Nov 25, 2010

Where is Moby Dick?

Poor old Afghanistan. The occupiers do not know what they are doing, or maybe are at cross purposes. It sounds hilarious and absurd the idea that the ISI funded and run by the USA, can't even locate their man Mullah Omer and establish a reasonable line of communication between him and the USA, after 9 years.

Actually there is no confusion in Afghanistan, merely an attempt by various interested parties to create artificial confusion so that they can continue to be useful in the context of Afghanistan, which thus justifies the illegal sorry occupation...for ever presumably.

There is no "al-Qaeda" in Afghanistan or Pakistan.

There is no real Taliban threat in Afghanistan, since it is supplied and run by Pakistan.

So for what other reason are the occupiers in Afghanistan?

The Great Game Imposter

By MAUREEN DOWD / NY times, published via

And we wonder why we haven’t found Osama bin Laden.

(Maybe because he passed away in 2001)

Though we’re pouring billions into intelligence in Afghanistan, we can’t even tell the difference between a no-name faker and a senior member of the Taliban. The tragedy of Afghanistan has descended into farce. In the sort of scene that would have entertained millions if Billy Wilder had made a movie of Kipling’s “Kim,” it turns out that Afghan and NATO leaders have been negotiating for months with an imposter pretending to be a top Taliban commander — even as Gen. David Petraeus was assuring reporters that there were promising overtures to President Hamid Karzai from the Taliban about ending the war.

Those familiar with the greatest Afghan con yet say that the British had spent a year developing the fake Taliban leader as a source and, despite a heated debate and C.I.A. skepticism, General Petraeus was buying into it. The West was putting planes and assets at the poseur’s disposal, and paying him a sum in the low six figures.

(Why did the British pull this trick against the USA? in a "live war" scenario?)

“It’s funny but not funny because the consequences are so staggering,” said a Western diplomat. “Put it this way: It was not well handled.”

We’ve heard a lot about the shadow world of Afghanistan, but this is ridiculous. We’re bargaining with the shadow of a shadow. Even President Karzai may have been fooled. The man taking us for a ride may have been taken for a ride.

Indeed, sometimes it feels as if the entire region is taking us for a ride. Everybody is lining up for Western cash, treating America, the British and NATO like suckers. President Karzai and his brother toy with us for their immense personal profit, even as they corrupt their own elections. Karzai undermines the American military plan by going up against General Petraeus on night raids. And the Taliban and the Pakistan intelligence service are playing us as well.

America is stomping around the moonscape of Afghanistan trying to do the right thing (Maureen on which planet are we deary????), but we can’t because we’re clueless about the culture to the point where we can be faked out by an imposter masquerading as Mullah Akhtar Muhammad Mansour, a high-level Taliban commander.

(Poor old USA being suckered by illiterate 4th world rag heads, whilst the USA is attempting to do the right thing by the roads, hospitals, community outreach centers, 5-star hotels, casino's, huge AC shopping mauls smack bang in the middle of towelheadstan....I feel so sorry for the USA)

As Dexter Filkins and Carlotta Gall revealed in The Times on Tuesday, the Afghan faker attended three meetings with NATO and Afghan officials, traveling across the border from Pakistan, where Taliban leaders are hiding with the help of the ISI, the Pakistani intelligence service (even though we give Pakistan billions of dollars in aid every year).

(Maureen have you ever heard of "Controlled Opposition".....or familiar with the document PNAC 2000, or the Pentagon strategy of low intensity forever wars....ONLY THEN in that narrow context American "stupidity", "confusion" and ongoing Taliban "opposition" might make sense in Afghanistan)

The Times’s article said that the phony was even ushered into a meeting with Karzai at the presidential palace in Kabul. Something the crafty Karzai denied.

He may have been dispatched as an agent by the Taliban — whose leaders still deny there are any peace talks — or the double-dealing Pakistani intelligence service. “The Taliban are cleverer than the Americans and our own intelligence service,” a senior Afghan official told The Times. “They are playing games.”

