May 10, 2024

Protecting the SILENT MAJORITY in Israel





Hitler was a very angry low IQ SOCIOPATH/PSYCHOPATH NARCISSIST, from beatings from his father and also base hatred of all people from his father. ABUSED CHILD. A very angry young man. Did not finish his school education, and for a time lived in a dormatory for homeless young men. In the Vienna home for homeless men he rented out his ASS to rich men Jewish and non Jews in the night streets of Vienna.  This homeless nightlife habit got him into trouble with the Vienna Police, so he moved to Germany and Munich, from where he never returned until he was Der Fuhrer, and 1937. In the Imperial German military he found a new calling and purpose in life, and was awarded the Iron Cross, eventually. .....surrounded by death, destruction and lots of nubile young men in uniform, in the Great War. In 1919 he failed the Deutsche poste entry exam after being demobbed, naturally, so he was recruited by German military Intelligence ABWEHR as a street fighter THUG in Turkenstrasse, fighting Communists.
We do not say BIBI is Butch Macho Gay, talking HARD AND TOUGH AROUND GENOCIDE AND WAR CRIMES.

Alois Hiedler (born Alois Schicklgruber; 7 June 1837 – 3 January 1903) was an Austrian civil servant in the customs service, and the father of Adolf Hitler, dictator of Germany from 1933 to 1945. Alois Schicklgruber was born out of wedlock. His mother was Maria Schicklgruber, but his biological father remains unknown, but the speculation is that was a Jewish man named Leopold Frankenberger (amongst several possible candidates, including being a love child of the Rothschilds)...biological DNA research suggest however that he had North African roots as well as JEWISH genetics.

Adolf looks exactly like his mother, whom he passionately doted over. The round glazed fish eyes. The razor sharpe nose, and small beautiful tight mouth. But unfortunately for the world he had the dysfunctional personality of his father. Hitlers Doppleganger had a chubby flatish nose, and committed suicide in Berlin. The real Hitler escaped to Argentina with the aid of Allen Dulles and the American Empire, where he died in March 1965 at the age of 77, with one possible daughter.

For the greater good of Israel the Biden administration needs to reign in the monster rather than pathetically appeal to his good nature. 

The Biden administration needs to overcome the ZIONISTS in the State Department who are protecting BIBI. 

There is a CIA report in the vaults written by an experienced qualified analyist, maybe a team of analyists who wrote in the 1990's or 2000's that Israel would eventually collapse as a cohesive modern Democracy, and descend into anarchy/failed state sometime by 2030. 

This is entirely due to diehard ZIONISTS AND ULTRA-RELIGIOUS ZEALOTS within the Israeli state who see messianic fabled religion as the main guiding light of a MODERN DEMOCRACY, with nude beaches and GAY PRIDE DAYS. 

Time to dust off that old prophetic report from the vaults of the CIA.

BIBI is a monster created by the USA Empire, and the Rothschilds of London. That is why he is the only ISRAELI POLITICIAN WHO speaks with an American accent.

The USA must not become tarnished in the eyes of the world as WAR CRIMES AND GENOCIDE ENABLERS. 

Der Fuhrer can only make it worse for everybody, if he becomes President.