, and business failure Daddy purchased for him the Presidency, illegally in 2000. ''Born Again Christian'' brings fundamentalist Christianity into politics. Not a good idea. GOVERNMENT IS COMPLEX AND NUANCED AND STONE AGE RILLIGIN DOESN'T PROVIDE ANSWERS FOR IT. NOR DO YOU RUN A COUNTRY THROUGH SIGNALS FROM GOD. Jewish neocons dominate his War Crimes and genocide government.

Deep LOVE, with eyes closed after post-coital sex and GOLF.
Touchy feely foreign policy in very private meetings at the Crawford Ranch in TEXAS.''I lovingly gazed into Putin's eyes and knew I could trust this man there...' paraphrased.

Donald Trump (German Jews)

Trillions of Saudi money were transferred to Donald through bagman, Zared Kushner to do their bidding. Where is the FBI...hello Foreign agent ???? He is a traitor who fucks his daughter, Salome. Sells classified state documents to private entities.

By flooding the country with illegals maybe we will eventually see an Openly Jewish Happy Hannukah President.

Russian origin Jewish BORDER HOMELAND CZAR    'ALI' Mayorkas. Cannot make this stuff up.

Yes the USA border is open in the North with Canada and the South with Mexico.

20-30 million illegals reside inside the USA.

The annual $2.0 trillion security leviathan of the USA can't seem to stem this illegal flow, along with the $1,000,000,000,000 USA narco industry, which is run by the Deep State of the USA....not greasy Diego's from Hollywood movies.

The USA is good at FUCKING UP other countries with 85 regime change operations since 1945, leading to chaos, destabilisation and strife (LIBYA--African slaves are sold in the country now for $400), but can't get its own house in order.

Who is to blame for this?

The Pentagon
Homeland Security

Or the permanent bureaucracy paid for by the American taxpayer.

Their basic job description to protect the USA. But they seemingly can't.

Elected politicians are WEAK FICKLE money chasers, narcissists seeking public-media MSM approval and adulation or ideological wingnuts with no flexibility or imagination. Very little should be expected from them.....some even being mere Crisis Actors of the Deep State like Bush II, who could barely speak or function. His sheer stupidity and ineptitude were even glorified and celebrated by the American media.

Crisis Actor Bush II Dubya non-President, sealed in the Whitehouse with his homosexual playthings.