(Here is a sample example of global IQ levels The "cleverer" Afghans and sly Pakistanis don't even make it to the list. But it is definitely confirmed that there are 9 million devious sly filthy lying Jews living in the USA.....)

Bizarrely, the Afghans let the fake Mansour retreat over the border. In a further huge embarrassment for the Western intelligence community, he was not held to determine whether he was an enemy agent. Nor is this the only confusion about our war. We also can’t seem to get the calendar straight. First, we were leaving in 2011. Then maybe we weren’t. Then we weren’t leaving until 2014. Then maybe we aren’t.

(Obviously there are various constituencies trying to influence Afghan policy.......there are those who wish to stay to make as much money from the Afghan heroin. Another constituency belonging to the neo-liberal wing see Brzezinski's vision of the Grand Chess Game, and future operations against Russia, Central Asia and other nations...using Afghanistan as a springboard, and base for such things.

Yet another constituency, and the vast majority of Americans see the utter folly of being in Afghanistan. A silly war where debt ridden America is wasting the lives of its own people, and of others, whilst the USA is quickly floundering)

In trying to please all his many wartime constituencies, President Obama has provided a confusing plethora of plans and semiplans for withdrawal. No sooner had the NATO ministers in Lisbon agreed that we were staying till 2014 than Obama declared that “early 2011 will mark the beginning of a transition to Afghan responsibility.”

On the duration of our commitment to the war in Afghanistan, we seem to be faking ourselves out.

Obama wants to get out; Petraeus wants flexibility. “The real protagonists are the president and the general,” one Obama adviser noted dryly.

It should have been a sign that the Russians, who are a lot more vicious than us and have a much closer cultural attachment to the Graveyard of Empires, got whipped after 9 years and 50 days — which we’re now exceeding.

Just as with Saddam and W.M.D., or groping and the T.S.A., we get no satisfaction for the $80 billion a year we spend on intelligence. Or we get fake information like Curveball that leads us into spending trillions more on a trumped-up war. Last year, seven top C.I.A. officials were fooled by a Jordanian double-agent who got onto an American base in Khost and blew all of them up. Our agents in the “wilderness of mirrors” may not be up to le CarrĂ©, but can’t they learn to Google, or at least watch “The Ipcress File”?

(No, the spooks definitely should not be led by AMERICAN OR BRITISH fiction narrowly controlled as it is wink wink, with agenda's.....they should try and do their own thinking, out of the box, and if they are not corrupt, pursue policies that are good for their country, objectively and rationally.....we don't need government officers who are swayed by a Hollywood movies on Saturday afternoon, which translates into government policy on Monday morning.........phew no!!!! God no)

Who knows? Maybe we’ve been dealing with bin Laden all along. Maybe he’s been coming and going under a different moniker. As far as our intelligence experts are concerned, a turban and beard are just a turban and beard.


Commentary by Peter Chamberlain:

The “Legitimate Press” Almost Gets It On Afghanistan

[If you didn’t read past the second paragraph, the following would be interesting news. As it is, the author then honors her Washington press credentials and blames our losing the Afghan war on everybody but us. My point in posting it is the issue of fake “Taliban.” Anytime the legitimate press raises this topic I feel that we should all join in. The British creation of this fake Taliban negotiator, “Mullah Akhtar Muhammad Mansour” is just the British “Plan B” to their failed attempt to create the “fake Taliban” (SEE: What exactly were Mervyn Patterson and Michael Semple doing in Helmand?). I guess that I shouldn’t consider Patterson and Semple’s efforts as “failures,” since they DID accomplish their objective by creating the fake “Taliban,” the Tehreek Taliban Pakistan (TTP). They seem to be stuck on the name “Mansour,” since they used infamous Taliban warlord Mullah Dadullah’s little brother Mansour for their gambit in Wana, S. Waziristan (SEE: Dissecting the Anti-Pakistan Psyop).

The spooks have a tendency to reuse aliases and psy-ops over and over. That makes it easier for us to spot the “anomalies” that they create in our Matrix world.]